The blog contains content about male-male and female-female relationships. If you don't like yaoi and yuri, hit the red cross and don't read, instead of throwing mud at me. Thank you for your attention.

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"Rain is soothing for the soul"

Band: Kra Pairing: Keiyu&Mai Rating: 14+ Genre: romance, comedy Warnings: - Note: Keiyu likes walking in the rain, but he'd lik...

Wednesday 29 December 2021

Spark in the eye

Pairing: Yusa&Yuusei
Rating: 16+
Genre: comedy, romance
Warnings: -
Note: Some memories, some punishment and some people who can't hang up.

I can still see it in front of my eyes. Brown hair, looking like they've been moved by the wind. Closed eyes, like you were sleeping. And that motionless body, like you were dead.

I was scared. You don't even know how much.

"Splash!" called Yuudai, laughing.

I turned around. Right, drummer threw you into the lake for fun. Probably he'll get hit in his face.

Why he doesn't get hit? Why are you not coming out from the water?

"Yusa, something's wrong." said Jun, who tried to push off Sorao from his hoodie, before this happened.

I ran, taking off my shoes and sweather and jumped into the water pushing away Yuudai, who was still laughting.

I saw you in a condition I described earlier. Yuki, why haven't you told us? Did you think it was easy to get you out of the water and see Jun, who was standing there, scared, whit my clothes in his hands, not really knowing what to do? I didn't know myself. I felt like someone stabbed me with a knife in the heart. Because that was the pain I felt.

"Ryohei?" Yuusei touched Yusa's arm, because he got lost in his thoughts for too long, at least according to him. "Did something happen?"

"Nothing." Yusa smiled and hugged him, pulling him closer. "Why do you think so?"

"Your eyes weren't shining." replied Yuusei, hugging vocalist's arm. "Like you left your body and went somewhere, taking all of your happines with you."

"How could I lost all the happiness?" asked Yusa, puting his hand on guitarist's cheek.

"If someone would take away your soul?" risked Yuusei. "Or if someone took away those chocolates, you secretly love and always hide them away from Yuudai, so he couldn't eat them. Or like Yuudai would discover your hideout. Or if we would disband, which probably won't ever happen, or..."

"Or if you'd be gone." interruptem him Yusa.

Yuusei blinked.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Like if they'd take you away from me. Because you wouldn't leave me on your own free will, right?" Yusa looked at Yuusei in a way that made guitarist think he's gonna get sucked in by his eyes. 

"Why do you think about such things?" Yuusei laughted so loud, that Sorao laying on a couch next to them opened one of his eyes.

"Shut up, or I'll kill both of you." shouted Sorao.

"Your uke tried once, not gonna happen." replied Yuusei.

Sorao only switched side he was laying on.

"Let him sleep." said Yuudai, comepletely ignoring the fact he got used in the discussion. "He had a rough night."

"Rough night..." Yusa looked at Yuudai, then at Sorao. "What did he do, that made him be the uke?"

"He deserved it." murmured Yuudai. "And he needs to sleep before the live or else he'll fall asleep on the stage and that won't be good."

"No, you hang up." laughted Jun, talking on the phone with Minase.

Because he said this for the fifth time, Yuudai got up and took Jun's phone away.

"Bye." said drummer, before hanging up. "I'll give it back to you after the live."

"But..." Jun made a fave he never made before.

Yusa and Yuusei couldn't handle it and bursted with laughter, waking up Sorao, who this time jumped and fell on the floor.

"Who am I working with?" sighed Yuudai, going to the stylist.


Wednesday 22 December 2021

Ai no shiki

Band: Kagrra,
Pairing: Isshi&Nao
Rating: 16+
Genre: romance, angst
Series: "Life with a Ghost"
Warnings: death, paranormal existence
Note: Seasons of love~


"Yes, Nao?"
"Nothing, I'm just playing with you."


"Yes, Nao?"
"What are you writing?"
"About demons, love and blossoming cherry trees?"
"How did you know?"
"I know you."


"Yes, Yamada?"
"I'm happy, you're here with me."
"Honestly, me too."


"Yes, Yamiyo?"
"Do you love me?"
"You like to ask rhetorical questions, don't you, honey?"
"I do. I also like hearing answers to them."
"I love you, Yamiyo."
"I love you too, Shino."




"Nothing. But I'm glad you replied."

The end

Wednesday 15 December 2021

Sweet Beauty

Band: Kagrra,&THE KIDDIE
Pairing: Akiya&Yuusei
Rating: 16+
Genre: romance
Warnings: some erotic scenes
Note: "That calm in his voice, warmth of his body and his full lips, kissing mine. Sinful heaven I was given for free by a guitarist a lot older than me."

His hands held tight my wrists. I should have not joined THE KIDDIE, or should have not become a guitarist in the first place. It was a big mistake. If I wasn't a guitarist, I would have not played at that festival and I wouldn't feel now feel his breath on my face.

"Are you scared?" he asked calmly. "Why?"

"It feels like you're about to rape me." I lowered my gaze.

He let go of my hands and pulled me towards him.

"Do I look like a rapist to you?" tone of his voice wasn't so calm anymore.

I felt like those black eyes pierced through me.

"I just..." he wouldn't let me finish.

He kissed me. At that moment I thought that maybe this won't be a rape.

I wondered if he held in his arms other people before me. If anyone talked with him after a live and if he pulled of someone else's shirt like this. He didn't hurry. Like he was also afraid. But what was I afraid of? Maybe that... Nevermind. His hands and warm gaze were more important now. Like he wanted me to trust him. And I did.

"You're sweetly beautiful, Yuusei." he said, moving his hand across my back.

That calm in his voice, warmth of his body and his full lips, kissing mine. Sinful heaven I was given for free by a guitarist a lot older than me.

* * *

I was woken up by a phonecall of his phone.

"I hate when they do this." he sighed, petting my head. "What again? Practice wasn't supposed to be today. Not a practice? What then? An interview? Izumi, do you remember we're interviewed one by one in order? Yes, Izumi. First Isshi, then me, Shin, Nao and you. Yes, Izumi. Quit this conversation before I'll doubt your competences. But I didn't say I already did. Okay... I'll stay for an extra hour after the practice. Kami, what a leader."

"Sleep." I murmured, hugging him.

He flinched, like it did surprise him

"Yuusei, are you aware, you'll wake up alone tomorrow?" he asked.

"Tomorrow, Akiya, tomorrow. Today I can still hug you." I replied, smiling lightly.

He laughted quietly and fixed the bedsheets, covering us both completlely.

I wonder if Ryohei, who's now laying next to me, knows where I disappeared few year ago and because of who they couldn't find me. Probably no one realised, Akiya is not as innocent as he looks.

The end

Wednesday 8 December 2021

Akai Tsuki

Band: Kagrra,, Alice Nine
Pairing: Akiya&Shin, Tora&Akiya, mentioned Isshi&Nao, Izumi&Shin
Rating: 16+
Genre: fantasy, AU, horror
Series: "Hakkou Tsuki"
Warnings: violence, some erotic scenes
Note: "Remember this. Moon and the darkness are not your friends, but mine. You know, why? Because I am the light of the Moon, who lights up the darkness. But I'm not that beautifull light for you. I am your death."

Remember this. Moon and the darkness are not your friends, but mine. You know, why? Because I am the light of the Moon, who lights up the darkness. But I'm not that beautifull light for you. I am your death.

Hashidani Shin wasn't a man out of ordinary. He was a usual music teacher in the most average highschool in Tokyo. He wasn't standing out much. Except when female students stared in awe, when he played his koto. It was the only thing about him, that was outstanding.

One evening, when he passed by the young man in a long black coat with a red lining, he didn't expect it would soon become the worst night of his life.

"May I help you?" asked retail worker, when Shin was thinking about which yogurt to buy.

"Huh? No, thank you. I'm fine." Shin smiled lightly picking up a cup of yogurt and putting it in his shop basket.

He decided he'll buy some cookies. His older sister with her daughter is visitting him tomorrow, so not having a snack would be rude.

His clumsiness made him drop the cookies. He wanted to lift them, but someone else was faster then him.

Shin stared for a while into the red eyes of a man, who was giving him back his cookies.

"Here." he said in a calm voice and smiled.

Why Shin felt dizzy because of that smile? He couldn't really tell.

"Thank you." he whispered and quickly turned away, packing his cookies.

"He's pretty." a man smiled wider and licked his mouth. "I wonder what is his bloodtype."

Shin stood in front of the doors to his house. He heard something behind his back. He turned aroun, but didn't see anything. He felt a slight breeze.

"Aeration." he murmured to himself, closing the door's upper lock.

Shin put his groceries on the table. He put the milk in the fridge, cookies in the cupboard, he took the little spoon out of the kitchen drawer and berry flavoured yogurt into his small palms. He sat on the couch and turned on the TV.

"Peanut butter, pepper chips, life insurance, Gackt, laundry powder, Hyde, Gackt, plasma television, Gackt, Miyavi, electronic dog, Gackt, the GazettE, Gackt..." he was saying to himslef, while changing the channels.

Finally he stopped on some music channel, where some smiling blonde vocalist was talking about his band's new single. Shin stirred his yogurt and stared into the TV screen.

Then he heard the door screech. He flinched and the spoon fell out of his hand. He got up and looked around the house to find the source of the sound. All that he had left to check was the attic.

He didn't like the attic. He never went there. Hikari told him and Hiromi too many scary stories in their childhood for him to go there without fear.

He looked around the room. Old teddy bear, his sisters' dollhouse, old textbooks, a man sitting in the armchair, some plants...

Shin froze. He turned around a little. There was no one sitting in the armchair. He was seeing things for sure.

He sat back on the couch, thoroughly washing the spoon before that. Blonde vocalist ran to the cute guitarist and kissed him on the cheek.

And that's when the power went out.

"For crying out loud." sighed Shin, getting up and grabbing a lighter.

Time to go to the basement.

He calmly walked down the stairs, approached the fuses. What he saw, made him froze. Someone ripped them out.

He hear a weird sound coming from behind. Like someone had broken the glass. He counted to ten and turned around.

"Who's there?" he asked, pointing his lighter at a wall.

He saw something he did not expect to see.

One the wall, there was something written with red letters:

Hello. You are Hashidani, right? Nice to meet you.

"Who's there?" asked Shin once again.

This time his voice cracked.

Shin jumped, when someone put his hands on his eyes.

"Guess who?" a voice could be heard.

Shin knew that voice. It was that man from the shop.

"Leave me alone!" yelled Shin.

Then he started to run. He heard a laugh.

Shin ran as fast as he could, trying to reach the door. He stopped when he saw the person, he was running away from in front of him

"Hashidani, what are you afraid of?" asked the man, smiling wide and showing his fangs. "I don't want to hurt you."

"Go away!" screamed Shin, throwing the a wase at the vampire and escaping to the kitchen.

Shin ran into the kitchen and leaned on the table.

"Are you tired?" asked the vampire.

Shin looked at him. The Vampire was sitting on the counter and moved his finger along the knife's blade.

"How did you... Who are you?" asked Shin, retreating to the door.

"I forgot to introduce myself. How rude of me." vampire jumped off the counter. "Kazuhiro Akiya. Nice to meet you, Hashidani."

"Don't talk to me like that!" yelled Shin, throwing a chair in vampire's direction. "I can't let you to take away part of my soul that is my name!"

"But I don't want a part of your soul." said Akiya. "I want all of it. Including your whole body."

Vampire held Shin against the wall.

"Small, fragile body of pretty Hashidani." said Akiya, moving his hand along Shin's arm. "So young yet so weak. So young yet so close to death."

"Let me go!" yelled Shin trying to free himself.

"Is your behavior brave, covardice or foolishnes?" wondered Akiya. "Looks like you want to protect yourself, so you're not afraid of me. At the same time you're afraid of me, because you want to run away. But Hashidani, you young fool, you can't beat me or run away from me. Because I am your death."

Shin felt the floor moving away from his feet then he felt like he'd fly. Suddenly he found himself on the bed, then he lost his consciousness, whe he was hit in the head.

"Wake up, little guy." he heard vampire's whisper.

He opened his eyes. His arms and legs were tied to the bed. Vampire sat on him and looked him straight in the eye.

"Get off me." said Shin.

"Leave me alone, go away, let me go, get off me. You're talking too much." sighed Akiya and kissed him.

Shin tried to say something, when vampire moved away from him, but he couldn't. Something paralyzed him from the inside.

"I see you're finally silent." whispered Akiya, unbuttoning Shin's shirt with his fingers. "I hope the cat got only your tongue."

Vampire leaned over Shin and bit his neck. Shin clenched his fists so he wouldn't scream out of pain.

"Type B. Just like mine." Akiya smiled lightly, licking his lips covered in blood.

* * *

"Hello, Hashidani. Listen, I can't come visit you today. But Hiromi will probably visit with Makoto. See you, otouto."

Akiya let go of the buton playing the voicemail. Still holding dead Shin on his arms, he went to the attic and closed the curtains on the window.

"Sun is slowly rising, little guy." whispered Akiya, moving his hang across Shin's body, covered only by the bedsheets. "I liked your company, Hashidani."

The vampire moved away from him and bit his neck. He pulled himself away, then cut open his hand and poured some of his blood into the Shin's mouth.

* * *

"Hashidani, we know you're home, open the door!" Hiromi started punching the door. "Makoto, do something."

"Of course, darling." Makoto moved away a little, then threw himself on the door with full force.

It gave up easily, because it was old.

"Hashidani!" called Hiromi.

She noticed the note lying on the table. She read it.

I'm on the attic. I'm sorry, but I couldn't open you the door.

"Hashidani?" Hiromi opened the door to the attic and looked around.

Her brother was sitting in the armchair with his eyes closed.

"Welcome, imouto." Hashidani smiled lightly. "Come in."

"How do you know it's me, if you're not looking?" asked Hiromi, entering the attic.

Makoto went after her.

"Because I can smell you." said Hashidani, opening his scarlet eyes. "Meet Akiya. He's right behind you."

* * *

"Double murder in the city centre. Music teacher missing. No weapon found. People are stupid." said blonde vampire, throwing the newspaper on the table.

Brown-haired vampire sitting on his lap hugged his arm.

"And you cheated on me again." said black-haired vampire to Akiya.

"A little adventure." laughted Akiya. "You need to watch over me more, Amano."

"At least Izumida has some company." noticed blonde, petting his koi's head.

"Yes, I do." Izumida smiled lightly, pulling Hashidani closer to him. "And you, Shinohara, better go take Yamada to the dinner, he's not looking so well."

"Come, Yamiyo. Apparently they want to get rid of us." said Shinohara, pullng Yamada by his hand.

"I'll go everywhere with you, Shino." said Yamada, closing the door behind him.

~*~The end~*~

Wednesday 1 December 2021

Closed door

Band: D=OUT, THE KIDDIE, Kagrra,
Pairing: Kouki&Ibuki, Reika&Hikaru, Minase&Jun with Isshi&Nao in background
Rating: 15+
Genre: comedy, romance
Series: "Life with a Ghost"
Warnings: paranormal existence
Note: Secrets aren't good, floor is cold and strange things happens.
(It's old story from 2012, that's why Minase is here, not Naoto.)

"Minase, where are you?" wondered Reika, knocking on every door in the PSC building. "Minase!"

"And I'm the one who's late." sighed Kouki. "And now what? He vanished for half an hour. And he'll be complaining about cancelled practice."

"I'm the leader and I'm gonna complain if we won't find him." said Reika.

"Maybe something happened to him?" asked worried Hikaru.

"He's crazy. That's all." sighed Ibuki. "It was his first time doing something like that. Right?"

"Yes, exactly." agreed Reika. "Nao-san, have you seen Minase?"

Nao turned around surprised.

"No." he denied and looked right like he was waiting for an answer from someone. "No, I didn't see him."

Suddenly with his eye's corner, Hikaru noticed the doorknob's movement, and the door next to them opened by themself.

How everyone knew they opened by themself? Because inside there was only Minase, embracing Jun, sleeping.

"Ghosts or what?" wondered Kouki, comepletely forgeting about killing Minase.

Reika called Yuusei to tell him what he saw.

Nao only giggled and walked away.

The end