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"Rain is soothing for the soul"

Band: Kra Pairing: Keiyu&Mai Rating: 14+ Genre: romance, comedy Warnings: - Note: Keiyu likes walking in the rain, but he'd lik...

Wednesday 26 January 2022

Lady Shi

Rating: 16+
Genre: drama, metaphor
Warnings: spoiler-based warnings
Note: Next metaphor. Enjoy.

Little Chou had a home. Inside a home, there was her family.

Little Chou was playing in the garden. Her great-grandmother, Sophie, was sitting in a rocking chair and reading her a story. Suddenly wicket opened and lady in a black coat entered the garden. Chou looked at her. Grandma Sophie stood up and gave woman her hand.

"Who's that?" asked Chou.

"Lady Shi, sweetheart." grandma Sophie smiled and went with Lady Shi.

Lady Shi closed the wicket and walked away, holding grandma's hand.

Chou never saw her grandma again.

Little Chou was playing with her uncle. Uncle put down little Chou on a ground and looked at Lady Shi, who silently snuck into the estate. He sadly gave her his hand and walked away, leaving Chou alone in the backyard.

Chou never saw her uncle again.

Little Chou was playing with uncle Peter, who was only 5 years older than her. Great-grandfather was sitting in his armchair, shooshing them from time to time, because they were acting to loud for his liking. Suddenly Lady Shi came. She gave grandpa her hand and went with him somewhere far away.

Chou never saw her grandpa again.

Chou was growing up and saw Lady Shi more often. But Lady Shi paid no attention to her, passing her and not even greeting her. At some point Chou understood, that whenever Lady Shi comes for someone, that person is not coming back. So she started to cry, whenever Lady Shi came.

Chou grew up and had... lest's call him a Friend. A Friend lived behing a glass and couldn't touch Chou. She couldn't touch him either. They could only look at each other. He perhaps didn't even see her, but he felt her presence and maybe that was the reason, he was smiling. And suddenly Lady Shi came. Chou knew, what will happen now.

"Don't take him away!" she screamed, trying to break the glass and get to her Friend. "Leave him alone! You can't do this! Like you weren't allowed to take away my uncle! You can't do this! You can't!"

But Lady Shi caught her Friend, and he wasn't very happy about it. Lady Shi walked right next to Chou, dabbing her arm, then walked Friend through the wicket.

"Friend!" screamed Chou, trying to open the gate. "Friend!"

Friend turned around and looked at her sadly, then obediently followed Lady Shi.

"Friend." whispered Chou, falling to her knees.

Chou looked up. She saw Lady Shi guiding a young girl. Wasn't much older than Chou. Chou dried up. She didn't knew how to react.

Suddenly something weird happened. Lady Shi turned around, facing Chou and said:

"See? I can come for you sooner than you think. Or for someone you know, little Chou."

Then she walked away calmly, leaving Chou shocked.

Chou was thinking about this for a long time an suddenly came up with a thought:

"We never know, when Lady Shi is really coming for us."

Chou is still looking through the glass, where her Friend lived and she is still feeling his presence. And it will most propably stay like this.

The end

Wednesday 19 January 2022


Band: D
Pairing: Asagi&Ruiza
Rating: 16+
Genre: comedy, romance
Warnings: -
Note: Sometimes "cute" become "beautiful".

Asagi was standing in front of the shelves in the music store and looked in disbelief at a cover of a certain CD. He came here for some pop CD for his cousin's daughter, but he saw something he couldn't grasp. He stared and still didn't believe, what he saw.

Vocalist blinked. He took the CD in his hands. He turned it around a few times, trying to believe it actually exists and it's not just his fantasy.

Girl from the pop CD cover laying in the basked seemed confused, when the CD Asagi did not believe in, landed next to her.

Lock clicking woke up two sleeping cats. One got up right away and hid under the wardrobe, second one went under the bed and stayed there. Third cat - the oldest one, didn't even notice his owner coming back and sleept soundly.

Asagi took out of the bag both bought CDs. He hid the one for Haru in the drawer, the "nonexistant" one he put on the table and went to make himself some tea.

He came back after a few minutes. He put his mug on a pad and took the CD. He unpacked it from the foil and opened the CD box. He wondered if there are pictures in the booklet or what was it's contents in general.

Of course there were pictures inside. Asagi thought that seeing them will make him understand the situation and he'll believe in the CDs existence, but he became even more confused. He tried to understand how his Ruiza could look like that? He's the sweet blonde princess. Since always at all times Ruiza behaved like he were a girl or a princess. Maybe except when he proved he can look attractive. But he never did it in such a way. He was always cute, not breathtakingly provocative. No, that was not him. Or maybe it was him? Maybe there was other side of Ruiza? Moments, when he stopped being the cute submissive type, Asagi knew so well?

Ruiza is coming back today from his sister. He became an uncle and he had to see the little wonder right away. He's coming back. What then?

Asagi was laying on the couch so calmly that even his cats came out from their hideouts. Bara looked at Rose slightly confused even though she was just a cat. Both cats came to a conclusion they should go eat and leave their owner alone, because they don't mind that. At least they are not bothered.

Ruiza slowly opened the door, because he knew Asagi doesn't like them opened suddenly. Apparently, they cause a draft this way and Asagi cannot catch a cold because how would he sing? Vocalist was oversensitive but there was nothing Ruiza could do about it. He loved him anyway no matter his negative points and weird habits.

"Takahiro?" Ruiza was surprised when he found Asagi staring into the ceeling and doing absolutely nothing.

He didn't write anything, didn't bother his cats, wasn't posting on his blog or even watch some movie, like "My neighbour Totoro" or "Ponyo" or any other Ghibli animation. He didn't even react to the door being opened.

"Yoshiyuki." he said after a while, lifting himself from the couch. "Are you able to not be cute?"

"What?" Ruiza was slightly confused.

"There's a difference between "pretty" and "beautifull". You're usually pretty. But..." Asagi lifted the CD. "You're beautifull here. How?"

"What?" Ruiza let out a short laught and looked at Asagi. "Don't tell me you're so impressed by those pictures that... Your face looks funny now. Like you're trying to prove you didn't know about that I can pull off that look. You really didn't know?"

Asagi shook his head. Ruiza sighed. He thought about something for a moment, then left the room.

He came back with an unbuttoned shirt and holding a blue ribbon in his hand.

"Then I have to prove you I can stop being cute." he said, leaning on a wardrobe.

Asagi realized what did Ruiza say, when guitarist tied his black hair with a ribbon and pulled him by the hand towards the sleeping room.

The end

Wednesday 12 January 2022


Band: Kagrra,
Pairing: Isshi&Akiya
Rating: 16+
Genre: comedy
Warnings: -
Note: Akiya is a man who always has to check everything by himself.


Akiya was a man who had to check everything by himself. He wasn't sceptical, but he felt satisfied after confirming someone's thesis.

He knew that Isshi and Nao look at each other in a curious way, but there was one more thing interesting him. He believed it's true, but...

Isshi was a little surprised, when Akiya caught up to him after practice and said:

"Will you let me check something out?"

Isshi always thought, that he'll wont witness nothing weirder than finding two guitarists hugging each other in a broom closet. Yet he was wrong. Isshi wasn't expecting Akiya kissing him out of the blue.

Akiya moved away from him after a while, thought about something and said:

"Keiyu's right. Your lips are sweet."

And he left leaving vocalist completely confused.

The end

Wednesday 5 January 2022

Aoi Tsuki

Band: D, Kagrra,, Alice Nine, Lack-co.
Pairing: Asagi&Ruiza with Hiroki&Hide-zou, Tsunehito&San, Isshi&Nao, Tora&Akiya, Izumi&Shin in the background
Rating: 16+
Genre: fantasy, AU, romance
Series: "Hakkou Tsuki"
Warnings: violence
Note: Vampires have their shadows. Shadows follow them like loyal dogs. But what if vampires have also feelings?

The pale moonlight fell on the body covered only by the snow white bedsheets. A person deep in their dreams woke up and stretched lazily. The scene would look normal if not the person's eyes. Red irises aren't usually seen in people.

The enormous castle with hundreds of rooms was empty. All it's inhabitants died long time ago. They were as dead as the person, whose heels could be heard in the empty hallways.

"Another beautiful night, right, Asagi?" he said, sitting on the stove.

This took way too long. He was a vampire for a way too long.

He went outside. Subtle wind caressed his face. Who are those who can feel happiness? He didn't know. He never felt this. Maybe he was a nobleman, but he killed off his family. He started with men and ended with children. Little childrens' blood is much more sweet than the adults'.

Without meaning. That's what he begun to feel about this existence. Like he lost his will to exist. Suddenly and without reason. Depression? No, that wasn't it. That was something weird, like loneliness?

"What are you thinking about so much, Asagi?" he heard a voice coming from behind him.

He turned around. It was his eldest and only child for now. A child named Hiroki, who had his own child who had their own and so on...

"I can see your shadow didn't follow you this time." noticed Asagi.

Hiroki's shadow was named Hide-zou and followed him everywhere.

"Hide-zou is trying to explain to Tsunehito that turning San is not a good idea at least for now." said Hiroki.

Oh, so Hide-zou's child still doesn't have a child but wants one. At least one mystery got solved.

"This is so unnatural to see you here alone." said Asagi.

More unnatural was the fact that he was the only one here, who was still alone. Even his creator had his own giggling Gothic Lolita. Though Asagi wasn't so sure if that person following his creator and sitting on his knees could be called that.

"Once you were the one following your creator like a shadow." mentioned Hiroki. "Until you didn't turn me. Then I became yours."

"And then Hide-zou appeared and even though he has his own child he keeps on following you." said Asagi. "But I didn't sit on my master's knees every time I saw him."

"You're not a brown-haired child from a broken family, who stumbled upon the Japan's eldest vampire." said Hiroki. "How old is your creator actually?"

"Around two thousand years old or something around that." replied Asagi. "I never asked him."

"So go on and ask him." said Hiroki, passing by him. "Maybe that will calm you down."

Hiroki disappeared. Asagi knew he just wanted him to go to his creator.

"Good evening?" started Asagi, standing in the doorway of a downtown mansion.

Sadly they weren't in the middle ages anymore but in the times, where you could get hit by a car.

One of the mansion's rooms was lit. The red-eyed vampire with a brown-haired someone sitting on his lap looked at Asagi.

"You're coming here because?" Asagi's creator ignored the fact that his younger child tied his hair in a braid.

"How old are you, master?" asked Asagi, which made his master laugh.

"One thousand nine hundred thirty four." he answered and his younger child laughted. "Why did you really came here?"

"I feel weird. Like I'm missing something. Something or someone... I don't know." explained Asagi.

"Takahiro." he heard his real name.

He's gonna get a lecture.

But there was no lecture. He only felt his creator's hand on his head. He approached him? Without asking? And threw off his lat that brown-haired person? No, that makes no sense.

"Hiroki is not following you anymore, you need someone new to turn into a vampire and take care of them." said Asagi's creator. "People are dumb and naive. Give one of them some more brains."

"Of course, Isshi-sama." Asagi said quietly, waiting for his master to take his hand off his head.

He was afraid to move so he wouldn't offend him even though he knew that Isshi wouldn't hurt him. Maybe he was an old and cruel vampire devoid of his conscience, maybe his eyes had a red glow to them, maybe he treated those around him tactlessly, but he had that one important thing - feelings. And most of those feelings were given to the brown-haired person, who barely anyone called by name and everyone called him Nao. That still young person was also the only one allowed to shorten his creator's name. Because of that Asagi wondered a lot about how a vampire can fall in love. Because he couldn't find any other name for a bond between Isshi and Nao.

"Hi, Asagi-san. What's up?" when he was leaving, he stumbled upon Akiya.

Tora's child who was cheating on him all the time, not caring if it'll hurt Tora's feelings. He even turned someone recently and left that person under Izumi's care, who was the smartest out of the five or more like six vampires living in the mansion.

"I've heard you have a child." said Asagi.

"Yeah, I do but I don't have to take care of him." Akiya shrugged. "Izumida took him. Not that I mind. At least he's happy."

"Tora loves you." Asagi muttered, when Akiya passed him by.

"I know." he replied, then whispered something to himself and disappeared.

Asagi entered some human club. He sat by some table. On his way here he met Izumi and his "child" - Shin. If Nao wasn't a perfect Gothic Lolita, Hashi fit the role more.

Suddenly Asagi's eyes met Tsunehito's big eyes, who sat across him.

"Why Hide-zou won't let me to turn San?" he asked, looking at him with a look of a child who was denied a candy on his face.

"Because Hide-zou is weird and he's afraid that when you turn someone, you'll cut ties with him." Asagi explained. "And he'll be just a Hiroki's shadow."

San's blue hair flashed as Tsune got pulled away from the table for a dance.

Asagi wasn't sure if Nao could be called a Gothic Lolita. He wasn't so sure if he could call that Shin, but a person he saw could be called that for sure.

That person was short, slim, delicate and smiling. Blond hair flowed on their shoulders and maid's outfit made their look more innocent.

Asagi didn't actually know what was the demographic of that club. He only knew that San works here and the boss is so clumsy he doesn't pay attention to what's happening. The club could burn down to the ground and he wouldn't notice.

"Good evening." Asagi sat by the bar next to the Gothic Lolita. "Today was a beautiful day, am I right?"

Gothic Lolita nonded. She took the piece of paper out of her pocket and wrote:

"Is it okay if I'll communicate with you like this?"

No, Asagi wouldn't mind that. He didn't ask for a reason behing this.

"I'm Asagi. How can I call you?" he asked.

"Ruiza." answered Gothic Lolita.

"You make me think of a princess." said Asagi, which made them smile.

Their conversation was weird and lasted long. It was interesting and didn'r lack sense. If Tsune wouldn't bump Asagi's shoulder, he wouldn't even notice the daylight.

The following day, Gothic Lolita asked a Asagi a question he didn't expect:

"By the way, what gender do you think I am?"

Asagi thought for a moment.

"You're not a woman." he said. "You'd be talking with me like a normal person, but this way you can hide your voice, right?"

"That's right, Asagi." said Ruiza. "Nice contacts. Where did you buy them?"

"In a shop nearby." lied Asagi.

A few weeks passed. Whenever Asagi met Ruiza in that weird club, he felt his weird feeling of lonelines going away, but some other appeared in it's place. Even weirder and more unknown to him.

"Isshi-sama, do vampires fall in love?" asked Asagi, looking Isshi in the eye.

"If we couldn't, Yamiyo wouldn't be sitting on my lap." said Isshi.

"You'd kill me?" asked Nao.

"If I'd treat you like a toy, you'd die at some point." agreed Isshi, interlocking his fingers with Nao's. "But I won't do this."

Nao smiled. Asagi tried to not react to so huge amount of sugar in a way that could offend his creator.

"Asagi-chan, what are you doing here again?" asked Izumi, approaching him with Shin. Do all vampires really need to have their shadows?

"I'm trying to understand myself." explained Asagi.

Then he froze. He saw Akiya hugging Tora's arm. Akiya didn't hug. Ever.

"Asagi-san, are you looking at Akiya and Tora?" asked Shin. "You know? I thin he stopped looking for adventures. Now Tora is his only adventure."

"His only adventure." repeated Asagi. He remembered the looks of Isshi and Nao, words of his creator and Hiroki and San pulling Tsunehito to dance. Then he looked at Izumi and Shin, who were walking away already and holding eachothers hands then Akiya, who smiled to him when he passed by him, but didn't let go of Tora's arm. Then finally he remembered smiling Ruiza, who's laugh still resonated in his head like the perfect music.

It was quite cold, so when Asagi saw Ruiza in his black dress with red roses, he wondered if he's feeling cold.

"Asagi, you know what I noticed?" asked Ruiza, when they went inside the club.


"When you're breathing, your breath doesn't come out as a steam." explained Ruiza. "You're not breathing, right? Are you a vampire, Asagi?"

Asagi had no other choice but to agree. Ruiza understood. Especially when he noticed one day how one of San's annoying clients got "calmed down" by Tsunehito.

If a vampire cares about someone, they smell theit blood stronger. So when the next day Asagi went to the club and got hit with a scent of a fresh blood, he know someone....

"Tsune, come here quickly!" called San, who ran to the bathroom.

Asagi stood next to him. Ruiza, this time in a blue dress with frills, was laying on the floor in a puddle of blood. There was a short vampire standung by the wall, licking his bloody fingers in a perversed manner.

"Do you hate me now, Ogawa?" asked the vampire, then ran away through the window.

"Ruiza, wake up." Asagi put him on his lap. "Say something, pelase. Don't you die on me."

"I'm sorry." Ruiza's voice could be hardly heard.

He smiled one last time and closed his eyes. It's perhaps time to start having a shadow.

The pale moonlight was shining on a two bodies covered only with snow white bedsheets. Ruiza's blonde hair were on Asagi's chest. It felt good to have own shadow. Especially if it lets you realize what is happines and that vampires can love.

~The end~