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"Rain is soothing for the soul"

Band: Kra Pairing: Keiyu&Mai Rating: 14+ Genre: romance, comedy Warnings: - Note: Keiyu likes walking in the rain, but he'd lik...

Wednesday 31 May 2023

Cold Water

Band: DIV

Pairing: Chobi&Chisa

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: erotic scenes

Note: Some vocalists are so talented that even under the shower they're still sound perfect.

Sometimes everyone needs a cold shower. Just because they want to calm down. After hard-working day, after a heatwave, after a concert, after a quarell...

But maybe a "quarell" is too much to say. Just a little squabble. Just a stormy discussion that couples have when they disagree on something.

He hesitated, keeping his hand over the hot water tap. His heart beating like crazy and he was a little dizzy. Maybe it wasn't squabble, maybe it really was the quarell?

He scolded himself in his mind. How old is he? Fifteen? He cares like a teenage girl after the first serious conflict with her boyfriend. And this quarell probably started, because she didn't know what dress to choose. Her impatient boyfriend said that blue one is good, because yellow makes her fat. And wow, it started like that!

He didn't know why their quarell started. He leaned on a wall and looked on the ceiling. Generic, grey ceiling, which used to be white in the past. They should make renovation. But hotel's owner probably prefers to make love with maids, not caring about painting the ceiling. Who cares about ceiling?

He turned on the cold water. Hot water, he figured, would do nothing. Water started running down his hair and arms, down his body, down to his feet.

He closed his eyes, humming "Story" under his breath. He didn't even notice when he started singing.

He stood there for a while, until the sound of something metal hitting the floor snapped him out of his world.

He opened his eyes just as he was pressed against the tiles. He probably would have screamed, but Chobi covered his mouth with his hand.

"Satoshi and Shougo would wake up. They're gonna start to make fun of us again" he said quietly. "Pretty concert, Sachi".

Chisa frowned and gently took off Chobi's hand from his mouth.

"How many times I have to tell you that you can't go into my bathroom".

"I don't know. But I know that you feel guilty" replied a bassist. "And like a bad person. And you have remorse."


"Cold water. You always do this" Chobi smiled, putting his arm around Chisa's waist. "I'm sorry."

Sachi blinked. Who shoud said that? Besides this... Chobi's body was warm and after taking a cold shower - even hot.

"It's okay" whispered Chisa. "Hiroki?"


"I wanted to take a shower..."


"But..." Chisa couldn't end his sentence, because Chobi closed his lips with a kiss.

Shougo woke up, after all. He stood up and went to Satoshi's room, because he wasn't a fan of the porn play.

The end

Wednesday 24 May 2023


Band: heidi.

Pairing: Yoshihiko&Kiri

Rating: 17+

Genre: comedy, fluff

Warnings: -

Note: A fick, where Kiri buys kigurumis and Yoshihiko has an existential crisis because of this.

Yoshihiko was laying on the bed and reading a book, when he felt that it suddenly got cold. He stood up and checked heaters. They were warm, but not as much as he wanted.

The vocalist rubbed his hands, went back to the bed and covered himself with the blanket.

"Hi, Yoshi" Kiri looked into the room.

He just got back from the shop.

"Is it still so cold that you're sitting under the blanket?"

"Yes" replied Yoshihiko. "I don't know, how many times I have to call to have heaters repaired."

Kiri sighed.

"We can always move to your place."

"But owner of my flat said that having the pets is forbidden" noticed Yoshihiko.

"Ugh, okay. But don't worry!" Kiri clapped his hands. "I bought something which we can use to warm up."

Kiri left for a moment and came back with a bag. He pulled out something and gave it to Yoshihiko. When a vocalist unpacked it, he saw... a kigurumi.

"Kiri-chan, what is this?" asked Yoshihiko, a little confused.

"Sheep kigurumi" explained Kiri and pulled out second kigurumi from a bag. "I have a cow kigurumi. Cute, right?"

"And we will be wearing this? Aren't we too old?" Yoshihiko frowned.

"Nope. Besides that, we'll be warm" Kiri smiled radiantly. "Please, Yoshi, just do it."

"Umm, okay" Yoshihiko sighed, resigned.

When they got changed, Yoshihiko went to make tea. He came back after a moment, gave Kiri his orange cup and sat next to him.

"You look so cute" said Yoshihiko, pulling Kiri's hood.

"You too" Kiri chuckled and hugged Yoshi. "Since today you're my sheep."

Yoshihiko smacked himself on the forehead.

"Alright, Kiri. You're impossible. But I love you for this" Yoshihiko leaned and kissed Kiri.

He loved him, even if Kiri was sometimes a little childish. And nothing can change it.

The end

Wednesday 17 May 2023

Behind a window

Band: The Guzmania&Acme (ex.DIV)

Pairing: Chobi&Chisa

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: -

Note: Chisa has been looking for someone, who can see him as him, not as a famous vocalist.

And he found Chobi.

In the past when I was sad or just had a bad day, I used to go to the kitchen, make myself some tea, then go back to my room to sit on a stove. I covered myself with blanket and looked through the window with a cup of tea in my hands.

I noticed back then that most of the couples, who  held their hands while walking were smiling. Just like the sole presence of the loved one made them happy.

Sometimes I turned around to look at the bed where sometimes one of my girlfriends slept at the moment. Some of them I loved and some I didn't love. Most of the time however the bed was empty and cold. Sometimes I would get up from the stove and hugged my loved one. Though most of time they didn't give me any reaction. At some point I understood that only bedsheets would cuddle with me, so I stopped to do this even if I really felt something towards that woman. Only the bedsheets are warm. Those women were freezing cold. Without emotions. They only saw Chisa, not Sachi. They didn't need Sachi.

And I'm sitting on the stove again, looking at the gloomy world behing a window. It's raining and I don't feel inspired at all. I'm tapping my fingers on my cup to the melody of "Rainy, rainy smiles". But I am not smiling.

"Out of ideas?" I hear coming from behind me then I feel you hugging me. "They'll come to you at some point."

I smile and close my eyes. You're warmer than bedsheets and the tea that went cold already. And you need me, not a rockstar. Sachi Kurihara, not Chisa the vocalist.

The end

Wednesday 10 May 2023

Spring Alley

Band: The Guzmania&Acme (ex.DIV)

Pairing: Chobi&Chisa

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: -

Note: Just a fluff about walking in the park.

Sometimes, when I'm walking through the city, I see couples. They're holding hands and sending kisses or sweet smiles to each other. I wonder, why they're not sick of it.

All I do is sigh. Still with my hands in pockets I'm walking through Tokyo's streets, having our home as destination.

And you're walking next to me, thinking about something as always. What are you thinking about? I don't know.

"Hiroki" you say suddenly, so I look at you. "Grab."

"Grab?" I'm a little confused. "But what?"

I think that you are a little embarrassed. As if you thought that your request is impossible and you fought with yourself in your head, because you don't want to force me to do the thing I can't do.

You're playing with your fingers and looking at me expectantly.

"I just thought that... Oh, nevermind" you sigh heavily and dive in your mind once again.

And I'm still confused what were you talking about.

We're still walking. We're in the park now. Cherry blossoms are flying on the wind and clinging to the passerby's hair. As if they wanted to catch them. Keep them in this park with them. Forever.

Suddenly I realize what were you talking about. And I realize that I am like that cherry blossom, who wants to keep someone with me forever.

You tremble a little because of shock, when my warm hand grabs yours. You clench your cold fingers on it. You look at me, smile lovely and laugh shortly. Probably because you know, what I think about these teeth-rotting couples, who we meet on the streets. But you know what? From the inside this situation is much differrent.

You start running, I don't know, where. But it's not important, because I would go with you wherever you want. Even to the world's end.

The end

Wednesday 3 May 2023

Kirei Yume

Band: Moran

Pairing: Soan&Hitomi

Rating: 18+

Genre: romance

Warnings: erotic scenes

Note: Hitomi's thoughts about Soan's body and his presence in his life.

Since I've known you, I wonder how it's possible that you are so strong. Especially when you're carrying me for the next time to the bedroom and putting me on a bed.

Your lips are soft and a little wet. I can feel a taste of strawberry bubble gum and nicotine. As always.

Our clothes are already on the floor. You'll pick them up tomorrow, fold into cubes and bring it to the bathroom. And I will wake up, feeling annoying coldness because you not lying next to me.

But for now, your fingers are running over my body, which gives me chills and a pleasant feeling of warmth. Too pleasant. I want to stop you a little, but you grab my hand and your fingers tighten on my wrist. You like my reactions. You won't stop. I know that I can't discuss with you at this point.

Can I compare your kisses to flower petals? Because if I can, your kisses are flaming flowers, which are falling on my body. From arms to thights.

And once again I'm going crazy because of you. And once again my world is spinning and in my mind I hear only your whisper. And once again my fingers tighten on the white sheet.

You look into my blurry eyes and brush my hair out from my face. You hug me, softly patting my head and kissing me on the cheek. I can live like this forever, hugging your warm body, diving in my thoughts and with confusion in the head. Without worries, without responsibilities, without sense of time.

And maybe you don't know it, but I like to watch you when you're asleep. You look so innocent. Your hair are scattered on the pillow, a faint smile wanders across your face, you breath calmly and steadily. And it's the moment when I realize how handsome you are. Not on the stage, in perfectly ideal outfit, not in the full make-up, not in some fancy haircut. But here, covered only with a quilt, without eyeshadow at all, with a few wet strands stuck to your face.

I smile tenderly and hug you, putting my head on your chest. You wake up for a second, put an arm around my shoulders and continue to sleep. 

Your breath gently caresses my hair and reminds me that you are alive. Sometimes I get the feeling that you live only for me. And I fall asleep, and although the dream is beautiful, it's not more beautiful than reality.

The end