The blog contains content about male-male and female-female relationships. If you don't like yaoi and yuri, hit the red cross and don't read, instead of throwing mud at me. Thank you for your attention.

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"Rain is soothing for the soul"

Band: Kra Pairing: Keiyu&Mai Rating: 14+ Genre: romance, comedy Warnings: - Note: Keiyu likes walking in the rain, but he'd lik...

Wednesday 29 December 2021

Spark in the eye

Pairing: Yusa&Yuusei
Rating: 16+
Genre: comedy, romance
Warnings: -
Note: Some memories, some punishment and some people who can't hang up.

I can still see it in front of my eyes. Brown hair, looking like they've been moved by the wind. Closed eyes, like you were sleeping. And that motionless body, like you were dead.

I was scared. You don't even know how much.

"Splash!" called Yuudai, laughing.

I turned around. Right, drummer threw you into the lake for fun. Probably he'll get hit in his face.

Why he doesn't get hit? Why are you not coming out from the water?

"Yusa, something's wrong." said Jun, who tried to push off Sorao from his hoodie, before this happened.

I ran, taking off my shoes and sweather and jumped into the water pushing away Yuudai, who was still laughting.

I saw you in a condition I described earlier. Yuki, why haven't you told us? Did you think it was easy to get you out of the water and see Jun, who was standing there, scared, whit my clothes in his hands, not really knowing what to do? I didn't know myself. I felt like someone stabbed me with a knife in the heart. Because that was the pain I felt.

"Ryohei?" Yuusei touched Yusa's arm, because he got lost in his thoughts for too long, at least according to him. "Did something happen?"

"Nothing." Yusa smiled and hugged him, pulling him closer. "Why do you think so?"

"Your eyes weren't shining." replied Yuusei, hugging vocalist's arm. "Like you left your body and went somewhere, taking all of your happines with you."

"How could I lost all the happiness?" asked Yusa, puting his hand on guitarist's cheek.

"If someone would take away your soul?" risked Yuusei. "Or if someone took away those chocolates, you secretly love and always hide them away from Yuudai, so he couldn't eat them. Or like Yuudai would discover your hideout. Or if we would disband, which probably won't ever happen, or..."

"Or if you'd be gone." interruptem him Yusa.

Yuusei blinked.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Like if they'd take you away from me. Because you wouldn't leave me on your own free will, right?" Yusa looked at Yuusei in a way that made guitarist think he's gonna get sucked in by his eyes. 

"Why do you think about such things?" Yuusei laughted so loud, that Sorao laying on a couch next to them opened one of his eyes.

"Shut up, or I'll kill both of you." shouted Sorao.

"Your uke tried once, not gonna happen." replied Yuusei.

Sorao only switched side he was laying on.

"Let him sleep." said Yuudai, comepletely ignoring the fact he got used in the discussion. "He had a rough night."

"Rough night..." Yusa looked at Yuudai, then at Sorao. "What did he do, that made him be the uke?"

"He deserved it." murmured Yuudai. "And he needs to sleep before the live or else he'll fall asleep on the stage and that won't be good."

"No, you hang up." laughted Jun, talking on the phone with Minase.

Because he said this for the fifth time, Yuudai got up and took Jun's phone away.

"Bye." said drummer, before hanging up. "I'll give it back to you after the live."

"But..." Jun made a fave he never made before.

Yusa and Yuusei couldn't handle it and bursted with laughter, waking up Sorao, who this time jumped and fell on the floor.

"Who am I working with?" sighed Yuudai, going to the stylist.


Wednesday 22 December 2021

Ai no shiki

Band: Kagrra,
Pairing: Isshi&Nao
Rating: 16+
Genre: romance, angst
Series: "Life with a Ghost"
Warnings: death, paranormal existence
Note: Seasons of love~


"Yes, Nao?"
"Nothing, I'm just playing with you."


"Yes, Nao?"
"What are you writing?"
"About demons, love and blossoming cherry trees?"
"How did you know?"
"I know you."


"Yes, Yamada?"
"I'm happy, you're here with me."
"Honestly, me too."


"Yes, Yamiyo?"
"Do you love me?"
"You like to ask rhetorical questions, don't you, honey?"
"I do. I also like hearing answers to them."
"I love you, Yamiyo."
"I love you too, Shino."




"Nothing. But I'm glad you replied."

The end

Wednesday 15 December 2021

Sweet Beauty

Band: Kagrra,&THE KIDDIE
Pairing: Akiya&Yuusei
Rating: 16+
Genre: romance
Warnings: some erotic scenes
Note: "That calm in his voice, warmth of his body and his full lips, kissing mine. Sinful heaven I was given for free by a guitarist a lot older than me."

His hands held tight my wrists. I should have not joined THE KIDDIE, or should have not become a guitarist in the first place. It was a big mistake. If I wasn't a guitarist, I would have not played at that festival and I wouldn't feel now feel his breath on my face.

"Are you scared?" he asked calmly. "Why?"

"It feels like you're about to rape me." I lowered my gaze.

He let go of my hands and pulled me towards him.

"Do I look like a rapist to you?" tone of his voice wasn't so calm anymore.

I felt like those black eyes pierced through me.

"I just..." he wouldn't let me finish.

He kissed me. At that moment I thought that maybe this won't be a rape.

I wondered if he held in his arms other people before me. If anyone talked with him after a live and if he pulled of someone else's shirt like this. He didn't hurry. Like he was also afraid. But what was I afraid of? Maybe that... Nevermind. His hands and warm gaze were more important now. Like he wanted me to trust him. And I did.

"You're sweetly beautiful, Yuusei." he said, moving his hand across my back.

That calm in his voice, warmth of his body and his full lips, kissing mine. Sinful heaven I was given for free by a guitarist a lot older than me.

* * *

I was woken up by a phonecall of his phone.

"I hate when they do this." he sighed, petting my head. "What again? Practice wasn't supposed to be today. Not a practice? What then? An interview? Izumi, do you remember we're interviewed one by one in order? Yes, Izumi. First Isshi, then me, Shin, Nao and you. Yes, Izumi. Quit this conversation before I'll doubt your competences. But I didn't say I already did. Okay... I'll stay for an extra hour after the practice. Kami, what a leader."

"Sleep." I murmured, hugging him.

He flinched, like it did surprise him

"Yuusei, are you aware, you'll wake up alone tomorrow?" he asked.

"Tomorrow, Akiya, tomorrow. Today I can still hug you." I replied, smiling lightly.

He laughted quietly and fixed the bedsheets, covering us both completlely.

I wonder if Ryohei, who's now laying next to me, knows where I disappeared few year ago and because of who they couldn't find me. Probably no one realised, Akiya is not as innocent as he looks.

The end

Wednesday 8 December 2021

Akai Tsuki

Band: Kagrra,, Alice Nine
Pairing: Akiya&Shin, Tora&Akiya, mentioned Isshi&Nao, Izumi&Shin
Rating: 16+
Genre: fantasy, AU, horror
Series: "Hakkou Tsuki"
Warnings: violence, some erotic scenes
Note: "Remember this. Moon and the darkness are not your friends, but mine. You know, why? Because I am the light of the Moon, who lights up the darkness. But I'm not that beautifull light for you. I am your death."

Remember this. Moon and the darkness are not your friends, but mine. You know, why? Because I am the light of the Moon, who lights up the darkness. But I'm not that beautifull light for you. I am your death.

Hashidani Shin wasn't a man out of ordinary. He was a usual music teacher in the most average highschool in Tokyo. He wasn't standing out much. Except when female students stared in awe, when he played his koto. It was the only thing about him, that was outstanding.

One evening, when he passed by the young man in a long black coat with a red lining, he didn't expect it would soon become the worst night of his life.

"May I help you?" asked retail worker, when Shin was thinking about which yogurt to buy.

"Huh? No, thank you. I'm fine." Shin smiled lightly picking up a cup of yogurt and putting it in his shop basket.

He decided he'll buy some cookies. His older sister with her daughter is visitting him tomorrow, so not having a snack would be rude.

His clumsiness made him drop the cookies. He wanted to lift them, but someone else was faster then him.

Shin stared for a while into the red eyes of a man, who was giving him back his cookies.

"Here." he said in a calm voice and smiled.

Why Shin felt dizzy because of that smile? He couldn't really tell.

"Thank you." he whispered and quickly turned away, packing his cookies.

"He's pretty." a man smiled wider and licked his mouth. "I wonder what is his bloodtype."

Shin stood in front of the doors to his house. He heard something behind his back. He turned aroun, but didn't see anything. He felt a slight breeze.

"Aeration." he murmured to himself, closing the door's upper lock.

Shin put his groceries on the table. He put the milk in the fridge, cookies in the cupboard, he took the little spoon out of the kitchen drawer and berry flavoured yogurt into his small palms. He sat on the couch and turned on the TV.

"Peanut butter, pepper chips, life insurance, Gackt, laundry powder, Hyde, Gackt, plasma television, Gackt, Miyavi, electronic dog, Gackt, the GazettE, Gackt..." he was saying to himslef, while changing the channels.

Finally he stopped on some music channel, where some smiling blonde vocalist was talking about his band's new single. Shin stirred his yogurt and stared into the TV screen.

Then he heard the door screech. He flinched and the spoon fell out of his hand. He got up and looked around the house to find the source of the sound. All that he had left to check was the attic.

He didn't like the attic. He never went there. Hikari told him and Hiromi too many scary stories in their childhood for him to go there without fear.

He looked around the room. Old teddy bear, his sisters' dollhouse, old textbooks, a man sitting in the armchair, some plants...

Shin froze. He turned around a little. There was no one sitting in the armchair. He was seeing things for sure.

He sat back on the couch, thoroughly washing the spoon before that. Blonde vocalist ran to the cute guitarist and kissed him on the cheek.

And that's when the power went out.

"For crying out loud." sighed Shin, getting up and grabbing a lighter.

Time to go to the basement.

He calmly walked down the stairs, approached the fuses. What he saw, made him froze. Someone ripped them out.

He hear a weird sound coming from behind. Like someone had broken the glass. He counted to ten and turned around.

"Who's there?" he asked, pointing his lighter at a wall.

He saw something he did not expect to see.

One the wall, there was something written with red letters:

Hello. You are Hashidani, right? Nice to meet you.

"Who's there?" asked Shin once again.

This time his voice cracked.

Shin jumped, when someone put his hands on his eyes.

"Guess who?" a voice could be heard.

Shin knew that voice. It was that man from the shop.

"Leave me alone!" yelled Shin.

Then he started to run. He heard a laugh.

Shin ran as fast as he could, trying to reach the door. He stopped when he saw the person, he was running away from in front of him

"Hashidani, what are you afraid of?" asked the man, smiling wide and showing his fangs. "I don't want to hurt you."

"Go away!" screamed Shin, throwing the a wase at the vampire and escaping to the kitchen.

Shin ran into the kitchen and leaned on the table.

"Are you tired?" asked the vampire.

Shin looked at him. The Vampire was sitting on the counter and moved his finger along the knife's blade.

"How did you... Who are you?" asked Shin, retreating to the door.

"I forgot to introduce myself. How rude of me." vampire jumped off the counter. "Kazuhiro Akiya. Nice to meet you, Hashidani."

"Don't talk to me like that!" yelled Shin, throwing a chair in vampire's direction. "I can't let you to take away part of my soul that is my name!"

"But I don't want a part of your soul." said Akiya. "I want all of it. Including your whole body."

Vampire held Shin against the wall.

"Small, fragile body of pretty Hashidani." said Akiya, moving his hand along Shin's arm. "So young yet so weak. So young yet so close to death."

"Let me go!" yelled Shin trying to free himself.

"Is your behavior brave, covardice or foolishnes?" wondered Akiya. "Looks like you want to protect yourself, so you're not afraid of me. At the same time you're afraid of me, because you want to run away. But Hashidani, you young fool, you can't beat me or run away from me. Because I am your death."

Shin felt the floor moving away from his feet then he felt like he'd fly. Suddenly he found himself on the bed, then he lost his consciousness, whe he was hit in the head.

"Wake up, little guy." he heard vampire's whisper.

He opened his eyes. His arms and legs were tied to the bed. Vampire sat on him and looked him straight in the eye.

"Get off me." said Shin.

"Leave me alone, go away, let me go, get off me. You're talking too much." sighed Akiya and kissed him.

Shin tried to say something, when vampire moved away from him, but he couldn't. Something paralyzed him from the inside.

"I see you're finally silent." whispered Akiya, unbuttoning Shin's shirt with his fingers. "I hope the cat got only your tongue."

Vampire leaned over Shin and bit his neck. Shin clenched his fists so he wouldn't scream out of pain.

"Type B. Just like mine." Akiya smiled lightly, licking his lips covered in blood.

* * *

"Hello, Hashidani. Listen, I can't come visit you today. But Hiromi will probably visit with Makoto. See you, otouto."

Akiya let go of the buton playing the voicemail. Still holding dead Shin on his arms, he went to the attic and closed the curtains on the window.

"Sun is slowly rising, little guy." whispered Akiya, moving his hang across Shin's body, covered only by the bedsheets. "I liked your company, Hashidani."

The vampire moved away from him and bit his neck. He pulled himself away, then cut open his hand and poured some of his blood into the Shin's mouth.

* * *

"Hashidani, we know you're home, open the door!" Hiromi started punching the door. "Makoto, do something."

"Of course, darling." Makoto moved away a little, then threw himself on the door with full force.

It gave up easily, because it was old.

"Hashidani!" called Hiromi.

She noticed the note lying on the table. She read it.

I'm on the attic. I'm sorry, but I couldn't open you the door.

"Hashidani?" Hiromi opened the door to the attic and looked around.

Her brother was sitting in the armchair with his eyes closed.

"Welcome, imouto." Hashidani smiled lightly. "Come in."

"How do you know it's me, if you're not looking?" asked Hiromi, entering the attic.

Makoto went after her.

"Because I can smell you." said Hashidani, opening his scarlet eyes. "Meet Akiya. He's right behind you."

* * *

"Double murder in the city centre. Music teacher missing. No weapon found. People are stupid." said blonde vampire, throwing the newspaper on the table.

Brown-haired vampire sitting on his lap hugged his arm.

"And you cheated on me again." said black-haired vampire to Akiya.

"A little adventure." laughted Akiya. "You need to watch over me more, Amano."

"At least Izumida has some company." noticed blonde, petting his koi's head.

"Yes, I do." Izumida smiled lightly, pulling Hashidani closer to him. "And you, Shinohara, better go take Yamada to the dinner, he's not looking so well."

"Come, Yamiyo. Apparently they want to get rid of us." said Shinohara, pullng Yamada by his hand.

"I'll go everywhere with you, Shino." said Yamada, closing the door behind him.

~*~The end~*~

Wednesday 1 December 2021

Closed door

Band: D=OUT, THE KIDDIE, Kagrra,
Pairing: Kouki&Ibuki, Reika&Hikaru, Minase&Jun with Isshi&Nao in background
Rating: 15+
Genre: comedy, romance
Series: "Life with a Ghost"
Warnings: paranormal existence
Note: Secrets aren't good, floor is cold and strange things happens.
(It's old story from 2012, that's why Minase is here, not Naoto.)

"Minase, where are you?" wondered Reika, knocking on every door in the PSC building. "Minase!"

"And I'm the one who's late." sighed Kouki. "And now what? He vanished for half an hour. And he'll be complaining about cancelled practice."

"I'm the leader and I'm gonna complain if we won't find him." said Reika.

"Maybe something happened to him?" asked worried Hikaru.

"He's crazy. That's all." sighed Ibuki. "It was his first time doing something like that. Right?"

"Yes, exactly." agreed Reika. "Nao-san, have you seen Minase?"

Nao turned around surprised.

"No." he denied and looked right like he was waiting for an answer from someone. "No, I didn't see him."

Suddenly with his eye's corner, Hikaru noticed the doorknob's movement, and the door next to them opened by themself.

How everyone knew they opened by themself? Because inside there was only Minase, embracing Jun, sleeping.

"Ghosts or what?" wondered Kouki, comepletely forgeting about killing Minase.

Reika called Yuusei to tell him what he saw.

Nao only giggled and walked away.

The end

Wednesday 24 November 2021

Oni to Vampaya no Rekishi

Band: Kagrra,&D
Pairing: Isshi&Asagi
Rating: 15+
Genre: comedy, romance
Warnings: alcohol, some erotic scenes
Note: To understand this text, you need to know these few words:
 - Vampaya - Vampire
 - Oni - Demon
 - Ouji - Prince
 - Bara - Rose
 - Hime - Prince

I needed some inspiration. Somethig or someone who'll help me discover, who I really am. My true self, that's somewhere inside me. Writing lyrics about vampires is good until you realize they're all the same. I really needed something new. A fresh breath of air. Someone, who would show me the right way.

I compared something to the wind one time on the band practice. That wasn't a good idea.

"Open yourself a window." said Hide-zou, who was falling asleep on the couch. "Then jump out of it. Then you'll feel a breeze so nice that when you'll be in a hospital and Ruiza with Tsune will write down whatever nonsense your damaged brain will make you say, I'll be enjoying my freedom and I'll go drink a beer with Hiroki."

"Hide-zou!" four of us shouted.

It turned out so synced that I had the feeling someone yelled "Seino!".

"Go drink a beer. I'm useless anyway." I said and left the room.

Me, Asagi, the great vocalist an a leader of the band D, The Prince of Vampires, had to stop the band practice. Second time since the band formed. First time was when Ruiza thought it's a brilliant idea to faint during a practice and we had to go on hiatus.

Why did those four clingy guys follow me? I have no idea. Maybe Ruiza told them I have depression or something and need them to lift up my spirit?

"Haha, right. I have depression? No, I just think that Hide-zou's idea with the window might be good and I have razors at home... Crap, I have depression."

I lost them. Ruiza will be worried, Tsune will call the police, Hiroki will look for me around the whole city and Hide-zou will go get himself a beer and tomorrow he'll be susprised with a band practice even though he'll have a huuuuge hangover.

I stopped under some building. I heard a song. Calm, but very climatic, having that "something". And that voice. I haven't heard a voice as beautifull as this one! Who? Where? Why? Oh, a live. Right, I was leaning on a wall of some livehouse. I'll have to postpone jumping out of the window untill tomorrow. Today I need to get there.

I finally got to use my acting talent. Bouncer believed in my fake story about looking for my little sister, who went to a live without our parent's permission. I love how naive people are. Sometimes I think I'm really a vampire.

Pretending I'm looking for my little sister, I tried not to loose the vocalist from my sight. I didn't care about the pretty drummer, smiling bassist and guitarists looking like complete opposites of each other. The vocalist, the way he moved on the stage, his hand movements, the looks he gave away, his smiles, each different, expresing a wide range of emotions. At some point I forgot about looking for my imaginary sister and I just stood there, staring at my Prince of Demons.

I left the livehouse stunned, letting the bouncer know I haven't found my sister, but if he'll see a girl looking like Sadako from "The Ring", he should call me. I left him my false phone number and went home.

Let's say there was a practice the following day. I was sitting there, hipnotized, focused on yesterday. Didn't surprise me Hide-zou left after half an hour because he felt like dying and Hiroki, Tsune and Ruiza stared at me, worried.

"He needs a moment to himself." said Hiroki.

"Or a psychiatrist. I know a good one." mentioned Ruiza.

"The one that turned the complete emo into a squirrel qith ADHD?" asked Hiroki, which only made Ruiza roll his eyes.

"Maybe he needs somene in his bedroom?" wondered Hide-zou, who apparently came back.


This time I was quiet. My thought were focused on the vocalist from yesterday. When Hide-zou came up with his crude odservation, I started thinking about other things. And it wasn't anything good. Why can't I be straight? Why do I have to be bisexual?

"I can show you guys a nice club." said Tsune. "If Asagi needs a break, like you said, I know where to go."

"Asagi, look at me." said Ruiza with a tone like I had brain damage. "We'll go to the club today. Tsune will show us the way. Maybe this will help regain your ability to think."

I smiled and pet blond guitarist's head. Maybe I really need some peace of mind?

* * *

Hah, a peace of mind! Haha! So funny! As soon as I stepped into the club one week liter I saw five guys just like that one, I lost that peace of mind instantly. Very funny! I Iove life!

Where's the window?

"Hiroki-san!" small and cute Totoro-like person waved to Hiroki.

Crap, give me something heavy so I could kill them.

I stood under the wall and looked at Hiroki and Izumi if I remember correctly are laughting together. Hide-zou was having an intense discussion with Kagrra,'s bassist and Tsunehito talked about something with that guitarist with big cheeks, smiling. Which one had prettier smile? I have no idea.

Another Kagrra,'s guitarist was small and shy and stuck with me.
"Asagi-sama talk to your guitarist so he could leave me alone." he murmured into my sleeve.

"Asagi-sama". Why not "Vampaya Ouji"?

"Shin-chan!" Ruiza ran towards the shy guy and pulled him away from me.

I wonder how much he drank already. I lost the track of time.

"This won't last long." I heard someone's voice.

Oh, the Demon Prince himself decided to talk to me. Coul the Prince of the Vampires calm down his heart? I didn't fall in love. I just have something to say to that guy. "Me, you, bed, now". Though he could not undertsand me in English...

"Why?" I asked finally

"Look." Isshi smiled and pointed at Shin, who looked like he was about to cry.

"Akiya!" he called and Ruiza got instantly pulled away by the big cheeks guitarist.

"Ruiza, blondie, you don't touch my friend when he doesn't want to." said Akiya calmly, walking with Ruiza towards the door.

"Where are they going?" I asked confused.

"Knowing Akiya, to the hotel." explained Isshi. "Don't look at me like that, I'm just kidding. Though you never know with this one..."

"Oh." I understood and focused on my shoes.

"I saw you, Asagi." said Isshi.

I looked at him, confused.


"In that livehouse one week ago." precised Isshi. "I saw the way you look at me. Like you're standing there, instead of looking for your sister. How do I know? The bodyguard complained to his friend about some teenager lying to him about his lost sister. Perhaps you're not a teenager, but I wouldn't give your looks more than 22 years if I didn't know you, Vampaya Ouji."

Interesting. I thought the shy guy would call me that.

"Oni Ouji, how about going where your guitarist went in your joke?" I asked calmly.

Isshi laughed then looked around and smiled in a way I haven't seen before. Provocatively smiling Prince of the Demons. Like a fullfilment of the darkest fantasies.

I was, I am an I will be a vampire. I wonder how he'll explain to his friend something I left on his neck?

"You're cute." he said, slipping his slim hands under my shirt and moving them lower and lower...

* * *

I got woken up by the sun shining through the blinds on the window.

"Where am I?" I asked, slinting my eyes.

"You're making a face like you're really a vampire." said Isshi, lying next to me, comepletely dressed. "Good morning, Bara no Hime."


"After that night I cannot call you a prince." whispered Isshi straight to my ear. "Let it be our sweet secret, Little Rose."

"Good." I agreed.

Isshi touched my lips, then got up from the bed. He put on his jacked, smiled to me and left the hotel room.

The following day, I happily paraded into the practise room, opening the folder I held in my hads and giving the bandmembers new lyrics.

"Inspiration came back?" asked surprised Hiroki.

"Yes, it did." I smiled even wider. "Ruiza, did something happen?"

"No." said Ruiza, drawing lines with his fingers on the table. "I just have some smiling thoughts."

The rest of the band looked at him confused. Me and Ruiza exchanged looks with each other, then we both laughted. Hiroki, Hide-zou and Tsune to this day have no idea, what was it about. And no one ever learned about how The Prince of the Vampires met The Prince of the Demons.

~~The end~~

Wednesday 17 November 2021


Pairing: Yusa&Yuusei
Rating: 15+
Genre: comedy, romance
Warnings: -
Note: Sometimes we have to tell what we afraid of.
(It's old story from 2012, that's why Minase is here, not Naoto.)

"You're listening to him, just you're mostly watching his lips. Maybe you're trying to focus on what is the leader saying, yet you're looking at your wocalist's hands. You're playing your instrument, yet you try to catch his gaze for as long as possible. Oh, Yuki. You're so stupid." murmured Yuusei, trying to get the change out of his wallet, so he could buy a coffee.

"You're not stupid. You're just in love." corrected him Jun, giving him some spare change. "Though you're talking to yourself too often."

"Soon, everyone but him will know." sighed Yuusei, taking his coffee.

"Who?" asked Yusa, approaching them.

Yuusei focused on trying not to spill his hot drink on him, while Jun just smiled lightly.

"You'll learn soon." he answered instead of Yuusei, then picked up his phone. "Yes? Well, hello my sunshine. What? Oh, that's great. No, I am free now."

Rest of the conversation was silenced by the door. Yuusei and Yusa wereleft alone.

"How are you, little guy?" asked Ryohei, ruffling guitarists hair.

Yuusei was standing still, asking gods to make Yusa stop smiling. Just for a little while, so he could gather his thoughts.

"Fine." he replied.

Yusa threw his change into the machine and then he stood under the wall, drinking his coffee with milk and a lot of sugar. If he wasn't drinking coffe from the machine, he put in five teaspoons of sugar. Why do some people sweeten their coffee?

"You're more absent lately, Yuusei." noticed Yusa, then he approached him. - Is something wrong? I'm worried about you.

"You don't have to." said Yuusei and smiled. "I'm just tired."

"How about going to he lake?" asked Sorao. "By the way, Yuudai wants you guys to come back."

"Another hour of torture." sighed Yusa. "Yuudai, let us go home."

"I just want to talk with you about the trip." said Yuudai. "Then we'll play "Black Side", because some of us have problem with starting at the right point. Then you guys can go whenever you want."

"Did I miss something?" asked Jun, entering the room.

"We thought up with Yuudai an idea. We need some vacation in the nature." said Sorao. "A lake nearby seems to be a good idea."

"Maybe moutains?" asked Yuusei. "Or a meadow? Or we can go to the forest."

"Or maybe to the sea?" said Yuudai. "What do you think, Shinobu?"

"No, lake is more beautiful." said Sorao. "Also there's forest, a meadow and you can se mountains in the distance."

"But I don't wanna go to the lake." said Yuusei to himself.

Ryohei looked at him curiously, since he was the only one who heard him. Was he seing things or there was a hint of fear in guitarist's eyes?

"I think it's a good idea." nodded Jun. "We could use some fresh air."

"There's more fresh air in the mountains." noticed Yusa.

"My head hurst in the mountains." said Yuudai, crossing his arms. "And Shinobu has fear of heights."

"I don't have a fear of heights. I'm just afraid of falling down." noticed Sorao.

"I don't see a difference." shrugged Jun.

"Jun, will you take your honey with you? Would be nice to finally see them." Yusa smiled.

Jun looked at him with fear then quickly lookes away.

"No, it's a bad idea." said Jun.

"Okay, let's practice that song and we'll go see te lake tomorrow. I just hope you guys won't drown, because I don't know a thing about the first aid." said Yuudai.

"I can help you with mouth to mouth thing." said Sorao.

"Not now, Shinobu. We have a practice." replied Yuudai, then grabbed the drumsticks. "Yuusei, wake up. You'll sleep at home, now we're practicing."

Yuusei stretched lazily and got off the couch. For a short moment he saw a little girl calling him. He needed to chase that vision away.

* * *

The visions of a little girl didn't leave Yuusei alone. Just when he fell asleep, Airi came back to his mind.

When the guitarist was just a kid, he had a friend named Airi. She was the neighbours' daughter and a smart and happy little girl. They knew each other since they were little. They even had a picture taken together of both of them sitting in the little bathtub.

One summer day Airi, who was one year older than Yuusei and just had her seventh birthday, took him to the small lake.

"Yuyu, look what I can do!" she called, jumping into the water.

She always called him this and never called him by his full name.

"Airi, come back here." said quietly Yuki, sitting on the bridge. "I can't swim anyway."

"You can, you just don't know about it." Airi laughted. "Look, I even know how to dive! Look, Yuyu!"

Girl's bad luck made her swimsuit stuck on a treebranch lying on the bottom of the lake. Yuki ran for help but it was already too late.

Yuusei woke up wet from the cold sweat. Since the day Airi drowned, he was scared of water. If one of his band's member gets some stupid idea, they might loose the guitarist. Yuusei was also proud and told no one about his fear.

When he woke up, he couldn't fall back to sleep, so he fell asleep in the car. A gentle touch on his arm woke him up. First thing he expected to se was Jun's face, since he sat next to him, but his eyes met with Yusa's black eyes.

"Wake up, little guy." Yusa smiled, leaning on the car's door. "Grab some basket and go."

Unpacking took them around half an hour, because Sorao and Yuudai couldn't decide if they preferred sitting in the sun or shadow.

"I don't know about you, guys, but I want to get into the water." said Sorao.

"By yourself?" asked Yuudai.

"We gotta try someday." Sorao understood, what Yuudai meant. "Jun, what are you doing?"

"Taking pictures." said Jun. "It's so cool here. My Sunshine has to see it. I'll take him here someday."

"And you'll take a bath in the lake together?" asked Yuusei, which made everyone but Jun burst out laughting.

It started getting darker. Yuusei realized taking beer with them was a bad idea, since they have a person like Yuudai among them. The drummer tried to climb the tree and all his attempts ended with a fall, which made Sorao laught. It was a miracle that nothing happened to him. Bassist lost the connection with the reality and when Yusa covered his eyes, he blurted out something about someone turning off the moon and that they need to change the oil in a lightbulb. Whatever it meant. Jun kept on talking on the phone with his Sunshine, whoever it was. Only Yusa and Yuusei didn't feel like getting wasted. Ryohei wanted just to remember one of his very few free days. Yuki wanted to be sober, when someone surprises him with unexpected swim, so he could scream on them and punch their head, because it's way too late for swimming, especially if you cannot swim.

When wasted Sorao fell asleep on Jun's hoodie, while Jun tried to take it away and Yuudai started to flirt with everyone, Yuusei got up and went to the bridge. He sat on it and looked at the moon hiding behind the clouds. He wasn't scared of being near the water. He was scared of being IN the water. When he felt hands pushing him into the dark water, he panicked.

Even though Yuusei tried to free himself from the grips of the lake, he failed. Did he really have to sit on the end of the bridge, where waters were deepest? He could only squirm in his attempts to get out, but it was no use. He gave up.

Yuusei slowly closed his eyes and all he saw before blacking out were blonde hair, then he felt someone putting his arm around his waist. Then everything went black.

* * *

"Yuyu, wake up." said Airi, standing over Yuusei.

"I can't." said Yuki with a raspy voice.

"You can't, you just don't know it." said Airi. "Wake up. He's calling you."

"Who?" asked confused Yuusei.

"Go to him, Yuyu." Airi smiled, then vanished.

"Yuusei, can you hear me?! Yuusei, look at me, please! Yuusei!"

Yuki choked on water, which wanted to get out of his lungs. His whole body was shaking.

"Jun, bring me the blanket! Don't look at me like that, run! Yuusei, look at me. Please, I beg you."

Yuusei opened his eyes and saw wet Yusa, lying next to him with fear in his eyes.

"It's okay, everything's gonna be okay." whispered Yusa, covering Yuusei with a blanket brought by Jun. "Jun, stay here with Sorao and Yuudai and I'll take him somewhere else. They are too drunk anyway."

"Wait, here are the keys." Jun took the keys out of slleping Sorao's pocket, ignoring laughting Yuudai.

"Oh, shut up." growled Yusa, lifting Yuusei. "Probably you won't remember a thing but next time we're going to the mountains and we're not taking any painkillers with us."

Yuudai looked at him, burst out laughting then fell alseep on Sorao.

Yuusei was still shaking when Yusa put him on the backseat of the car, then sat on a driver's seat. Guitarist's eyes closed, then he fell asleep.

"I told you he's calling you." laughted Airi, puting her arm on Yuusei's shoulder. "He loves you, Yuyu. He wouldn't let you out of his arms."

Yuusei blinked. He was in his house on his couch, wearing his wet clothes. Yusa came out from his sleeping room, putting dry clothes on the cupboard next to the couch.

"Great that you woke up, because I didn't have it in me to wake you up myself." said Yusa, petting Yuusei's head. "I would need to, because I don't think you would let me undress you."

"Surprising thing would happen." said Yuusei, grabbing dry change brought by Yusa. "I'm going to the bathroom. You can change into some of my clothes so you won't catch a cold."

"You're worried about me?" asked Yusa.

Yuusei stopped in the doorway, but didn't answer the question, then he went into the bathroom.

"Yuusei, why do you worry about me?" wondered Yusa, sitting on Yuusei's bed, when he came back to the bedroom. "Anyway, your clothes wouldn't fit on me. They're too small. Your pants reach llike, the middle of my sheens."

"Why am I worried, right?" repeated Yuusei, when Yusa sat next to him. "Maybe for the same reasons why you were the one to save me. Jun also didn't drink much."

"I was scared when after a few seconds Yuudai's jaw was still in one piece. I was sure you're going to jump out and punch him, but it didn't happen. Yuusei, why didn't you tell us you can't swim? We would understand."

"Some people are afraid of water, because they can't swim." said Yuusei. "I can't swim, because I'm afraid of water."

"But something could happen to you, do you understand?! Yuudai could have killed you, Sorao would feel guilty for insisting on the lake and Jun would be even more isolated than he is now. Yuusei, those are the things you talk about. We don't want to loose you."

"Wait, wait." interrupted him Yuusei. "What would you do?"

"Me? I have no idea what would I do." Yusa shook his head. "I don't know myself enough to know how would I react."

"You didn't really answer my question." noticed Yuusei. "Why didn't Jun was the one to jump?"

"Be cause he doesn't love you!" Yusa put his hands on guitarist's shoulders. "I love you, Yuki, but you can't see it."

"So we're both blind." noticed Yuusei.

Yusa blinked. They both went silent and only the ticking of the clock could be heard. Tic, toc, tic, toc.

"So you love me, little guy?" asked Yusa.

"No, I'm just kidding." sighed Yuusei. "I love you, Ryohei. But call me "little" one more time and I won't be nice."

"You're sensitive." said Yusa, kissing him lightly. "I get the feeling I forgot about something."

"Nevermind." said Yuusei. "Stay here, with me."

"You're right, it's probably nothing important." Yusa smiled and kissed Yuusei again.

When nothing else helped, Minase kicked Sorao's body, but the bassist only turned on his other side. D=OUT's drummer looked at his koi, who tried to push Yuudai into his car.

"You're telling me that Yusa left you here with those two?" asked Minase, pulling Sorao by his hair towards his car. "I think I'll have to come out of hiding and have a talk with him. Where are my spiked drumsticks bought for me by Reika as a joke, though...?"

Jun chuckled and helped with puting sleeping Sorao next to Yuudai, who was talking in his slip about the Little Mermaid talking with ghosts.

The end

Wednesday 10 November 2021

Methods on learning to skate

Band: Kagrra,, Alice Nine
Pairing: Isshi&Nao with Tora&Akiya and Izumi&Shin in the background
Rating: 15+
Genre: comedy, romance
Warnings: -
Note: "Right, left, slam" method isn't the right one. But Nao has to learn this by himself. Or maybe with someone's help.

Year 2010. Nao was sitting on the bench and tried to button up his skates. It wasn't so easy and the fact that he never had them on his legs before, only made his fear stronger.

Right, left, boom. Left, right, slam. Walking in skates is hard, so what about actual ice skating?

Nao looked at the rink with fear. He won't do it. He can't.

"Nao, is everything fine? You look pale." worried Izumi, approaching him.

How is he doing this?

"Uhuh." mumbled Nao, narrowing his eyes.

Few meters away he noticed Shin, who held onto the barrier, but he tried to skate. Izumi waved his head disapprovingly, approached Shin and pulled him right into the middle of the rink. But he didn't leave him alone like Tora did leave Akiya, who kind of knew how to skate, but tried to catch up to him. It wasn't so easy considering how skilled Aline Nine's guitarist was.

Nao put one leg on the ice. Then the other one. Then he fell down.

He got up after a few tries and held onto the barrier. He was all covered in snow. Will he come back home as a snowman?

Suddenly something flashed next to Nao, grabbed him by his hands and pulled after itself. Something was skating turned backwards and looked at the bassist clearly amused. Something was spinnig with Nao and pulled him closer to itself.

"Why are you scared, Yamiyo?" asked Isshi, catching Nao's hand and getting to the other side of the rink.

"Because I don't know how to skate." replied Nao, trying to keep the balance and grabbing tighter Isshi's hand.

"Shin also doesn't know." said Isshi, stopping by the barrier, catching Nao, when he lost his balance. "But he's not crushing Izumi's fingers because of it."

"Izumi needs his fingers." said Nao, trying to ignore Akiya's laugh, who fell down on his back and refused to get up.

Tora panicked and started asking thousands of questions about his condition, if there was a need to call an ambulance or if he didn't damage his limbs.

"The only thing damaged is your head, Masashi." laughted Akiya. "I'm fine. Now help me get up."

Tora sighed and lifted Akiya, kissing him.

"They're cute." said Nao, feeling ice move under his feet. "Shino?"

Isshi was quiet. He knew Tora and Akiya have a lot of time for each other. Izumi and Shin in ten years will be together if world won't end in 2012. But much sooner someone will come and Nao won't go ice skating anymore.

"Try to go by yourself." said Isshi, smiling. "And remember that "right, left, slam" method is not the right one."

"Shino!" called Nao, when Isshi let him go and went a little further. "Come back here!"

"Come to me." Isshi smiled. "You can do it."

"I don't believe you." replied Nao.

"But I believe in you." said Isshi.

And that's how Nao discovered a good way to skate - "Left, right and into Shino's arms".

The end

Wednesday 3 November 2021

Someone, who's not

Band: Kra, Kagrra,, Alice Nine
Pairing: Keiyu&Mai with Isshi&Nao and Tora&Akiya in the background
Rating: 15+
Genre: angst
Series: "Life with a Ghost"
Warnings: paranormal existence
Note: "I close the door behind me
I'm standing on the other side.
I remember; you were the one who showed me
How should I fold my hands."
~~ Carrion - "Sztandary Eloi"

Imagine this. Your beloved is ill, Your sister in law's pregnancy is in danger, Your brother broke his leg, Your mother sufers from depression, Your father can have a heart attack any moment, and Your lizard has some weird skin dissease. Can it get any worse?

Yes, of course. Imagine your best friend is dying.

Imagine that few months have passed. Nothing have change, except Your brother's leg is healed, and Your sister's in law pregnancy is advanced, but it is unknown if the baby will survive.

And you guessed right. Your best friend is still dying. And Death is approachig him faster and faster.

"I won't tell him." said Isshi, pouring himself some water to his cup.

Nao was away and he was left alone and called me, like usual. Doesn't matter that I have fragile Maiccho's health on my head. According to him, I can always visit my friend.

"You have to tell him." I insisted, crossing my legs. "Do you understand, Shino?"

"He'll start to freak out." said Isshi. "And when he'll start freaking out, we won't calm him down."

"Why?" I asked.

"It's just like that." said Isshi, leaning on a drawer. "Kou... Catch me."

Thank gods, Nao's away. Really.

"But what will Nao do, when you'll die?" I asked, puting wet towel on Isshi's forehead.

His breath started to calm down. Finally.

"I have no idea." said Isshi in a weak voice. "And I'd rather not think about it."

The phone called. I picked up.

"Maiccho?" I asked.

"Will you buy me some tissues?" asked Maiccho in his sweetly, but at the moment very coarse voice.

"Of course." I agreed.

Shino walked me to the door. I saw him burning out. Like a candle, which's knot is about to end.

"I'm scared." said Isshi quietly. "I don't want her to tear us apart."


"The queen of the other world, Kou." Isshi smiled weakly. "When she'll come for me, I'll have to wait for a long time for Yamiyo."

"And for me." I added.

"And for you." Isshi laughted. "Go home now. Mai needs you, Kousuke."

"See you, Shino." I said and ran to my car.

A month have passed and Shino wanted to see me again. But I couldn't. Yasuno decided he won't go to the band practice, Yuhra caught a cold and Taizo got lost somewhere. Maiccho's fever was really high and I had to go with him to the hospital. Really?

A week later I've got a phonecall from Tora, with who I wasn't keeping in touch lately. Everything was weird. Isshi didn't call or even pick up. Akiya picked up once and while talking with me, he sounded like he was about to cry, then he suddenly hung up. Shin told me he doesn't feel like talking and he needs to go to the shop and buy a lot of napkins, because he's running out of them. Izumi talked about going fishing, but his voice lacked it's usual playfullness. Nao's phone was turned off. Something was wrong.

"My beloved is still sick, my sister-in-law gave birth to a healthy baby, but she won't be able to have any more, brother broke his arm, mother attempted suicide, father got a heart attack and my lizard bit off it's tail for no apparent reason. To make things worse, you guys are behaving strangely lately, so give me a serious reason why you're calling so early." I said, while pouring myself some water.

"I didn't want you to learn about this from the media."

"About what?"

"Me and Akiya found Isshi last week. His family told us to not tell anyone, because..." Tora's voice cracked. "They wanted to give him a peacefull burial. Isshi is dead, Kousuke."

Crash! Glass of water fell out of my hand and water spilled all over the floor. I slid down the wall. Shino...

"Kousuke, what happened?"- Maiccho ran to me and shook me by my arms. "Kousuke!"

"Shino... Didn't pick up his phone... Because he couldn't..."

"Why?" Maiccho started getting anxious.

"Dead ones can't do this." I explained with my voice shaking. "Nao. He got left alone. I need to go. Wait, I don't know, where..."

"Isshi is dead?" asked Maiccho.

"Tora, are you still there? Where's Nao? With Shin and Izumi? Okay, I'm going there. Maiccho, stay here."

I felt like someone ripped out a chunk of my heart. Like something died inside me. Shino was always by my side, even when Maiccho didn't understand me. He was there always. He was an unseparable part of my existence on this pityfull world.

And now Shino is standing in front of me, with his hands on my shoulders. He's not there, yet he came for the third time.

"You're not here." I say calmly. "You're not here. You're someone, who's not."

"Why you're the only one that doesn't believe?" he asks.

I laught histerically.

"Because I'm a realist." I reply. "Let go off me."

"Kou, please believe me. Believe in me. Believe, please." I get the feeling Isshi is about to start crying.

His fingers painfully grip on my shoulders. But he's not there.

"Go away." I say and push him away.

I close the door behind me and fall on the floor.

"Ghosts don't exist." I repeat to myself, trying to reach the pills on my cupboard, perscibed by my psychiatrist. "They don't exist."

Shino's not here. Shino died. Shino didn't come back. And he won't. Ever.

The end

Wednesday 27 October 2021


Rating: 9+
Genre: metaphore
Warnings: -
Note: It's a metaphor. Enjoy?

Once, there was a little girl named Chou.

One april afternoon, Chou was coming home from school, when she saw a cat behind small house's fence. She looked at the cat for a while, then kept walking.

The other day, when she was going to school, she saw the same cat again. This time she also looked at it for a moment, then went.

It was September's beginning. Chou was walking to her grandma's home. She saw the cat. This time it was laying under the fence, warming itslef in sun's rays. Chou came closer to cat and pet it. Cat scratched the girl. Chou ran home, crying.

In October, she saw that again, behind the fence. She got scarred and walked past that home faster. Cat looked at her sadly. Like he didn't mean to scratch her that time.

It was December. Chou was walking to a house of a friend, who broke her leg. Cat was sitting in front of the fence and looked at her wistfully. Chou felt fear. Cat begun to approach the girl. Chou closed her eyes. She was paralyzed with fear. Suddenly, she felt something wiping against her leg. She kneeled and pet the cat.

Cat sat on a snow and looked at Chou.

"Was it that scary, sweetheart? To pet me once more? I did not want to scratch you that day."

Chou looked at the cat surprised. It knows how to speak! And he has a pretty voice.

The end

Wednesday 20 October 2021

Knocking on the door... from the afterlife

Band: Alice Nine&Kagrra with Kra in the background
Pairing: Tora&Akiya with Isshi&Nao, Izumi&Shin and Keiyu&Mai in the background
Rating: 15+
Genre: comedy, thriller
Series: "Life with a Ghost"
Warnings: paranormal existence
Note: "Shinohara?" risked Akiya, looking around. "You know. I don't believe in ghosts but I think I'll start to believe. You're here, right?"

Akiya threw Chibi's leash on the cupboard, put a CD into the player and sat on the bed. Tora wasn't home. He was alone. Even Chibi went to sleep and Chikin hid somewhere hard to find. One year ago he didn't feel so lonely on that day.

It was a day like any other through the year, but had a certain scheme to it - Kagrra, celebrating Isshi's birthday in his home or in a most convenient club, when they were touring. But now there's no Kagrra, and no Isshi.

Isshi is no more. Words that make Akiya feel like hitting his head on a wall. Firstly, because he was the one who found him and felt no pulse on his wrist with his fingers. Secondly, because Isshi was one of his best friends and guitarist couldn't come to terms with the fact that he died. Thirdly, because Nao cried all the time for month and a half. Before the camera - peace. As soon as red light went off, Nao went hysterical and there was no way to calm him down and people not knowing what's going on, were confused. Nao's hysteria was him laying on the floor, where he was standing at the moment then starting to shake and cry, which lasted until he was so tired he fell asleep. That's why shaking Nao needed to be taken to the car, then his home, then put in his bed. It lasted for a month. Then he calmed down a little, but hearing something about Isshi, or seeing something yellow (like Shin's new scarf or Izumi's mug) would trigger him and the show started again. It was only the beginning of September, when he got himself together. Propably...

Akiya flinched. He heard a weird sound, like water boiling in a kettle. He got up and went to the kitchen. On the cupboard there was a tea. Freshly made and hot. Akiya looked into the mug. It was his favorite tea. Tora couldn't make it, because he couldn't remember Hiroto, or Shou's bithday. He wasn't home anyway. Akiya knew only one person, who remembered stuff like that right away. But for few months that person is ...

Akiya went back to his room, when he heard a noise. There was a camera and a picture laying on his bed. Picture without him in it, but made by him. Picture, for taking which he got so yelled at, then two of his friend praisen him on their knees for it. But that picture shouldn't be here.

Akiya realised, the music was gone. He looked up. Numbers on a display screen were changing so fast, like someone was standing next to the music player and continuously pressed skip button. Remote was broken, so it was the only way to do it.

A melody could be heard, coming from speakers. Not some ordinary song. It was Kagrra,'s "Sakura ~saikai no hana~". Favorite song of...

Akiya almost spilled his tea, when ginger cat ran next to his leg, chased by Chibi. Chikin looked at the scene from behind an artificial flower on the shelves. Ginger jumped behind a wardrobe and sat next to the cat, while Chibi was barking really loud for his age. Chikin looked at the other cat, curled and went to sleep. She thought that if Chibi can chase the cat away, Otaki, because that was the name of the ginger cat, is no threat to her.

Otaki was Isshi's cat, who remembered birthdays, favourite things of his friends like color, tea or flowers, loved song still playing from the speakers and was on a picture held at the moment by shocked Akiya.

"Shinohara?" risked Akiya, looking around. "You know. I don't believe in ghosts but I think I'll start to believe. You're here, right?"

Akiya felt someone placing his hand on his arm. He knew that touch. He put his own on top of it so many times before the lives.

"That's why Nao is happy again." Akiya smiled lightly, grabbing hand on his shoulder and turned around.

Isshi looked like he didn't die at all. The only difference were his white clothes.

"I'm sorry." said Isshi, looking Akya in the eyes. " I didn't want you to find me. I just..."

"Didn't want to be alone, but also didn't want to be seen by Nao in that shape. I know." Akiya interrupted him.

"From where?" asked Isshi.

"I know you." answered Akiya. "I would do the same anyway."

"I don't think so." said Isshi. "You would tell Tora right away, he would panic for two years until you'd die in his arms. You're not me, Akki."

"Do you think wishing you something is a bad idea?." asked Akiya.

Isshi smiled lightly.

"If Yamiyo treats me like I'm still alive, I think you can do so too."- said Isshi.

"How much he treats you like a living person?" asked Akiya.

"As much as you think." replied Isshi.

"Then instead of wishing you something, I have a favor to ask." said Akiya. "Stay here as long as you possibly can. Nao won't live a day without you."

"I promise I'll stay with him until he'll be able to join me." replied Isshi.

Then the front door opened. Tora was standing in a doorway.

"I think I'm still in a bus and I'm sleeping." said Tora.

Isshi smiled.

"I'm sorry." he said, then turned to Akiya. "Akki, let go of my hand."

Akiya let loose of Isshi's hand, making him dissapear. Confused Tora flinched, when vocalist showed up next to him.

"I'm going back to Yamiyo. Maybe someday I'll come here again." Isshi smiled and vanished in thin air.

Otaki jumped from the wardrobe and ran through the still opened door.

"Akiya, what the hell was that?" asked shocked Tora.

"Isshi." Akiya shrugged, then sat on the bed and drunk down his tea, like it was a normal day.

* * *

"Hello?" Akiya picked up a phone call from Izumi.

"Sakura, tea, cat." said drummer.

"Izumida, better give my that phone or our Aki won't understand you." said Shin. "Or maybe you're some kind of medium, Akiya."

"Medium sees ghosts, who bring their cat, change tracks in music player and make tea?" asked Akiya.

He heard only silence.

"Judging by Shin's face, he came to you too, right?" asked third voice.

"Yes, Mai. He came to me too." replied Akiya, looking at Tora, who was still trying to understand what happened yesterday. "What's you vocalist doing?"

"My vocalist? He hid under the table and said he's not coming out as long as his dead friends gonna visit him." explained Mai. "Ukes are better with understanding supernatural experiences or is it just me?"

"I guess so." agreed Akiya. "Better go to bed instead of coughing here."

"Like Kousuke. Just like Kousuke. You fit each other. You two should be together." Mai sighted then hung up.

"So what, Aki? Are we looking for a medium?" asked Tora, sitting next to him.

"No, Amano." denied Akiya. "If Nao is happy, we should left things as they are."

Tora thinked about it for a moment, then noded his head. He came to a conclusion, he'll rather see ghosts than Nao laying on the floor in despair.

The end

Wednesday 13 October 2021

Smile of lost memories

Band: D=OUT
Pairing: Reika&Hikaru
Rating: 15+
Genre: comedy, romans
Warnings: amnesia
Note: What will you do, if your beloved one forget you?
(It's old story from 2011, that's why Minase is here, not Naoto.)

Reika was sitting on a practice and stared at skipping Hikaru, who for a hundreth time had a good day for unknown reasons. Bassist wondered how that small, slim and fragile and full of positive energy person hasn't annoyed fate yet with his optimism and wide smile. The only more positive person known to him, who was even more cheerfull was some other musician, but some occurencies made Hikaru take the first place.

There was also something in Hikaru's beauty, tenderness and positivity that was so important for Reika - his cute, unvanishing smile was something, which bassist would like to look at a lot more. Maybe seven days a week, twenty four hours a day. Yes, that would be enough.

Hikaru was busy with looking around for guitar string, because he said that one of his "seems to be broken or something, because it's about to snap and he won't be able to tune it". Running around the room, because all young guitarist was able to do slowly was... absolutely nothing. So, Hikaru in a good mood was looking for a tuneable string didn't notice something on the floor - a cable from amplifier. Cable pranked Hikaru, who fell between the speakers, waving his hands in a funny way.

Reika comepletely forgot that bass needs tuning and it's his job to do it instead of staring at blonde guitarist. Instead getting to do this boring job, he ran to Hikaru and helped him to get up.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

Rest of the band appeared next to him. Maybe they wouldn't be so worried if Hikaru weren't... serious.

"My head hurts." replied Hikaru after a while. "Where am I?"

"On a practice, which hasn't started yet but should fifteen minutes ago. But some people" Minase looked at Kouki and Ibuki "very like to get late together and you had problems with your string."

"Thank you for explaining, but I have other question." said Hikaru. "Who are you?"

In that moment, Minase paled, Kouki and Ibuki looked at each other with fear and Reika looked like he was about to faint.

"Hikaru, what's going on?" asked Ibuki, puting his hands on his arms and looking straight in the eyes of younger friend.

"Hikaru? Who's..." Hikaru didn't finish his sentence, because Reika pulled his hand and forcefully dragged out of the room.

"We're going to hospital. Now." decided bassist.

The rest of them quickly picked up their stuff and went after him.

* * *

Reika was counting tiles on the waiting room's floor. Ibuki swinged on a chair and Kouki was writing something in his black notebook, which he took everywhere with him. Only Minase stayed with Hikaru in the doctor's office. Fear in bassist's eyes made him decide about not letting in Reika, not speaking about letting him stay there.

"It'll be fine." said Kouki emotionlessly.

Ibuki got up saying something about having to smoke or he'll go insane and walked away.

"It won't." denied Reika.

"It will." insisted Kouki "You'll see."

"I'm telling you it won't."

"And I'm telling you it will."

"Kouki, stop. It's pointless." sighted Reika. "It won't be okay, because he doesn't remember anything. And if he doesn't even remember his name, then he doesn't remember me. And if he doesn't remember me..."

"You'll never know if he loved you." murmured Kouki, closing his notebook. "Yes, I don't know how to comfort people. I'm sorry. I'm not Hikaru."

"But at bringing people down you're excellent." replied Reika.

Then the doctor's office door opened.

"Nothing." Minase shook his head, but his face got it's colors back. "Absolutely nothing."

"I hate being right." sighted Reika.

Kouki put his hand on his arm, but bassist shook it off.

"So what?" asked Ibuki, when he came back.

"Doctor said his memory might come back in few days." explained Minase. "But it's more possible that he'll remember everything in a few years or never."

"Another one can't comfort people." said Reika.

"Now we have to look after our confused little guy." explained Minase. "Kouki and Ibuki aren't fit for this job, because they can only look after eachother..."

"Eachother?" asked Hikaru.

"Nevermind." sighed Minase. "And I have my own guitarist to take care of. Reika?"

"What?" Reika looked at Minase with his red eyes.

"Will you look after Hikaru?" asked drummer.

"Sadist." replied Reika. "Of course, I'll look after him."

"Masohist." Minase fought back and put his hands on Hikaru's arms. "You'll stay with Reika. Okay, Hikaru?"

"Fine." agreed Hikaru.

Reika bringed Hikaru's cases into his house. Blonde guitarist looked at him curiously, closing the door behing him.

"Where are we, Ra-san?" he asked.

"Reika." corrected him Reika. "In my house."

"Why in your house, Ri-san?" asked Hkaru.

"Reika." sighted Reika. "Because I have to look after you."

"Why, Re-san?" Hikaru asked another question.

"Reika." yielded Reika, leaning on a wall. "Because you can't remember anything. That's why."

"Ah." understood Hikaru.

Reika showed Hikaru to a guest bedroom. Walls were beige, furnitures were brown and bed was quite big, though two people probably wouldn't fit in.

"If you'll need something, I'll be in the kitchen right behind a wall. You can come anytime." said Reika. Hikaru smiled lightly.

"Thank you, Rea-san." he said quietly.

"Reika." bassist corrected him once more and exited the room.

Hikaru sat on the bed and looked at angel figurine on the shelves.

"I'm far from being that." he said, smiling rakishly.

* * *

Reika was laying on the bed and looking at the ceeling. Hikaru lived in his house for a few days now and still couldn't remember anything. Not even notes or his life before joining D=OUT, or his name, even though bassist called him that, but guitarist didn't react at all.

"Ria-san, could you make me some tea?" asked Hikaru, going into the room. "I can't remember where it was..."

"Reika." murmured Reika and got up. "I'll make you tea. Just wait for a while."

Hikaru followed bassist with his eyes and went to his room. He sat on the bed and noticed a photo album on a cupboard. He picked it up and started to look at the photos. Then Reika came back.

"Hikaru, what are you doing?" he asked, putting cup on the cupboard. "Hikaru?"

"I'm looking at the pictures, Rei-san." explained Hikaru.

Reika sighed.

"Reika." he corrected guitarist, sitting next to him. "And this album is mine. You should ask first."

"Ask." repeated Hikaru after him.

"Reia-san, who's that?" Hikaru asked, pointing at Ibuki.

"I'm Reika." said Reika. "And that's Ibuki."

"And who's this, Rika-san?" Hikaru poked Kouki's picture.

"Reika." Reika hid his face in his hands. "That's Kouki."

"And this, Reka-san?" Hikaru pulled his fingers from his face and shoved in it Minase's photo.

"Reika." bassist layed on his back. "Minase, our drimmer."

"And who's this?" Hikaru took out one photo from the album and waved it before bassist's eyes. "Who's this?"

Reika opened his eyes. On a picture there was Hikaru's smiling face.

"You." answered Reika, closing his eyes again.

"Who are they for you?" asked Hikaru.

"Friends." replied Reika.

"Me too?" asked Hikaru. "Am I also a friend to you, Reika-san?"

"Re..." Reika stopped.

He realised two things. Hikaru got his name right. And the same Hikaru asked him a question he would like not to answer. Not yet.

"Tell me, Reika-san. Am I your friend?" insisted Hikaru.

Reika opened his eyes. Hikaru was leaning above him. His face was so close. So dangerously close.

"Hikaru..." whispered Reika.

"Am I only a friend to you, Reika-san?" asked Hikaru.

Reika looked at him, surprised.

"You.. Me... No." denied Reika. "You're not only a friend. You're someone more. But you can't remember me or anything that would make you trust me. And now you're propably going to run away to Minase, or Mr. and Mrs. Late, because what normal person with amnesia would stay with someone who confessed their love to them? Who?"

"It depends if that person really lost their memory, Minoru." said Hikaru.

"What? But..." Reika couldn't finish his sentence, because Hikaru leaned even more forward and kissed him.

Bassist blinked. What was that supposed to be?

"Hikaru?" Reika looked at a guitarist. "What are you... How you... Hikaru!"

"Yes?" Hikaru was smiling.

Like he always used to.

"Tell me you lost your memory at least for a moment." sighed Reika. "Just a moment."

"I don't want to lie." answered Hikaru.

"Who made this up?" asked Reika.

"Me and Minase." explained Hikaru. "Because you're so secretive, Minoru. No one would notice anything as long as you wouldn't start worrying. Minase called me, when you went to the shop yesterday. Only Kouki saw through it, but he's the vocalist. They notice more."

"You were pretending all this time?" Reika lifted Hikaru, grabbing his arms and sat, looking into his laughing eyes.

"Yes. From the very beginning." said Hikaru and smiled.

"You're a real devil." said Reika.

Hikaru laughted.

"But your devil, Minoru." replied Hikaru, hugging bassist. "Only yours."

The end

Wednesday 6 October 2021

Fourteen petals of cherry blossom

Band: Kagrra,
Pairing: Isshi&Nao
Rating: 15+
Genre: comedy, angst, romance
Series: "Life with a Ghost"
Warnings: alcohol, paranormal existence, death
Note: Fourteen years, fourteen petals. Bitter-sweet dialogue.

First petal
Izumi: Nao, I found us a vocalist. Meet Isshi, we were together in me previous band. Isshi, this is Nao, my good friend from school.
Isshi: Nice to meet you, Nao-san.
Nao: Nice to meet you too, Isshi-san.

Second petal
Nao: Ikkun, what are you doing?
Isshi: Writing.
Nao: What?
Isshi: Lyrics.
Nao: What lyrics?
Isshi: Nao, when was the last time you felt how it is to be hit in the face by a fist?
Nao: But...
Isshi: Okay, sit. But don't talk.

Third petal
Nao: How about "Kagrra"?
Isshi: What?
Nao: You were thinking about new name for a band, so here's my proposition.
Isshi: Nao, no one will be able to pronounce this.
Izumi: Yes, let's fight. You're right. It makes band bond so well.
Shin: Izumi, you should be the leader.
Akiya: Who thinks Izumi should become the leader?
Isshi: He's the boss here anyway, so voting is pointless. And I like that name. Sometimes you have to make life difficult for other people.
Shin: You're an expert in this. Fans can't understand your lyrics anymore.
Izumi: Shin, be quiet, you're not making this situation any better.
Shin: But Izumi...
Izumi: Listen to the leader, Shin.

Fourth petal
Nao: Ikkun, why your hair is so long?
Isshi: What do you mean?
Nao: Can I braid it?
Isshi: Nao, please...
Nao: I'll do it anyway.
Isshi: I know.

Fifth petal
Nao: Ikkun, how do you sing so well?
Isshi: Nao, you drunk too much today.
Nao: But you sing so well. Like... Like a mermaid.
Isshi: Nao, go to sleep.
Nao: But really. You attract fans with your singing like a mermaid attracts sailors.
Isshi: Akiya, take him away.
Akiya: Me? Then stop that room first, because it's spinning and spinning...
Isshi: Kami-sama...

Sixth petal
Izumi: Have you noticed, how weirdly Nao is acting lately?
Shin looked at Izumi surprised, freezing with spoon halfway to his mouth.
Shin: Really? I haven't. But if I think about it, you're right.
Akiya: Isshi is nice to him.
Izumi: What?
Akiya: He's nice. Only for Nao.
Shin: Akiya, are you saying he...
Akiya: Yes. Both of them feel the same way about eachother. But of course they won't notice it.

Seventh petal
Nao: Ikkun, aren't you happy, we're major now?
Isshi: No.
Nao: Why?
Isshi: I have my reasons.
Nao: But look, we have a comma in our name and we play in bigger venues...
Isshi: They gave us some kids with ADHD to take care of. It really is wonderfull.
Nao: Huh?
Isshi: Huh, huh..
Hiroto: ALICE DESU!!!
Isshi: Example number one, Nao. Small squirrel named Hiroto.

Eight petal
Nao: What do you think, what about Shin and Akiya were talking about that time in the tourbus?
Isshi: I think, they were talking about us.
Nao: Why?
Isshi: They looked at us. That's logical.
Nao: For you. Not for me.
Isshi: Yamada, you're not thinking logically very often. You do something spontanously, then notice why it wasn't so good.
Nao: I need to buy a dictionary.
Isshi: Why?
Nao: But I doubt I'll find somewhere dictionary from vocalist, to Japanese.
Isshi: You're saying, my way of speaking is to sophisticated?
Nao: That's understatement, Shinohara.
Isshi: Even when you break my good mood, I can't be angry at you.
Nao: I love you to.
Nao laughted.

Ninth petal
Nao: So you can get angry at me.
Isshi: You were the one, who got angry, Yamada.
Nao: But it turned out, you can say "sorry".
Isshi: Yes, I can. I'm surprised.
Nao: Don't you think starry sky is beautifull?
Isshi: Starlesss night is prettier. You can imagine stars and with imagination, possibilities are endless.
Nao: Dark night more beautifull than starry one. Very interesting, Shino.
Isshi: You're also more beautifull than stars in the sky...
Isshi opened his eyes wide.
Isshi: Yamiyo.
Nao: What?
Isshi: For two weeks I've been thinking about some other way of abbrieviating your name. Yamiyo. It's perfect.
Nao: Melodic.
Isshi: And fits you perfectly.

Tenth petal
Nao: Shino! Why did you cut your hair?!
Isshi: Why you straighten yours?
Nao: Okay, I'm not asking anymore.
Akiya: Like a married couple.
Isshi: When I show you married couple, Akiya, you'll be sorry.
Izumi: Couldn't you guys start working or something?
Shin: Izumi, what do you expect from them? Come with me, I'll make you some tea.

Eleventh petal
Akiya fell asleep on two chairs next to each other, then fell from them.
Nao: What's with you and falling down after you wake up?
Akiya: Nao!
Isshi: What? What's going on?
Nao: You don't want to know, Shino.
Akiya: You don't have to know all our secrets.
Isshi: Secrets? You two have any secrets? From me?
Akiya: Yes, especially from you.
Isshi: Very funny, Akiya, really. Unbelievably funny, Tiger Lily.

Twelveth petal
Nao: You took me here, because?
Isshi: Because I wanna take you for a ride.
Nao: Car is on a parking lot.
Isshi: Did I say something about cars?
Isshi sat Nao in front of him and grabbed his hands.
Nao: And I thought you were kidding, when you said, you can ride a horse.
Isshi: Oh, Yamiyo. Sometimes I really don't get you. Now hold in here.
Nao grabbed Isshi's hands, then closed his eyes. All of it seemed to be just an illusion.

Thirteenth petal
Isshi: Yamiyo?
Nao: Yes?
Isshi: What would you do if I were gone?
Nao: I'd throw away my cane and use our balcony.
Isshi: What walking cane? What balcony?
Nao: You know, when I'll be over sixty, I'll probably won't be able to move around by myself. And I couldn't live. So I would kill myself.
Isshi: Don't even say that. You can't do that.
Nao: Why?
Isshi: Because...
Nao for the first time saw that Isshi couldn't find words.
Isshi: I need to write a letter.

Fourteenth petal
Nao: Shino?
Isshi: Yes?
Nao: Why are you still here?
Isshi: I don't understand.
Nao: Why won't you go to the other side?
Isshi: Because you're not there, Yamiyo.

The end

Wednesday 29 September 2021

Banira no ame

Band: Alice Nine&Kagrra,
Pairing: Tora&Akiya
Rating: 15+
Genre: comedy, romance
Warnings: -
Note: Tora loves returns home, especially with smell of vanilla scented bubble bath.

Raindrops were falling on the ground, making differently shaped water puddles. Tora was sitting in a bus, with his head leaning on a window, and thinking, with what Hiroto will be killed by Saga, when he'll wake up with two girly braids. Shou was drinking soy milk and smiling lightly. It seemed like he found the situation, in which his seme was, funny. Nao was writing a post on his blog, smiling to himself. Tora didn't understand him at all. Drummer at some point turned his head from his laptop and started to laugh, seeing what Hiroto was doing. Even loud leader's laught couldn't wake up the bassist.

When Tora found himself in front of his house, or rather, Akiya's house, it was raining even more. Tora hated autumn's end. Guitarist's only dream was to got into a warm room and with a mug of tea in hand, hug Akiya. There's only stairs, door, another stairs and another door. Tora cursed architect in his mind, when he found himself in a dark vestibule. He didn't have to open second door. Akiya did it, with drops of water from his wet hair falling on a white dressing-gown, he was wearing.

"Welcome home." Akiya smiled.

Tora hapily run upstairs, and closed door behind him.

He could smell vanilla scented bubble bath. Amano put his umbrella on the floor, put off jacket and shoes, then went to the kitchen. Akiya was making a tea.

"It's cold, right?" asked Akiya mysteriously.

"It's raining and temperature will be soon below zero and we'll gonna have a spectacle on the roads." sighted Tora, looking through the window.

After a while he looked at Akiya and he thought of something interesting.

"Aki, I have a question."

"Yes?" asked Akiya, leaning on a drawer.

"You're wearing dressing-gown, right?"

"Yes." Akiya noded. "What about it?"

"I love the way, you're playing with me." said Tora. "You're wearing only dressing-gown, right?"

"You wanna check it?" asked Akiya, smiling.

Amano approached Akiya and held him with one hand for a kiss, and took of a belt from his robe with other.

Yes, he was right, like usual.

The end

Wednesday 22 September 2021

Sweet home

Band: Kagrra,
Pairing: Isshi&Nao
Rating: 15+
Genre: comedy
Warnings: -
Note: A little miniature about something that Nao did at the concert.

"Yamada! What the cherry blossoms are you doing?!"

"Me? Nothing."

"Making me brain dead on a stage is nothing?"

"Shinohara, don't get too much into it."

"I will. Stage is not a home."

Nao sighted and embraced Isshi with his arms, around his neck.

"But I feel at home with you."


Isshi smiled and kissed Nao.

"How curious. We feel the same way next to eachother, my beloved one."

The end

Wednesday 15 September 2021

Forbidden light, forbidden love II - Vampire's Dilemma

Band: Kagrra,
Pairing: Isshi&Nao
Rating: 15+
Genre: fantasy, AU, romance
Series: "Night's Children"
Warnings: supernatural existence
Note: If you don't know anything about "Night's Children", please check "Forbidden light, forbidden love".

I'm sitting on a windowsill and writing about the landscape behing a window. I had so much stuff on my head that I didn't have time to visit you. Clears are a bad thing, even worse death bringers than the normal ones.

Even if now I have time to visit Shelter, first I have to forget the faces of all those people. I kill them so I could still exist, yet they follow me all the time. If I would lost my conscience I wouldn't have this problem, but also I wouldn't have you.

Phone calls. My phone. There's no other phone here. That's the only plus of living in a castle - nobody asks me about what I'm doing. No one even knows about that.

I pick up the phone. From the other side I hear a voice, which I didn't expect to hear.

"Isshi, Naoki left the Shelter, even though he's weak. I worry about him." says Izumi.

"Why are you calling me?" I ask.

"Because you know him the best." answers Izumi. "Do you know, where he could go?"

"I have a feeling that he's in the park." I say, while my imagination makes up the darkest scenarios.

"Go to him." asks Izumi.

I hang up, get up and jump out of window. I have to hurry.

You're laying under the most beautiful cherry tree in a park. Your pale aura dissapeared, before I could get close to you. I knew, there's something wrong, but I did not know, things looked this bad.

What am I going to do now, Yamiyo? I won't last a day without you, if I won't be able to go anytime to the Shelter and catch you, when you run to hug me. Of course I had no time lately, but I knew you were there, waiting for me. And that was all that mattered.

What should I do, Yamiyo? I think about only one thing, but am I able to punish you like that? Am I so selfish? Is it a sign of egoism or big love? What's going on with us, Yamiyo?

That weird feeling, when blade shivers. I don't pay atention to that. I have other problems. One of which is weird taste of your blood. To feel so much innocence in it.

Yamiyo, I wouldn't be myself if I were to change you normally. That's why I'm kneeling on the green grass, with you in my arms, with my own blood in my mouth pressed to yours lips.

Do you know how much I love you?

When you wake up, you're so adorably confused.

"Hello, Yamada." I say calmly, and you're even more surprised.

I love that confusion in your eyes.

What do you think? How many times in a few hundred years I'll see you again with a face like that?

~~The end~~