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"Rain is soothing for the soul"

Band: Kra Pairing: Keiyu&Mai Rating: 14+ Genre: romance, comedy Warnings: - Note: Keiyu likes walking in the rain, but he'd lik...

Wednesday 8 September 2021

White light, white love

Band: Kagrra,
Pairing: Izumi&Shin
Rating: 15+
Genre: fantasy, AU, romance
Series: "Night's Children"
Warnings: supernatural existence
Note: If you don't know anything about "Night's Children", please check "Forbidden light, forbidden love".

Vampires moved to Asagi's castle. White is the color of innocence, which often is only an illusion.

I wonder how people, who see you imagine your character. They probably think, you're innocent, non-confrontational and submissive. Well, they're wrong.

If you want to, you can be so stubborn that tying you up and torturing with tickling won't work on you. Yes, I tried one time. Long ago, when we both were nine. I learned that day that I shouldn't get in your way.

Conflicts between you and vampires spark only when one of them breaks your pin. You really don't like that, because making pins is not your passion.

They're half right about the innocence. It's because with people you're quiet, shy penshionaire, like Isshi once said. When we're on a mission, evil vampires don't stand a chance with you.

And now I'm sitting and looking at your petite fingers tying a bandage around my hand. I always have to injure myself. But if I think about it, you're getting injured more often. If I were to count it all...

"Are you listening to me?" you ask suddenly.

You were saying something?

"I was thinking." I answer honestly.

"You're thinking a lot." you say, standing up and give me your hand.

I grab it and stand up next to you.

"Could you repeat what you were saying?" I ask, looking into your black, reflecting moonlight eyes.

"I told you to be careful, because I don't want to loose you." you say after a while.

Okay, you shouldn't tell me stuff like that. Why? You know really well. Oh, right. You don't know, because I don't have the guts to tell you. Can we change topic?

"I'll be careful." I promise.

You stop.

"But I don't want to loose you." you explain. "I worry about you and you worry about me. You realise, that..."

I kiss you, so you won't have to force yourself, because I get the feeling, you're mixing up everything.

A week passes. We come back from mission.

"Have you ever thought about why we were born as conquerors?" you ask at some point.

"You know, theoretically we didn't have to go to the Shelter. We could work in shop or start a band." I say. "Nobody forced us."

"If we'll work in a shop, no one will kill us." you notice.

"It's Mito, Hashi. Someone gets killed here all the time." I remind you.

Oh, how I love to feel that cold. Escecially while having five Clears in front of me and I don't know what to do.

"I hate Clears." I murmur while killing another one.

I see two of them running in your direction.

"Hey, go to me. Leave Hashi alone!"

I regret my words the momment I feel stong punch in the stomach. Yeah, it was not a good idea.

"Izumida!" your scream is the last thing I hear.

Darkness. Horrible darkness and a light in the end of a tunnel. Should I go or not? Why do I see sleeping people? No, wait. Those are vampire's souls. Their souls don't dissapear?

I wake up suddenly. I'm lying by the building with it's plaster falling off.

"Izumi?" Naoki's voice breaks the silence.

I get up from the ground. Yes, that vampire sits here. Yes, he's glowing. Yes, Isshi stands near. And you next to him.

"You're not listening to me." you say approaching me and quickly putting your hands on my arms. "You're not listening to me. When I tell you to be careful, you have to be careful. Not pulling away from me vampires that kill you, Izumida. Why you're not listening to me?"

"Hashi..." I hug you, then you start crying.


I never heard Akiya scream so much. I never in my life saw him so furious. In my life. Now I don't have it anymore.

"Amano, aren't you having some business in foreign country?" asks Akiya, calming a little bit. "Because I'll gladly go with you."

Next day they're gone. Where they went, only they know. Akiya is oversensitive...

Few months passes. If we'll kill all Clears, it'll be calm. What are they trying to do anyway? Take over the world like the antagonist in weak American movies? Oh, I forgot. Akiya and Tora still haven't returned.

I'm sitting on the floor and thinking. Then a phone calls. It's you.

"If I'll say that me and a young conqueror are in trouble, you'll come to "Ayame" or stay in the castle?" you ask, while I hear screams in the background.

"Where exactly are you?" I ask.

"By the bridge. You know, which one." you reply.

After a while I run through the bridge, still remembering scarlet blood heroically spilled on the white snow. When I reach my destination, you stab a Clear with a pin. That young conqueror is across the square. I don't care. There are no vampires and you fall on the snow.

"Why it's winter again?" I ask quietly, catching you.

"February is a winter month." you answer weakly, breathing heavily.

"But we should be happy in February, Hashidani." I say, wanting to get up, but you stop me.

"We should be happy all year." you whisper, while I wipe blood falling from your cheek. "Change me, Izumida."

I never imagined someone dying in my arms. Of course it had to be you, right?

"Izumi-san?" that young guy approaches me, propably not knowing, what's going on. "Izumi-san?"

"Yuusei, go away." I tell him. "Call Nao and go away."

Yuusei runs somewhere, while I stay with you alone. Or me and that command to give you new life.

We enter the castle. To my misfortune, because I'm always unlucky, Akiya came back.


I catch your small hand and evacuate with you from the castle.

"We have to run away somewhere far, Hashidani." I say, hearing Akiya right behind us.

"With you I'll run away anywhere." you say.

We both smiled. I hope Akiya won't kill us, because I want to spend thoose hundreds of years ahead of us with you.

~~The end~~

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