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"Rain is soothing for the soul"

Band: Kra Pairing: Keiyu&Mai Rating: 14+ Genre: romance, comedy Warnings: - Note: Keiyu likes walking in the rain, but he'd lik...

Wednesday 19 October 2022

Alcohol is harmful to those who are sober

Band: Alice Nine, Kra, Gazette, Screw, ViViD, Dauto, Rave, Anli Pollicino, Kagrra,

Pairing: Tora&Akiya, Saga&Shou, Nao&Hiroto, Reika&Hikaru, Kouki&Ibuki, Shin&Shindy, Ivu&Ko-ki, Ryoga&Reno, Yasuno&Yuhra, Ruki&Uruha, Aoi&Kai, Ren&Mikuru, You&Nisa, Byou&Jin, Kazuki&Rui

Rating: 17+

Genre: idk

Warnings: alcohol, non-con elements

Note: Sometimes being sober is dangerous. At least you should be sure that you have trusted friends.

(It's old story from 2014, that's why Minase is here, not Naoto.)

 He had never liked such parties. With the whole PSC, where everyone got drunk one by one, and he was sitting in the corner with a glass of water and just stared at the whole group, wondering if he might not drink even a beer that day, because he couldn't stand some people while sober. Sometimes he just couldn't take it all, and then woke up with a hangover and no memories of the night before, but at least he didn't have to force himself to smile as the barely conscious Tora told him a joke about the rainbow unicorn. Well, this joke was a sign that he has to start looking for Akiya, who is rolling somewhere under the table, because if Amano drinks one more beer, they won't come back home or hotel by  themselves.

Shou sighed and stood up, walking over Ivu lying on the floor. He tried to pick him up earlier, but Ivu was too drunk to understand, what's going on and tried to break Shou's fingers, so he gave up.

Shou walked to the slightly ajar closet and peered inside. Hikaru was asleep snuggled into Reika, mumbling something softly. Shou wondered, if he should wake them up, but decided they probably wouldn't be responsive anyway, so he preferred to leave them there.

"Shou-kun, have you sheen Jin?" Byou walked to Shou, almost tripping over his own legs. "I caaaaan't fin' him..."

"He's probably under the table" Shou pointed to the curled blonde ball that was Screw's drummer.

"Shank you" Byou went in the direction Shou indicated.

Ohara sighed for a second time in last few minutes and moved to the other room. Here, as usual, Ren stuck to Kouki's leg, to which Kouki didn't react at all, because he slept cuddled up with Ibuki. Mikuru sat next to Ren and sang a song by Megamasso under his breath. Yuhra tried to explain to Yasuno that it wasn't a good idea to step out of the window, and the musicians from Born argued about who gets to use Taizo lying on the floor as a pillow. Besides, Nao and Hiroto slept with Tora and Akiya on a mattress. Shou was sure that this mattress wasn't there, when he was in this room last time, but was glad that at least they're comfortable.

In the next room, Kazuki was telling Rui some jokes that sober Shou couldn't understand, but luckily Screw's bassist was drunk enough to laugh at them. Ko-ki and Minase had just made a bet as to whether Reno would slip off Ryoga, who has been his mattress, and Manabu was to make sure neither of them faked the result. Shou shook his head in disbelief. Sometimes he felt like he's the oldest of everyone here.

"Shou-san, have you seen my bandmates?" asked almost sober Nisa, trying not to drop totally wasted You.

"Ren and Mikuru are in the second room, but..."

"Nagi disappeared in the bathroom fifteen minutes ago, he probably fell asleep there. Thank you, Shou-san" Nisa pulled You to the second room.

Ohara entered the last room. Rave's drummer, who finally left the bathroom, was sleeping on the blanket next to the sofa. He didn't care about Keiyu, who was poking him with a pencil, making Reita laugh. Kai was sleeping on the sofa with his head on Aoi's lap, who now looked at Shou.

"If you want to know, Shou-kun, Saga-kun is in the bathroom" announced Aoi, shaking cigarette ash into the ashtray. "Shin-kun was here a few minutes ago and he asked about you and his band, and then someone called him, probably Shindy-kun. Okay, I'm gonna sleep now."

Aoi picked up Kai for a moment and laid down next to him. Shou sighed and wanted to leave the room, but someone grabbed his arm.

"Hey, Hoppy, are you goin' somewhere?" asked Ruki, making Uruha laugh.

He even slipped off the chair.

"Let me go, Ruki, or I'll punch you" growled Shou, trying to break away from Ruki, but it only resulted in Gazette's vocalist tightening his grip.

"You're so funny!" Ruki laughed.

His laughter was so loud that it should wake up everyone within a kilometer, but Aoi began to snore instead. Ruki dragged Shou towards the brown door and unlocked it with a key he got from some unknown place.

"I said >>let me go<<" Shou pushed Ruki away from himself, but he laughed again and pushed Shou on the floor.

Gazette's smug vocalist straddled him.

"Get off me, Ruki."

"Okie dokie" Ruki, still sitting on Shou, locked the doors. "D'ya know that you can steal everythin' from Taizo, when he's asleep? He should be more careful about his guests."

"You're drunk."

"We're all drunk" Ruki leaned over Shou. "In fact, I've only been waitin' for such an opportunity for years. To make you traumatized as much as possible, Hoppy. But there was always Isshi or Saga, who is now sleeping in the bathroom, intoxicated with the sleepin' pills I put in his drink. I'm such an evil dude, right, Hoppy?"

"Ruki, what are you..." Shou froze for a moment, when Ruki kissed him greedily, but then he pushed him away and stood up abruptly, throwing Ruki off of himself. "Stop it!"

"Funny how you try to defend yourself" Ruki grabbed the chair Shou was trying to knock him out with. "It won't do anythin', Hoppy, today you're mine."

Ruki threw back the chair and was hit with a fist by Shou. He wiped his injured lip and looked at his fingers.

"That's cute" said Ruki, when Shou tried to open the door.

Ruki grabbed Shou's arms and threw him on the floor again.

"Do you want to leave, Hoppy? Well, you can't. We have to play..."

Thud! The door to the room blew off its hinges and Shin literally burst into the room and stood up from the floor. He looked at confused Ruki sitting on terrified Shou and clenched his hands into fists.

"I knew it" he said and, before whoever could say anything, he punched Ruki in the face.

Ruki hit the wall with his back. He stood up, still shocked, and tried to open his left eye, but he couldn't, because it was already swelled.

"Stupid kid" Ruki sighed. "Do you really must have a bodyguard, life loser?" asked Ruki, smiling meanly, which caused him to bounce off the wall again, and blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

"Never insult Ohara Kazumasa in front of me" growled Shin, clenching fingers on Ruki's shirt. "And if you try to touch him again, even Uruha won't recognize you. And if Saga-san will be sober and conscious, then you're dead. Do you understand?"

Ruki shivered with fear. Only now he understood that it was better not to mess with Shin after all.

"I'll go lookin' fou ishe" said Ruki, gently pushing Shin away from himself and went towards the door.

Shin sighed and turned to shocked Shou.

"He probably never hit the gym" Shin smiled slightly and gave Shou his hand, then helped him standing up. " I found drunk Saga-san in the toilet and something felt off, because I couldn't wake him up. I will have to pay Taizo-san for his door..."

Shin finched, when Shou hugged him so tightly that Akihide almost lost his breath.

"Thank you" whispered Kazuma.

Shin laughed.

"You're welcome Shou-san" he said as Shou moved away from him. "Now let's go get Saga-san and go home. Shinya called me, saying that I should go home, because he's stuck in the bathroom and the electricity went off and he's a little scared. Too many horror movies, I think" said Shin as he walked through the lying door.

"How did you find us?" asked Shou.

"You yelled at Ruki. I'll know your voice everywhere, Shou-sama" replied Shin, smiling radiantly.

Yes, everything was back to normal.

The end

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