The blog contains content about male-male and female-female relationships. If you don't like yaoi and yuri, hit the red cross and don't read, instead of throwing mud at me. Thank you for your attention.

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"Rain is soothing for the soul"

Band: Kra Pairing: Keiyu&Mai Rating: 14+ Genre: romance, comedy Warnings: - Note: Keiyu likes walking in the rain, but he'd lik...

Wednesday 23 February 2022

Modotte, onegai

Band: Alice Nine&Kagrra,
Pairing: Tora&Akiya
Rating: 16+
Genre: romance
Warnings: -
Note: Akiya is depressed because of bad things happened in his life and Tora tries to cheer him up.

Akiya was laying on the bed and listening to Chikin's purring. It happened again. He was feeling down again and couldn't cheer himself up. He lost another friend.

He heard the locks in the door click. Was that Tora?

"Why are you laying in your bed again?" sighed Tora. "I cannot go on tour, because you're instantly feeling down."

Tora looked around. Everything was quiet.

"Akiya, where's Chibi?" he asked slowly.

Akiya only curled up and closed his eyes, so he won't cry.


"I came back few days ago and I found him." whispered Akiya. "I never heard about a dog spirit, so he won't be back."

"Aki." Tora sat on the edge of the bed and pulled him closer to himself. "Let's go on the vacation somewhere. I'll take Chikin to Shou and we'll go. To the sea or mountains. Somewhere far, but togheter."

"No." said Akiya. "I don't want to run away."

"But you need it." Tora looked him straight in the eye. "You need to get away from the reality. I can do this, because I'm in a band. I'm on the tour and I don't think about the fact that Isshi died. Or that Keiyu went so insane, that Mai ran away from him and no one knows where he is. Or Shou being as sad as back in the day when his grandma died, though lately he cheered up a little. I don't know why. Or that Izumi can be met only by the lake or in studio with Shin, when he's composing something and Izumi only looks at the thing's he's doing. But I think about one thing. You're sitting in this room and you're probably feeling down again, because something happened and you cannot cope with this without me."

"You cannot start a sentence with "or"." noticed Akiya.

"Nevermind." sighed Tora, standing up. "I love you anyway."

Tora looked at Akiya, who murmured something to himself and layed down again. Alice Nine's guitarist shook his head disapprovingly and went to the kitchen. He'll think of something.

Akiya woke up hearing some noise in the bedroom. First thing he saw were suitcases.

"You're moving out?" he asked.

"No, we're going on the vacation." said Tora, pulling him by the hand out of their bed. "To the bathroom, dress up and then to the car. Quick."

Akiya blinked, then went to the bathroom scratching his head.

* * *

"Where are we going?" asked Akiya, puting his briefcase into the trunk.

"Far away." said Tora, puting the basket with Chikin inside into the car. "First we'll go to Shou and then... Aki, give me your phone."

"What for?" asked Akiya, but obediently gave him his phone.

"I'll be back. Stay there." said Tora, running home.

"Masashi, what are you doing?!" yelled Akiya.

Tora came back after a while, smiling.

"Get in, what are you waiting for?" he asked.

"What about my phone?" Akiya wanted to run, but Tora stopped him.

"No phones allowed, get in the car." he said firmly. "Don't look at me like that. I like to be in charge sometimes. Now to the car."

"Masashi, why are you doing this?" asked Akiya, fastening his seatbelts.

"You'll learn soon." replied Tora.

Shou was standing in front of the building he lived in, smiling.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of her." Shou smiled wider. "Sakamoto will complain that we have three cats already, and now there's fourth, but I'll think of something."

"So, we're going." Tora fastened his seatbelts and started the engine. "Aki, don't sleep."

"What else can I do?" asked Akiya, closing his eyes.

* * *

Akiya got out of his thoughts, when a tree branch touched the car's window next to him.

"Masashi, where are we?" he asked, looking around.

"In a forest." said Tora.

"I can see that much." said Akiya. "Where exactly?"

"You'll see." Tora smiled.

A mountain cottage turned out to be theit destination.

"Fresh air, how nice." Tora smiled, taking out his briefcase. "Something happened, Aki?"

"I'd say there are plants here, but they're everywhere." murmured Akiya.

"Yeah, yeah. Plants are evil. Grab your case." said Tora still smiling.

"I'd punch you but somehow I can't bring myself to do it." sighed Akiya, pulling his briefcase behind him. "What's this house anyway?"

"My brother's." explained Tora. "He comes here with his wife and kids for vacations. He agreed to lend it to me for a while."

"Could you finally tell me why?" asked Akiya.

"I'll explain it to you later." said Tora.

Akiya unpacked his stuff and went to the balcony. The mountains were pretty. Nao couldn't go here with his fear of heights and Isshi would have to rescue him from every hill...

"I really cannot think about anything else, than them. Can I?" Akiya laughted nervously. "I need a therapy."

"Shou's calling. Wanna talk to him?" asked Tora.

"You're allowed to use your phone?" puffed Akiya.

"Yes." Tora smiled. "So do you want or not?"

"Well..." Akiya took the cellphone from him. "Hey, Shou."

"How are you feeling right now?" asked Shou.

"I'm not sick. I feel fine." said Akiya. "Shou, can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead." agreed Shou.

"Why you're so happy lately?" Akiya asked.

He heard only silence.

"You saw Isshi?" he asked.

"Akiya..." Shou sighed. "Akiya, Tora took you there so you could stop thinking about it, but you do anyway. You have no idea what Tora means, right?"

"No." denied Akiya.

"Well, good luck. Maybe you'll realize." said Shou, then he hung up.

* * *

Akiya woke up at night, because he heard a weird sound. Being unable to tell what made it, he went to the kitchen to look for it's source.

When he got there, he saw a tiny cage, and inside it there was mouse-sized Mai.

"Mai?" asked Akiya. "What are you doing here?"

"This idiot imprisoned me here." squeaked Mai, pointing at Keiyu sitting on a stove.

Vocalist looked at him with his empty stare, which Akiya didn't see in him for a long time.

"Funny." laughted Keiyu, grabbing a knife. "I wonder if you'll come back when I'll kill you. No, you won't. Ghosts don't exist."

"They do." said Akiya firmly.

"No." Keiyu shook his head. "Silly Aki. Who brainwashed you so hard to make you speak of this nonsense? You poor thing."

"No one did..." started Akiya, stepping back, but he couldn't finish because of tripping on something.

He lifted himself off the ground. He wasn't in the house anymore. He was at the cementary.

"Only here you can meet him." said Keiyu, approaching Akiya and puting his arm around him. "But you can only speak, you won't be able to talk to him."

"I won't here. I can somewhere else." said Akiya and felt something piercing through his skin and between his ribs, then he fell on the ground.

"You'll be able to do this here, actually." laughted Keiyu, holding a blood-covered knife in his hand. "Goodbye, Tiger Lilly."

"He didn't call me that since ages." whispered Akiya, closing his eyes.

"Aki, wake up!" Akiya heard Tora's voice.

"What?" Akiya blinked.

He was laying in the bed. So it was a dream? That would explain a lot of things.

"That was the first time I've heard you talk in your sleep." said Tora.

"What was I saying?" asked Akiya.

"At first something about Mai, then you were arguing with someone, then you said no one calls you in some way anymore." explained Tora. "Maybe we'll come back home?"

"Would be nice." agreed Akiya. "Especially since I have no idea what are we doing here."

"Aki." Tora whispered, when Akiya got up and approached the balcony.

Akiya looked up at the night sky. There were no stars visible.

"You can imagine the stars." said Akiya. "You can imagine ghosts. Did I made everything up? Maybe that was just a dream? Maybe when I'll wake up, I'll be in my bed and mom will call me for a breakfast? Maybe I never became a guitarist and I work in my father's office, and I have a wife and three kids? Or maybe I don't exist at all and I'm just someone's dream?

"Mine dream." said Tora, standing in a doorway.

"What?" Akiya turned around surprised.

"You're my dream." repeated Tora. "A dream which made me realise that I wrongly thought for 26 years that I'm straight. Sometimes I wonder what one of my exes would do if she saw me with you walking down the street but then I think it doesn't matter. Nothing matters more than you."

"Why are you telling me this, Masashi?" asked Akiya.

"Because I miss the Akiya I fell in love with six years ago and I'm with for five." explained Tora, embracing Akiya. "I took you here hoping that the new, sad Akiya would stay home and I'll spend some time with the good old smiling Aki, who I love so much."

"You're starting to sound like..." Akiya couldn't finish, because Tora kissed his lips.

* * *

Two days have passed. Akiya was sitting on the couch and looking through the window. Someone called Tora and he was on the phone for oven an hour now. Akiya started to get bored. He took his accoustic guitar and went outside.

The rain was falling on his hair and shoulders, soaking his clothes. He knew only one person calmed by such weather, but he was the one needing to calm right now. He needed to get rid of all the negative emotions.

He sat on a rock under the tree, where rain didn't reach that much then he started to play the guitar. He played whatever he felt like playing, what heart was telling him to play and what he couldn't express with words. For the last year he had so many mood swings, some compared him to a pregnant woman, which spends one day sad, then she's smiling the other day. But since Mai disappeared it only got worse. Akiya thought he's worrying about all of it too much and he should think about his own problems, like Izumi and Shin, who found a way to deal with all of this.

At some point he felt as if someone was watching him. He looked up and saw Tora holding an umbrella in his hand and watching him carefully.

"Why are you sitting there?" asked Tora, squatting in front of Akiya.

"To clear myself from emotions." Akiya explained, looking down.

"Aki, there's an easier way." Tora sighed. "Just cry."

"What?" asked Akiya.

"Tell me, when was the last time you cried? When we found Isshi? Even on his funeral you bottled up your emotions and only you could calm down Nao who tried to reach Isshi, who didn't "aswer him". Set yourself free, Akiya, or you'll suffocate."

"I cannot cry on demand." said Akiya.

Tora leaned over him and looked him straight in the eyes.

"Isshi died, Mai disappeared, Keiyu lost his sanity, Chibi died, Kagrra, is no more, fans are worried about you, Izumi is hiding from the world and fishing, Shin is hiding in making music, world ends in December, your brother thinks you're an idiot and..."

"Stop." Akiya whispered, hugging Amano.

He saw all of this at once, like it happened yesterday. He started to cry. For the first time in a year, soaking Tora's sleeve with his tears.

"Better?" asked Tora, when Akiya calmed down.

"Ye... Yeah." he replied, wiping his eyes.

"That's good." Tora lifted Akiya and carried him to the house.

He put him on the couch and went to grab a towel.

"What are you doing?" asked Akiya, when Tora sat next to him and took his hoodie off.

"You'll catch a cold." explained Tora, undoing buttons on Akiya's shirt.

He got confused, when Akiya put his palms on his hands and looked him in the eyes.

* * *

Tora pulled Akiya closer and covered him and himself with bedsheet. A while later he took his hands from Akiya's arm, because of getting uncomfortable.

"Cold." said Akiya.

Tora blinked and pulled Akiya closer again.

"That was cute." said Akiya.

"That you got warm?"

"No, that you put your hand back." explained Akiya, overlaping his fingers with Amano's.

Tora smiled and after a while he fell asleep.

* * *

The following day on the afternoon Akiya went outside and looked at the sky. The sun was shining. Wherever Isshi and Chibi were, they were happy for sure.

"Don't think." said Tora, standing next to him. "Or I'll need to make you think of something else like last night."

"Does it bother you?" Akiya asked.

"Wow, I missed this so much." yelled Tora.

"What did you miss?" asked Akiya confused.

"Your naughty personality." explained Tora.

"I'm not naughty." Akiya denied.

"It wasn't me, who pulled Shin into the broom closed and made love to Aoi on the coupling tour." counted Tora. "Did I forget someone?"

"Yes, but I won't tell you, who." said Akiya.

"I did?" wondered Tora. "That was a rhetorical question!"

"You did miss someone." Akiya repeated, going back to the house, whlis till keeping an eye contact with Tora. "Now guess, who?"

"Don't tell me your face, when I introduced you to Yuusei..." Tora stopped when Akiya started to chuckle. "Akiya!"

"What?" Akiya laughted. "You guessed one. Who else did you miss. What do you think?"

"Akiya!" Tora started to chase Akiya, who ran into the house, then upstairs. "With who you didn't sleep?!"

"With Isshi. I only kissed him once." said Akiya.

"What?!" Tora blinked, then ran upstairs, catching Akiya by his arms and pushing him against the wall. "What for?"

"I wanted to know if his lips are as sweet as Keiyu said." Akiya explained.

"You don't see anything weird in your doings?" Tora asked.

"Nope." Akiya shook his head. "But you know what?"


"It's weird that I love you more than Isshi loved Nao."

Akiya put his arms around Tora's neck, then kissed him.

He was back.

The end

Wednesday 16 February 2022

Gin no Tsuki, Kuroi Hoshi

Band: Alice Nine, Kagrra,
Pairing: Shou and Isshi as friends, Saga&Shou, Tora&Akiya, Nao(Alisu)&Hiroto, mentioned Isshi&Nao(Kagrra,)
Rating: 16+
Genre: angst
Warnings: death, slice of life
Note: "Ah, the powdery snow falls incessantly in this sky
Now, I reach out my hand, and took hold of you."
~~Alice Nine - "Gin no Tsuki, Kuroi Hoshi" ~ song dedicated to Kagrra,

Alice Nine. A band, who would never make it if it weren't for Kagrra,. That's why 11th November of  2010 everyone from Alisu experienced shock, when they learned, what their firends are planning.

"What?!" Nao stood up and looked at Shou, who passed on this information. "Why?"

"Officialy it's bacause differences in musical direction." Shou shooked his head. "Fans already don't believe them and probably never will, because I myself think it's not true."

"Maybe Isshi wants to pursue his career?" guessed Saga. "Solo career."

"That's nonsense." said Hiroto.

"Isshi wouldn't do something like that." added Shou.

"Tora, you have your source of reliable informations about what's going on." noticed Nao. "Your source is probably sitting in home, because he's not on a practice now. You will ask in our name, what happened, right?"

"I don't think he would tell me now." Tora smiled weakly.

"What's going on with this company?" sighed Shou. "Someone leaves, someone disbands. But knowing Kagrra,, they might come back sooner or later."

"Yeah, they would." agreed Hiroto.

Tora entered his home and didn't find Akiya sitting in the armchair, on the couch or in the bed. He found him sitting on the windowsill. He was deep in thoughts and stared at raindrops going down the window.

"What happened?" Tora bumped his arm.

Akiya looked at him.

"We're disbanding." replied Akiya. "And no one knows, why."

"So, why?" asked Tora, looking at him.

"I can't say that." said Akiya, when Tora sat next to him.

"But I won't tell anyone. I promise." said Tora.

"You won't?" Akiya made sure.

"No." promised Tora.

Akiya sighed and Tora thought he noticed tears in his eyes.

"Isshi's dying." Akiya hid his face in his hands. "Nao doesn't know anything. No one knows anything. Except me, Izumi, Shin, Keiyu and maybe Mai. And he's dying. Quietly."

Tora froze. He didn't expect such an answer. He could expect anything, but this - never.

"He told you?" asked Shou, looking at Tora with anticipation.

"No." lied Tora. If no one has to know, then no one will.

"No?" asked Hiroto. "But not because musical differences?"

"No, that's not the issue. It's sometning else, but Akiya's quiet." answered Tora.

"I'm gonna get it out of them." called Hiroto, reaching door. "They'll tell me everything. Everything."

"Official version is that Isshi and Shin had a fight, but that's not true." said Tora, grabbing Hiroto by his arm. "You won't hear anything else from them. And if all I got from Akiya was, that it's a lie, then we'll never know, why."

19th July 2011 Tora didn't show up at the practice.

"Why?" asked Nao, listening to Tora's explanations. "No, I don't understand. Akiya can stay with your cat. Stop lying, because you're bad at it. Tora, what happened? Tora! He hung up."

"Kazuma?" Saga looked at his uke, who anxiously stared at his phone.

"No one from Kagrra, is answering." he said. "No one."

"No one?" asked Hiroto. "But Isshi answers even to say that he doesn't want to talk with the caller. And Shin answers even if he doesn't want to and talks at least for a while. This is not normal."

"Something happened." said Nao.

Shou still tried to call someone.

"Who are you calling?" asked Hiroto.

"Keiyu? Listen, there's a problem... I know, Mai is in the hospital, but... Let me finish! No one from Kagrra, answers the phone. Better? Maybe you'll finally take interest in this? Stop being such an egoist, Kousuke! Something happened, I know it. Go to Isshi and ask. Okay, go to Nao, Kami, what's the difference, they live together. Because they'll let you into matter what. Thanks, bye." Shou his his phone in his pocket. "Why does Mai love him?"

"He's probably not sure himself." said Nao.

"Kazuma, where are you going?" asked Saga, when Shou put on his hoodie and faced the door.

"I don't think Keiyu will go to Isshi." explained Shou. "Without Tora, who had to bring notes, this practiceis pointless anyway."

The door slamed behind Shou.

"Where are you?" asked Shou, calling Keiyu again. "What? What do you mean, they're not home? Wait."

Shou approached the door and knocked. No one answered him. He tried few times but to no avail.

"I'll try calling anyone again." said Shou, hanging up.

Five signals later, Shou heard Shin's voice. Quieter than usual.

"Hello?" asked Shin.

"Shin, what's going on? Why no one is answering? Where are Isshi and Nao?" Shou showered him with questions.

"They're apart." answered shortly Shin. "Shou, I'm sorry, but I can talk now. I... We'll call later."

"Shin?" Shou looked at his phone.

Before Shin hung up on him, he thought he heard someone cry in the background.

25th July year 2011 Nao organised band practice.

"Tora, what's wrong with you lately?" asked Nao, standing next to him. "And why did you ask me to organise the practice so early?"

"You guys better sit down." said Tora.

"If you don't want to shock us with news about you departing from the band, then we don't need to sit down." said Saga. "And if you do, then I'll punch you."

"Isshi is dead." said Tora so quietly, everyone hardly heard him.

Nao sat on the floor, Shou dropped his mug, Hiroto broke a string which he was trying to tune and Saga choked on his water.

"What?!" Hiroto looked first at Tora, then Nao, who looked at Amano emotionlesly.

"I didn't want you guys to learn from the media." explained Tora. "We found hiw with Akiya one week ago. His family wanted a peacefull funeral. That's why no one knew anything."

"But... But... Why?" Shou got up and approached Tora. "Why?"

"It was the reason of Kagrra,'s disbandment. Because Isshi was sick and didn't want his friends to have problems after his death." explained Tora. "He was hiding it for over a year. Nao too, didn't know anything. He's now in poor mental condition."

"That's not true." whispered Shou, pulling Tora's shirt. "Please, tell me it's not true."

"Shou..." Tora started, but vocalist let him go and fell unconcious into his arms.

* * *

"Aa, konayuki ga, furisosogu, kono sora ni ima, te wo nobashi, kimi to tsukamaeta" sang quietly Shou, putting flowers on Isshi's grave. "It's weird that I'm visiting you here. I would have never thought I'll find you here so quick. I think even you did not expect that, right, Shinohara?"

Only a gentle breeze of the winter, frosty wind answered him.

The end

Wednesday 9 February 2022

Usagi no kuchizuke

Band: Kagrra,&Alice Nine
Pairing: Isshi&Shou
Rating: 16+
Genre: comedy, romance
Warnings: alcohol
Note: Shou knew that he shouldn't drink, but he did it and...

Shou was in the club, staring at his cup filled with water. Twoman tour with Kagrra,, a possibility to shine in the visual kei scene. There was only one downside to this situation. Even more people tried to persuade him into drinking alcohol. When he can't really do this.

"Shou-kun." Akiya sat next to the vocalist and put his arm around him.

Shou looked at him.


"Saga-kun asks if you want powdered soy milk in you water." explained Akiya. "But can you drink something normal? One beer won't hurt."

"One won't, half of it will." murmured Shou, crushing his cup.

"What are you saying, bunny?." Akiya looked at him with a smile. "Come to us. Don't sit here all alone."

"Shou, for heaven's sake, you won't drink with me?" called Saga. "Catch him, Akiya-san. We'll drag him to the pool."

"Saga-kun, no violence." said Akiya, but Saga was already pulling confused Shou by the hand. "Oh well, I'm gonna finish this beer and go home or else they'll have to pick me up from the floor."

Akiya got up and while playing with his bottle, approached his friends.

"Elephant." said Shou, minutes later, after drinking half of glass of beer too much. Which meant he drank exactly this much. "Pink. Riding a bike. There."

Vocalist lifted one of his hands and pointed in some direction, because his hand ouldn't stay in one position for too long.

"We need to get him to his hotel room." said Tora, who tried not to fall off his chair.

"Who's seeing one finger and will hold drunk Shou?" asked Izumi, straghtening his index finger. "I'm not both."

"I see one, actually." said Isshi. "Here, kid. We're put."

"Watch out for the yellow monkey by the door!" yelled after him Hiroto, who fell from the chair, punching Shin's legs.

"Boom." laughted Shin, leaning his head on his hand.

Isshi tried to walk straight, but it didn't work because of two reasons. First one being one beer too much, the second one being Shou hanging on his shoulder and kind of unable to hold a conversation.

"And now, mister Hitoshi, time to hit the lock with the key." Isshi sighed, taking out the key from Shou's pocket. "Key, lock, hit. Ha, I did it."

Isshi sat Shou on his bed and went to lock the door.

"The elephant is following us." said Shou, when Isshi was untying his shoelaces. "But he could give a pass to the golden bike."

"Lay down." said Isshi. "What are you looking at?"

"Your eyes are pretty." said Shou, putting his hand on Isshi's shoulder. "Your hands are also pretty."

Kagrra,'s vocalist shook off his hand.

"I'm not taking compliments from drunk youngins."

"No?" Shou moved closer. "Why?"

"Because they're annoying." replied Isshi, eyeing him.

"Oh?" Shou leaned in and kissed Isshi. "Your lips are sweet."

"Go to sleep." growled Isshi.

"Alone?" Shou hugged his pillow.

"Yes, alone." Isshi got up quickly, which almost made him fall down. "Good night."

Kagrra,'s vocalist slammed the door, which made Shou flinch.

"Night." he muttered and fell asleep almost right away.

Nao was looking for his pick's set, which he lost somewhere. He got the feeling that since their night in the "Murasaki" club, their vocalist is more irritable than usual.

"Ikkun?" Nao approached Isshi carefully. "Have you seen my picks?"

"On the shelf." Isshi pointed in the direction, where Nao should go, to find his picks.

"Something happened?" asked Nao.

"You won't understand." replied Isshi, getting up.

"Maybe I will." said Nao.

"Have you ever been kissed by a drunk kid?" asked Isshi, which made Nao blink in shock. "No, so you won't understand."

Nao was standing there for a little longer, forgeting about what was he doing earlier. Someone kissed... Isshi.

"He was drunk." muttered Nao, and in his mind he saw the same picture as always, when he heard something like this. "You're drunk too. You need help, Yamada."

Izumi tried to make out who igned the wall under which he was standing, when Alice Nine's leader approached him.

"Izumi-san, I might not know you to well, but is it me, or Isshi-san has some problem?" he asked.

"Isshi always has a problem." sighed Izumi. "But you're right. This time something's wrong. I need to talk with him."

Shou tried to remember what happened after Saga gave him a beer, but he couldn't. Suddenly he felt someone's presence.

"What are you thinking about, Shou-kun?" asked Isshi, leaning on a barrier and looking down. "We're really up high, right?"

"You talked to me, Isshi-san?" asked Shou.

"You can't remember a thing, right?" Isshi made sure.

"From that night? I could stand on my head and I still couldn't remember a thing." said Shou.

"You kissed me." said Isshi. "Actually that's all I remember from the visit in your room, which is quite a lot."

"Again?" sighed Shou. "First Tsune, now you. I really shouldn't drink."

"Tsune?" asked Isshi.

"Tsunehito, bassist of mine and Tora's previous band." explained Shou. "Givuss disbanded because I forgot that I shouldn't drink and kissed him, while I was drunk. He still doesn't talk to me since that day. But you're talking to me, which is good."

"Right, who would want to kiss someone like me." Isshi faked a smile.

"I think a lot of people would." said Shou. "Especially those lost in your beautifull eyes."

"Stop or I'll think you're hitting on me." laughted Isshi.

Nao was standing nearby and felt something weird inside at the sight of laughting Isshi and Shou. Something like... Jealousy?

"Something happened?" asked Akiya.

"No." Nao shook his head. "I'm only having some problems with some demon."

Nao turned around and walked his way.

"Demon." repeated Akiya, looking at Isshi. "Good name, Nao."

Akiya smiled and joined vocalists in their talk. He hoped Nao will soon discover what are his problems about and Isshi will help him solve them. Maybe someday it'll happen?

The end

Usagi no kuchizuke - Rabbit's kiss

Wednesday 2 February 2022


Pairing: Yusa&Yuusei
Rating: 16+
Genre: comedy, romance
Warnings: -
Note: Yuusei thought that he doesn't have to make everything for Yusa's wish.
But he has to~

Yuusei layed down on the bed in his hotel room, turned on the music, then his laptop, then he logged in to his Twitter. He tweeted about what he's doing, put down his laptop for a moment, then he stretched lazily.

Last time he asked Yuudai, why they're overpaying for five rooms, if three is all they need. Drummer explained calmly, that three won't do, because he won't get any sleep and both Yusa and Yuusei won't be fully able to think. Sorao laughted mysteriously, which meant that one bed is not gonna stop him from depriving Yuudai from his sleep.

Yuusei looked at the screen. One new tweet. He clicked and laughted. Yusa tweeted him, that guitarist's blasting jpop woke him up and he was tired and really needed to sleep. Yusei laughted and replied him, that he has to thank whoever's voice was heard from his speakers at the moment.

Guitarist closed his eyes. He didn't like showing his sharp tongue since, how Jun put it, they became a couple. But sometimes he just couldn't resist.

Suddenly, he head doors open, then close. Then footsteps on the hallway. Then there was Yusa standing in his room with a face that showed... Yuusei had no idea, what this face was supposed to show.

"Know what, honey?" Yusa slowly approached his bed. "I can't sleep, so you won't sleep either."

Yuki tried to say something, but Ryohei closed his mouth with a kiss. That kind of reply was at the same time sharp and pleasant.

Well, they probably won't be able to focus on a band practice and Yuudai will get angry. And if Sorao will put his plan into work, only Jun will be able to think tomorrrow morning. And that's why you turn down the volume of your music, when your seme asks you to, because you'll never know what will come to his mind.

The end