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"Rain is soothing for the soul"

Band: Kra Pairing: Keiyu&Mai Rating: 14+ Genre: romance, comedy Warnings: - Note: Keiyu likes walking in the rain, but he'd lik...

Wednesday 26 July 2023


Band: Kagrra,&Alice Nine

Pairing: Isshi&Shou

Rating: 17+

Genre: angst, slice of life

Series: Oneshot Challenge

Warnings: character death

Note: There was only fog inside Shou's mind after Isshi's death.

Forest is hazy, dark and mysterious. Even though I enter it.

Tree trunks bend in the weirdest directions. I'm walking in the haze and I don't know where I'm going. I'm just looking for you. I need to find you.

I close my eyes, touching the trunks gently with my fingertips. I feel your smell. You're here.

I'm walking around the trees, I'm running in circles, I'm lost. Am I?

It's getting colder. I still can smell chocolate bars, nicotine and your perfume in the air.

Why can't I find you? Why? You're here, right? Right?!

My legs hurt. I don't know for how long I'm walking. An hour? Two? Even more? Maybe even nine.

I fall on my knees. I give up. You're not here. Tears flow down my cheeks.

Suddenly someone covers my shoulders with a coat. I look up. You look at me, smiling lightly.

"Shino" I whisper and you turn around and disappear between the trees. "Shino, wait!"

I run to you, wanting to catch you, but my fingers go through your body. You disappear and I wake up.

It was just a dream. You died and I will never see you again.

The only real thing about that dream were the tears. My eyes and cheeks are all wet.

The end

Wednesday 19 July 2023


Band: Moran

Pairing: Soan&Ivy

Rating: 17+

Genre: comedy

Series: Oneshot Challenge

Warnings: -

Note: It's cold and snowing outside. And Soan just hates winter.

Soan was standing next to his car. He was waiting for Ivy, who was still in the studio. He probably started some discussion with someone and before Soan is gonna see his happy face, a drummer probably will become a snowman. Yes, this day the weather decided that it's time to start Winter and it started snowing. Soan realized it after a moment - just after seeing a snowflake on his palm. A drummer sighed and got into his car. The snow was falling down more and more. Soan hated this season. He hated coldness. He came from Okinawa, cherries blossomed there in January and it was always warm.

Finally, after a few minutes, covered in white snow, happy bassist got into a car and smiled even more.

"It's snowing. Awesome, right?" Ivy was ultra happy.

Soan looked at him as he thought that Ivy is crazy. Very crazy.

"Snow is cold. I hate coldness" said Soan, starting a car and moving out from the parking lot.

"But in "Snowing" PV you were playing in the snow."

"Because I made a bet with Sizna. To this day, I regret it. I have been sick for two weeks, but at least I got two hundred yens and a beer" Soan smiled a little. "Which doesn't change the fact that if I had so many snowflakes in my hair, I would probably go crazy."

"They'll melt" Ivy waved his hand.

"With whom you talked in the hall again?" asked Soan, turning right.

"Hi-san stopped me" explained Ivy. "He gave me some interesting informations."

"Informations?" Soan was confused.

He stopped a car in a parking lot.

"You know, he knows you for twelve years now. He knows a lot about you" Ivy opened the door.

Soan made the same thing. It was snowing even more. He didn't like it.

"If Hitomi told you something that he shouldn't, I'm gonna kill him" said Soan, finally reaching the desired goal - the door leading to the staircase. A warm staircase.

"You want to kill your best friend? "asked Ivy, following Soan.

"It depends on what he had told you" replied Tomofumi, pulling the keys from a pocket. "He's known me since forever, so he knows almost everything about me. I suppose that even my ex-girlfriends know less."

"Exactly" Ivy smiled radiantly, taking off the shoes. "He also gave me some idea."

"What idea?" sighed Soan.

Hitomi's ideas usually started at dogs and ended on baking cookies, so he was sceptic.

"That I can warm you up" explained Ivy, kissing Soan.

Tomofumi closed his eyes. In fact, he wanted to offer it himself. He pushed the bassist gently on the sofa, sat astride him and smiled naughtily.

Yes, in fact it was Hitomi's idea, the Winter and snowstorm were good thing this time.

The end

Wednesday 12 July 2023



Pairing: Sorao&Jun

Rating: 17+

Genre: comedy

Warnings: -

Note: Jun is restless. As always.

Jun always liked to talk through the phone. When he called someone, he could talk with them for hours. That's why it annoyed him so much, when someone didn't pick up their phone. Especially since the last time he didn't pick up was a few months ago. Usually he also called back as soon as he could.

He was laying on the bed. Starring into the celling, he grabbed his phone and choose Sorao's number.

He didn't pick up.

Jun frowned. Sorao always picked up when he called him. He knew what Jun thinks about it.

"Maybe he's busy?" said Jun to himself, trying to call him again.

He didn't pick up again.

Jun stopped smiling. Two times? He didn't pick up two times?

"Pick up" Jun pressed the green button again.

He got dissapointed again.

Jun got restless. When Sorao didn't pick up again, he felt like throwing his phone.

Though when he heard the recorded message one more time, something started to feel wrong.

Jun got up, put on his shoes and jacket and went to see Sorao

He knocked. Sorao opened the door with a towel on his head, in his pyjamas and a bathrobe.

"Hey, something happened?" he asked, seeing the guitarist.

"Everything's fine. You didn't pick up your phone, so I started to worry" explained Jun.

Sorao started laughting.

"Jun, I was taking a bath. You're so impatient" he caressed his hair. "Come, I'll make you some tea."

Jun just stood there in confusion, but then he sighed and went after him to the kitchen. Next time he'll know he needs to wait before trying to call Sorao again.

The end

Wednesday 5 July 2023


Rating: 17+

Genre: criminal

Series: Oneshot Challenge

Warnings: violence

Note: The only story in this challenge not about jrockers, because I would feel guilty about putting them in this... situation.

He kidnapped me. I called him Dollmaker, because he made me his Doll. At first, he put a wig on me until my hair grew. I had to be the most beautiful man. I had to have pale skin and black, long hair. I had to have neat, painted nails. I had to wear dresses and patent leather shoes. I had to be a Doll.

In fact, days were nice, even if I couldn't go outside and I had to wear these lace clothes. Then night came and suddenly the Dollmaker remembered that I was a living human. And living people feel pain. He liked the pain. Both his and mine.

He always cleaned me after everything. With steady, gentle moves, he cleaned my pale skin with water. In fact, I liked these baths. It was a sign that the day started. They erased night's pain. They showed that the Dollmaker was, in some way, protective, even though he had done with me in bed whatever he wanted only an hour ago.

It doesn't mean that I didn't desire a freedom. I wanted to go outside, but every door and window were closed by a code which Dollmaker changed everyday. I've never been able to enter the correct one. 

"...is accused of abduction and physical and mental abuse..."

Yes, finally someone noticed that I exist and I'm not happy to be in the Dollmaker's house. I was sent to a hospital for a long time and then, I could go home. And then someone, who was some kind of fan of me, took care of me. I was the most important person for him.

I watched the blood trickle down my still pale wrist. Then he ran up to me and grabbed my wrist.

"What are you doing?" he growled, looking at my blood paiting my skin with some fascination.

Something woke up in him then. Something bad. Something that made him chain me by the leg to a bed in the basement and made him become the Wolf and me his Prey.

He loved my blood. He loved my tears. He loved my pleas for death. He loved it, adored it and couldn't do anything without it.

"...is accused of physical and mental abuse..."

And I was saved again. This time it was my Friend who realized that something is not good. He burst into that basement, breaching the door, cut the chain and carried me in his arms, which was not easy, because I was barely alive and slipping through his hands.

Now I'm calm. Dollmaker and Wolf are in a prison. My Friend has just made me a coffee and bought chocolate cookies. Since three years any scar didn't appear on my body. I just somethimes cry in the middle of the night, because of scars on my mind. But only sometimes.

"You won't eat cookies?" I ask. My Friend is surprised by that.

"You said the whole sentence" he says excitedly, then hugs me. "You managed to say the whole sentence."

I think that it's a praise. I like when he praises me. I know then that he's proud of me. I know that he's happy because of that. And when he's happy, I'm happy too. He's my Friend, who's touch doesn't hurt me, after all.

The end