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"Rain is soothing for the soul"

Band: Kra Pairing: Keiyu&Mai Rating: 14+ Genre: romance, comedy Warnings: - Note: Keiyu likes walking in the rain, but he'd lik...

Wednesday 8 May 2024


Band: Purple Stone, mentioned Yusai/Zin

Pairing: Keiya&Fuma, Orochi&Gaku in the background

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: -

Note: A sweet and cliche Christmas story.

Christmas, Holidays or whatever you want to call it. In Europe or the United States - one of the most important Christian holidays. In Japan - an opportunity for romantic trips in the glow of colorful lights and accompanied by sugar-sweet songs about mistletoe and other sugar canes. Generally love everywhere, Valentine's Day for the more sentimental. And of course, thanks to this, you can experiment in the kitchen with spices typical of that period, and in bed with the costumes of Snowflake and Santa Claus... But you haven't read this last sentence. Especially the kids.

In fact, the Japanese like to organize sweet Christmas parties, to which they invite friends and give each other gifts. And that was the point of the whole problem.

Fuma was standing in front of the shop window, wearing gray, fluffy earmuffs and thick leather gloves. He already bought pralines for Gaku and jelly beans for Orochi, but he didn't know what to buy for Keiya.

">>Something cheap and sweet<<" he was repeating Gaku's words in head.

He invited him and Keiya to his apartament. Everything was his idea.

"Cheap and sweet. What I should do? Give him a kiss or what?"

Fuma laughed a little hysterically at the very thought. Him. Kissing. Keiya. Him kissing Keiya. Probably in dreams. Bassist's dreams, of course.

Fuma wasn't shy or something. He didn't also known Keiya too briefly to even think about falling in love with him. The problem was in a very prosaic fact that didn't matter at all for Fuma's heart.

Well, Keiya, as you could see right away and at first glance, was a man. Fuma was one too. And the bassist had no idea if there was any possibility for Keika to look at him in any way different than as his friend.

And he doesn't want to ask Keiya "Hey, Keiya, listen, there's a case. Are you gay or at least bisexual?". It's too private thing and if the vocalist wanted to, he would have came out a long time ago!

Going for advice to Gaku, who is in a happy relationship, also wasn't a good idea, because this band babble, which by some miracle became their leader, would surely immediately tell the whole music world that Fuma has a crush on Keiya.

"At least it's not Sana" mumbled the bassist, staring at a cat-shaped figurine.

He remembered, how ended musicians, who told Sana about their secrets and he trembled.

Such terrible fate...

Fuma sighed and then he saw a tiny music box that was in his hand. It was sweet and cheap, so Murakami smiled brightly and headed towards the cashier, glad to find something okay.

The bassist came home, took off his shoes and said "hello" to his cat, then went into the kitchen and boiled some water for tea.

Fuma opened the cupboard and took out green tea with orange, cinnamon and cloves, then poured a few teaspoons into the star-shaped infuser, put it in the kettle and when the water boiled and cooled a little, he poured the tea and carried it to the bedroom. He took a mug with a cat in a cap from the kitchen, went into the bedroom, got comfortable on the bed, played a medley of Christmas songs on his mobile, put on his headphones, then picked up the book and began reading. Meanwhile, Dora laid down on his lap and he lost himself in his world, in which he lacked nothing.

Apart from their somewhat crazy vocalist...

* * *

Gaku lived in the center of Osaka, on the third floor of a skyscraper. Fuma had to remember it from time to time, because for a long time the guitarist had an apartment on the fourth floor in the same building and the bassist sometimes forgets about it.

Fuma checked again that he hadn't forgotten any of the "sweet and cheap" gifts for his friends, then walked briskly inside. As he made his way to the elevator, he felt a tap on his shoulder, almost having a heart attack.

He turned to see Keiya smiling radiantly.

"Hi, Fuma" said the vocalist, pushing a button to call an elevator. "How are you?"

"I'm okay" replied Fuma. "And you?"

"Awesome!" yelled Keiya, entering an elevator and pulling Fuma in.

"Can I ask, what happened?" asked Fuma.

"It's nothing" Keiya smiled nervously. "You'll see. I'm talking about one of the gifts."

"Oh, okay" Fuma nodded and left the elevator with Keiya.

Gaku opened the door. He had flower patterned apron. Keika laughed because of this, so the guitarist smacked his face with the cloth.

"I baked cookies. What, the guy can be dirty, huh? Only a woman can keep clothes from getting damaged?" Gaku growled, before smacking Keiya again, this time in the back of the head.

The reason was simple - the singer continued to chuckle.

"Hey, Orochi" Fuma greeted Orochi sitting at the table, mournfully eating his dough in colorful sugar slivers.

Gaku made tea for everyone, put cups before them and sat down in the armchair, announcing that it's the time for unpacking the gifts.

Fuma got a pack of sweets from Orochi and a toy mouse for Dora from Gaku. Keiya grabbed his hand and pulled the bassist to the kitchen, as if his gift was the only one that deserved a better light or a change of surroundings.

"This is for you" Keika gave him a little box.

Fuma sighed. He was expecting everything inside. Even fake bug, Keiya could do something like that.

He was completely confused, when he found a mistletoe inside.

"A mistletoe?" he looked at Keiya, surprised.

"A mistletoe" the vocalist pulled it out from the box and hung on a chandelier. "Oh, Fuma, listen. We stand under the mistletoe..."

"Keiya, this is awfully bla..." Fuma fell silent, when Keiya put a finger on his lips.

"Maybe so, but I have to kiss you" said Keika and kissed surprised Fuma.

Murakami finally shook off the shock and gave back this "sweet and cheap" caress, losing himself completely in the situation that had arisen.

* * *

"I had to run from my own house. It's scandalous..." mumbled Gaku, sitting on the balcony and wearing headphones.

Orochi was leaning over the barrier and laughing for fifteen minutes already.

"Orochi! Stop laughing or you'll be bottom tonight!"

It worked.

The End

Wednesday 1 May 2024

I Won't Say

Band: DIV

Pairing: Chobi&Chisa

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: -

Note: Chobi is like Megara from "Hercules".

He won't say that he loves Chisa.

I remember this first impulse which told me that I should ask you if everything is okay. I remember your sad smile, which you sent me and nodded and I said that I believe you. Later you admitted that something was bothering you, but this thing was trivial and we could quickly solve it.

But the impulse came more and more often and I didn't understand what was happening. For almost thirty years, I was sure that I was straight and didn't allow myself to think that this could be something stronger than friendship.

"Chobi, please" Shougo sighed, looking at me as he wanted something.

We shared a room that day. You were in the other room with this i... Ehem, with Satoshi.

"What do you want from me? I have to buy you a fourth dog or something?" I asked, confused.

Shougo groaned miserably and covered his face with a pillow.


"I'm talking about Chisa" he said firmly, throwing his pillow at me. "About Chisa, dummy. You follow him like a cat after a mouse, but you don't do anything about it!"

"I don't follow anyone" I said, tossing the pillow to him. "It's just a friendship."

"Friendship..." Shougo snorted and layed down on the bed again. "Friendship can turn into love, you know? And it's stronger than the one made from strangers to lovers."

"Yes, especially you and Naoto's love" I muttered. "And your big break up."

"Chobi, maybe get interested in your own love life, huh?" Shougo looked at me. "What was between me and Naoto is over. Now I'm with Satoshi."

"You're interested in my love life, I'm interested in yours" I shrugged. "Can I ask, why did you break up?"

"I don't want to talk about it" said Shougo.

"But I'm a blabber and I like talking" I replied and Shougo threw a pillow at me again.

"You know that feeling, when you feel like your relationship is too perfect?" asked Shougo.

"I know" I nodded. "And what?"

"Yoshito told me... Eh, it doesn't matter anyway. It's over" said Shougo. "Talk with Chisa, if you love talking so much. Or I'm gonna smash your heads against each other and send you both to hospital."

"But I don't love him."

"But you have a crush on him."

"I'm straight!"

"And I'm the Ukrainian ballerina in sneakers."


"Nothing. Go to sleep, if you still don't get it" Shougo covered his head with a quilt and turned his back to me.

I didn't understand him then. And I hadn't understood him for a long time.

I hadn't understood myself. My reactions about your beautiful smile, about your slim hands, about your big, cat eyes with puppy look, which makes them forever sad. And your hair falling over your tiny shoulders, and your low voice and...

Yes. The biggest problem started in the moment, when I started to see your traits of character that charmed me in some strange way. The fact that you were so kind to everyone, that you were hellishly intelligent, though you didn't want to show it, and that it was so easy to embarrass you. This last feature made me want to protect you, I wanted people who cause panic in your beautiful eyes to burn alive. Or at least make them apologize.

Shougo wasn't the only one who tried to tell me that something isn't okay with my behaviour. Hikaru, Lin and Ivy also were calling, sending me direct messages and telling me in my face "Do something with it, Ishizuka Hiroki".

And I, like some kid in denial, were running into a cold shower and stared blankly at the tiles, trying not to imagine that the drops of water were your forever cold hands.

It never worked.

"Kurihara Sachi, what are you doing with me?" I whispered once, hitting the tiles with my forehead a little too hard, because it made my head dizzy.

I just wanted to resist, not to concuss myself, for gods' sake!

And Meiko just laughed, sticking a kitten patch on my forehead, that life of clumsy boy has to be crazy.

And I lived like that, trying to get as close to you as possible, though I just wanted to pull myself away completely, and finally, by a coincidence of many circumstances, I kissed you while you were asleep and you were completely unaware of what I wanted to do.

But you know what? Your real hands are nothing compared to that cold water. Especially since you're a graduate of art studies and can play many instruments.

And a candy you delay tastes much better than one you take without hesitation.

The end