The blog contains content about male-male and female-female relationships. If you don't like yaoi and yuri, hit the red cross and don't read, instead of throwing mud at me. Thank you for your attention.

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"Rain is soothing for the soul"

Band: Kra Pairing: Keiyu&Mai Rating: 14+ Genre: romance, comedy Warnings: - Note: Keiyu likes walking in the rain, but he'd lik...

Wednesday 29 September 2021

Banira no ame

Band: Alice Nine&Kagrra,
Pairing: Tora&Akiya
Rating: 15+
Genre: comedy, romance
Warnings: -
Note: Tora loves returns home, especially with smell of vanilla scented bubble bath.

Raindrops were falling on the ground, making differently shaped water puddles. Tora was sitting in a bus, with his head leaning on a window, and thinking, with what Hiroto will be killed by Saga, when he'll wake up with two girly braids. Shou was drinking soy milk and smiling lightly. It seemed like he found the situation, in which his seme was, funny. Nao was writing a post on his blog, smiling to himself. Tora didn't understand him at all. Drummer at some point turned his head from his laptop and started to laugh, seeing what Hiroto was doing. Even loud leader's laught couldn't wake up the bassist.

When Tora found himself in front of his house, or rather, Akiya's house, it was raining even more. Tora hated autumn's end. Guitarist's only dream was to got into a warm room and with a mug of tea in hand, hug Akiya. There's only stairs, door, another stairs and another door. Tora cursed architect in his mind, when he found himself in a dark vestibule. He didn't have to open second door. Akiya did it, with drops of water from his wet hair falling on a white dressing-gown, he was wearing.

"Welcome home." Akiya smiled.

Tora hapily run upstairs, and closed door behind him.

He could smell vanilla scented bubble bath. Amano put his umbrella on the floor, put off jacket and shoes, then went to the kitchen. Akiya was making a tea.

"It's cold, right?" asked Akiya mysteriously.

"It's raining and temperature will be soon below zero and we'll gonna have a spectacle on the roads." sighted Tora, looking through the window.

After a while he looked at Akiya and he thought of something interesting.

"Aki, I have a question."

"Yes?" asked Akiya, leaning on a drawer.

"You're wearing dressing-gown, right?"

"Yes." Akiya noded. "What about it?"

"I love the way, you're playing with me." said Tora. "You're wearing only dressing-gown, right?"

"You wanna check it?" asked Akiya, smiling.

Amano approached Akiya and held him with one hand for a kiss, and took of a belt from his robe with other.

Yes, he was right, like usual.

The end

Wednesday 22 September 2021

Sweet home

Band: Kagrra,
Pairing: Isshi&Nao
Rating: 15+
Genre: comedy
Warnings: -
Note: A little miniature about something that Nao did at the concert.

"Yamada! What the cherry blossoms are you doing?!"

"Me? Nothing."

"Making me brain dead on a stage is nothing?"

"Shinohara, don't get too much into it."

"I will. Stage is not a home."

Nao sighted and embraced Isshi with his arms, around his neck.

"But I feel at home with you."


Isshi smiled and kissed Nao.

"How curious. We feel the same way next to eachother, my beloved one."

The end

Wednesday 15 September 2021

Forbidden light, forbidden love II - Vampire's Dilemma

Band: Kagrra,
Pairing: Isshi&Nao
Rating: 15+
Genre: fantasy, AU, romance
Series: "Night's Children"
Warnings: supernatural existence
Note: If you don't know anything about "Night's Children", please check "Forbidden light, forbidden love".

I'm sitting on a windowsill and writing about the landscape behing a window. I had so much stuff on my head that I didn't have time to visit you. Clears are a bad thing, even worse death bringers than the normal ones.

Even if now I have time to visit Shelter, first I have to forget the faces of all those people. I kill them so I could still exist, yet they follow me all the time. If I would lost my conscience I wouldn't have this problem, but also I wouldn't have you.

Phone calls. My phone. There's no other phone here. That's the only plus of living in a castle - nobody asks me about what I'm doing. No one even knows about that.

I pick up the phone. From the other side I hear a voice, which I didn't expect to hear.

"Isshi, Naoki left the Shelter, even though he's weak. I worry about him." says Izumi.

"Why are you calling me?" I ask.

"Because you know him the best." answers Izumi. "Do you know, where he could go?"

"I have a feeling that he's in the park." I say, while my imagination makes up the darkest scenarios.

"Go to him." asks Izumi.

I hang up, get up and jump out of window. I have to hurry.

You're laying under the most beautiful cherry tree in a park. Your pale aura dissapeared, before I could get close to you. I knew, there's something wrong, but I did not know, things looked this bad.

What am I going to do now, Yamiyo? I won't last a day without you, if I won't be able to go anytime to the Shelter and catch you, when you run to hug me. Of course I had no time lately, but I knew you were there, waiting for me. And that was all that mattered.

What should I do, Yamiyo? I think about only one thing, but am I able to punish you like that? Am I so selfish? Is it a sign of egoism or big love? What's going on with us, Yamiyo?

That weird feeling, when blade shivers. I don't pay atention to that. I have other problems. One of which is weird taste of your blood. To feel so much innocence in it.

Yamiyo, I wouldn't be myself if I were to change you normally. That's why I'm kneeling on the green grass, with you in my arms, with my own blood in my mouth pressed to yours lips.

Do you know how much I love you?

When you wake up, you're so adorably confused.

"Hello, Yamada." I say calmly, and you're even more surprised.

I love that confusion in your eyes.

What do you think? How many times in a few hundred years I'll see you again with a face like that?

~~The end~~

Wednesday 8 September 2021

White light, white love

Band: Kagrra,
Pairing: Izumi&Shin
Rating: 15+
Genre: fantasy, AU, romance
Series: "Night's Children"
Warnings: supernatural existence
Note: If you don't know anything about "Night's Children", please check "Forbidden light, forbidden love".

Vampires moved to Asagi's castle. White is the color of innocence, which often is only an illusion.

I wonder how people, who see you imagine your character. They probably think, you're innocent, non-confrontational and submissive. Well, they're wrong.

If you want to, you can be so stubborn that tying you up and torturing with tickling won't work on you. Yes, I tried one time. Long ago, when we both were nine. I learned that day that I shouldn't get in your way.

Conflicts between you and vampires spark only when one of them breaks your pin. You really don't like that, because making pins is not your passion.

They're half right about the innocence. It's because with people you're quiet, shy penshionaire, like Isshi once said. When we're on a mission, evil vampires don't stand a chance with you.

And now I'm sitting and looking at your petite fingers tying a bandage around my hand. I always have to injure myself. But if I think about it, you're getting injured more often. If I were to count it all...

"Are you listening to me?" you ask suddenly.

You were saying something?

"I was thinking." I answer honestly.

"You're thinking a lot." you say, standing up and give me your hand.

I grab it and stand up next to you.

"Could you repeat what you were saying?" I ask, looking into your black, reflecting moonlight eyes.

"I told you to be careful, because I don't want to loose you." you say after a while.

Okay, you shouldn't tell me stuff like that. Why? You know really well. Oh, right. You don't know, because I don't have the guts to tell you. Can we change topic?

"I'll be careful." I promise.

You stop.

"But I don't want to loose you." you explain. "I worry about you and you worry about me. You realise, that..."

I kiss you, so you won't have to force yourself, because I get the feeling, you're mixing up everything.

A week passes. We come back from mission.

"Have you ever thought about why we were born as conquerors?" you ask at some point.

"You know, theoretically we didn't have to go to the Shelter. We could work in shop or start a band." I say. "Nobody forced us."

"If we'll work in a shop, no one will kill us." you notice.

"It's Mito, Hashi. Someone gets killed here all the time." I remind you.

Oh, how I love to feel that cold. Escecially while having five Clears in front of me and I don't know what to do.

"I hate Clears." I murmur while killing another one.

I see two of them running in your direction.

"Hey, go to me. Leave Hashi alone!"

I regret my words the momment I feel stong punch in the stomach. Yeah, it was not a good idea.

"Izumida!" your scream is the last thing I hear.

Darkness. Horrible darkness and a light in the end of a tunnel. Should I go or not? Why do I see sleeping people? No, wait. Those are vampire's souls. Their souls don't dissapear?

I wake up suddenly. I'm lying by the building with it's plaster falling off.

"Izumi?" Naoki's voice breaks the silence.

I get up from the ground. Yes, that vampire sits here. Yes, he's glowing. Yes, Isshi stands near. And you next to him.

"You're not listening to me." you say approaching me and quickly putting your hands on my arms. "You're not listening to me. When I tell you to be careful, you have to be careful. Not pulling away from me vampires that kill you, Izumida. Why you're not listening to me?"

"Hashi..." I hug you, then you start crying.


I never heard Akiya scream so much. I never in my life saw him so furious. In my life. Now I don't have it anymore.

"Amano, aren't you having some business in foreign country?" asks Akiya, calming a little bit. "Because I'll gladly go with you."

Next day they're gone. Where they went, only they know. Akiya is oversensitive...

Few months passes. If we'll kill all Clears, it'll be calm. What are they trying to do anyway? Take over the world like the antagonist in weak American movies? Oh, I forgot. Akiya and Tora still haven't returned.

I'm sitting on the floor and thinking. Then a phone calls. It's you.

"If I'll say that me and a young conqueror are in trouble, you'll come to "Ayame" or stay in the castle?" you ask, while I hear screams in the background.

"Where exactly are you?" I ask.

"By the bridge. You know, which one." you reply.

After a while I run through the bridge, still remembering scarlet blood heroically spilled on the white snow. When I reach my destination, you stab a Clear with a pin. That young conqueror is across the square. I don't care. There are no vampires and you fall on the snow.

"Why it's winter again?" I ask quietly, catching you.

"February is a winter month." you answer weakly, breathing heavily.

"But we should be happy in February, Hashidani." I say, wanting to get up, but you stop me.

"We should be happy all year." you whisper, while I wipe blood falling from your cheek. "Change me, Izumida."

I never imagined someone dying in my arms. Of course it had to be you, right?

"Izumi-san?" that young guy approaches me, propably not knowing, what's going on. "Izumi-san?"

"Yuusei, go away." I tell him. "Call Nao and go away."

Yuusei runs somewhere, while I stay with you alone. Or me and that command to give you new life.

We enter the castle. To my misfortune, because I'm always unlucky, Akiya came back.


I catch your small hand and evacuate with you from the castle.

"We have to run away somewhere far, Hashidani." I say, hearing Akiya right behind us.

"With you I'll run away anywhere." you say.

We both smiled. I hope Akiya won't kill us, because I want to spend thoose hundreds of years ahead of us with you.

~~The end~~

Wednesday 1 September 2021

"If you want lyrics, write them yourself"

Band: Kagrra,
Pairing: Isshi&Nao, mentioned future Tora&Akiya
Rating: 15+
Genre: comedy
Warnings: -
Note: Akiya is restless, Isshi is nervous, a piece of paper is folded few times.

Isshi was fed up with a lot of things. With fangirls sending him thousands of fan mail, Izumi making band practices to foten, Shin being so stubborn and their manager telling them what to do, even though they already knew. Even Nao, who he loved with his whole heart, but sometimes did not understand, what he wanted annoyed him.

But one person was getting on his nerves for a week now. Akiya. He was following him all the time, when he'll finally write the lyrics for that song he wrote two weeks ago. Why does he insist so much? Isshi understood they're working on a new album and Saint Aki needs everything to be perfectly done, but that's too much. He's not even a leader and their conversations look like this as of late:

"Did you write the lyrics?"



"I didn't have time."


"Did you write the lyrics?"



"I couldn't find inspiration."


"Did you finally write something?"



"Because that 'cause."

How many times you could ask about the same thing? He'll write it when he'll feel like it. Now he had more important stuff to think of, like what should he buy Nao for his birthday in TWO days.


"No, no, no." Isshi shaked his head and speeded up. "Anyone but him."

"Isshi, wait up!" Akiya run to him. "Hey. Di..."

"NO!" shouted Isshi so loud that Mai, who was leaving practice room of his band, looked back to see, what happened. "I didn't write those lyrics, Akiya. If you want lyrics, write them yourself. And stop following me around like shadow, Sleeping Beauty, or you'll be sorry."

Then he left, leaving shocked Akiya in the middle of a hallway.

Few days later, Isshi came for the practice a little earlier, like he used to. Nao was still asleep in his bed, when vocalist pured himself some coffee. Then he noticed something. A piece of paper folded few times, lying on a cupboard.

"I won't read this. That's not right." Isshi shaked his head and looked one more time at the cupboard. "No, it's not... Whatever, no one's here anyway."

Vocalist put his cup on a table, then unfolded the piece of paper. With smooth writing of a full-cheeked guitarist, there was one kanji written at the top. Lotus flower (Ren).

"I can't believe it." whispered Isshi, looking at the... tittle. "I can't believe it."

He read quickly writing done in red pen, then he almost dropped piece of paper.

"Just as I thought." Isshi hit himself in a forehead. "Akiya fell in love. But with who? With someone, who he doesn't see very often, right? Is it... No, that's impossible."

He hid lyrics in his pocket, then left the practice room. He had to think about it outside.

His lighter broke. What now he's going to do?

"Hello, Isshi-san." he heard a voice.

He lifted his eyes. There was Tora standing in front of him.

"Hi, Tora-kun." if he's formal, then so is Isshi.

Then he thought of someting.

"Do you like lotus flowers, Tora-kun?"

Tora stopped for a moment, looking at Kagrra,'s vocalist.

"Those are my favorite flowers." he explained very slowly. "How do you know that?"

"I won't tell you. You'll get to know by yourself." answered Isshi, smiling.

Tora's answer was exacly as he expected.

Akiya entered practice room, not being late for the first time in months. He saw Isshi sitting comfortably on the couch and holding... his lyrics.

"Welcome, Aki." Isshi smiled. "I met Mister Amano today. It seems, lotus is his favorite flower. Do you know something about that?"

Akiya froze. He should buy himself memory pills.

"You know, when I told you to write lyrics by yourself, I was just kidding." explained Isshi. "But if you want, we can use it for your song, Sleeping Beauty. Maybe that'll open yours Tiger's eyes?"

Akiya thought he really needs to go to the pharmacy and buy himself some cyanide.

"That's my revenge for evasdropping me behind the door." said Isshi. "Sit. Everyone will get here soon. Izumi will be happy, he doesn't have to call you frst time in months. Why did you come so quickly?"

"I forgot to take that paper before anyone finds it." said quietly Akiya, but Isshi heard him anyway and started to laught.

"Something went wrong, Sleeping Beauty." noticed Isshi.

Then Izumi entered the room.

"Akiya? You didn't oversleep?!" asked drummer, making Isshi laught again.

The end