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"Rain is soothing for the soul"

Band: Kra Pairing: Keiyu&Mai Rating: 14+ Genre: romance, comedy Warnings: - Note: Keiyu likes walking in the rain, but he'd lik...

Wednesday 25 October 2023


Band: UNiTE.

Pairing: Lin&Mio

Rating: 17+

Genre: comedy

Warnings: -

Note: Mio hates Summer, but Lin seems to enjoy it.

This Summer was super hot. Lin got out from the car, pulled out MP3 from him pocket, put on the headphones and went in lake's direction. Mio, without a choice, went after him.

"Explain me one thing" started Mio, breaking through the bush. "Why are we here?"

"It's a beautiful weather, we can't lose it by staying in home" said Lin.

"But in home we have a fan and I don't have a feeling that I'll melt" mumbled Mio. "It's too hot here, we should come back."

"Oh, Ryosuke, don't whine. It'll be fun" Lin smiled radiantly and continued walking.

Tomoaki stopped after a moment, when he realized that Mio didn't follow him.

He turned back. Mio was frozen in motion, because in front of his eyes some spider swayed on a single thread from the spiderweb. Lin sighed. He turned back, grabbed spiderweb and sent a spider for a free travel to a bush.

"Are you alive?" asked Lin.

Mio nodded.

"Yes. But it's too hot and there is too much insects. We should come back."

Lin sighed again, threw Mio over a shoulder and went in lake's direction.

"Tomoaki, what are you doing?!"

"If something attacks you, tell me."

"And what will you do with a heat?"

"This" Lin went into a lake, throwing off flip-flops from his feet.

Tomoaki took off Mio's shoes and threw it to the shore. And, even if Ryosuke tried to stop him, he threw Mio into the water.

"Tomoaki!" Mio looked at him from under his wet bangs.

"What? You were complaing that it's too hot, so I cooled you down" Lin crouched in front of Mio.

Tomoaki didn't care that his trousers will be wet. Or that Mio's clothes are now wet too.

"But if you get cold, I can warm you."

He said and kissed his beloved one. And Mio had to confirm one thing - with Lin you can't be bored.

The end

Wednesday 18 October 2023


Band: D&Gotcharocka

Pairing: Asagi&Jui (one-sided)

Rating: 17+

Genre: soft angst

Warnings: -

Note: Jui always felt like a moth flying towards a fire, but Asagi didn't care.

One look was enough for me to understand, what do you want. I took my glass with me and approached you. I leaned on a wall next to you and looked at you in anticipation.

"I'm bored" you said finally.

I knew it, but I sighed anyway, playing with ice in my drink.

"So what should I do with it?" I asked, not even looking at you.

You were my friend for years, so I was used to your mood swings and complaining.

"You can help me with being bored" you explained calmly and leaned your arm over my shoulder.

"Asagi?" I felt slightly confused.

One gesture was enough to make understand what should I do.

I smiled lusciously and kissed you. I was actually happy that I didn't have to hit on anyone else and worry they'll taste like the kind of alcohol I don't like. You drank your usuall red wine today. I liked the way how it's taste lasted for a long time in my mouth, afrer our kiss. Just like I liked to move my fingers through your long, silky hair and look into your eyes, red because of eye contacts.

And maybe someday you'll stop chuckling and calling me silly, when I'm telling you about my feeling for you.

"Vampires live alone, Jui" you always say, stroking my hair.

But I'm patient. I'll wait until you'll be bored with living alone, but for now I'll come when you look at me at the parties. Because you know I'll always come. Like a moth flying towards a fire.

The end

Wednesday 11 October 2023


Band: Kagrra,&Kra

Pairing: Izumi&Mai

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: -

Note: Mai is glad for what Izumi has done for him.

When I retired I felt like a third wheel. But you cared about me untill I felt better. You left making music for me, even though you wanted to do something more after Kagrra,'s disbandment. But you choose me and now you only do the engineering work.

That's why right now I'm lying next to you on a couch, leaning on your arm and staring at the TV. Another usual day behind us.

"Aren't you cold?" you ask and not waiting for an answer, you cover me with a blue blanket with flower print.

Thank you.

That you were.

You are.

And you will be.

For me.

The end

Wednesday 4 October 2023


Band: Alice Nine

Pairing: Tora&Shou

Rating: 17+

Genre: comedy

Series: Oneshot Challenge

Warnings: -

Note: For Tora order has been on the first place since forever, until...

In my life order has been on the first place since forever. Both in my house and in my heart. My friends often tell me that I'm a neat freak, because I was easly annoyed even by smallest dirt or when someone didn't put a cup on cup coaster and on my table appeared a beautiful circle.

I also had a strict scheme with my relationships. Women, with whom I was falling in love, everytime looked almost the same. Short height, long hair, average breasts, because I wanted to look at something, but I didn't want to be suffocated by it. They had also similar personality - quiet, calm and reticent, with good sense of humour and hard-working. Even if every of these relationship ended sooner or later, I knew that I don't want any other type of woman. Just nope. I had strict scheme and nobody and nothing can change...

"Masashi!" I hear your voice from the bathroom.

You enter the living room with wet hair and dressing-gown, caressly thrown over your probably naked body.

I have to look closely.

"Have you seen my conditioner?"

"Which one?" I ask, looking at you over the book. "The rinsing one, the one you put on the wet hair, dry hair, revitalazing one, regenerating one or some other one?"

You're looking at me, confused. You probably didn't expect that I can remember it.

"Regenerating one" you reply.

"It's behind the washing machine, but there is a spider" I explain.

"Big guy and he is scared of a little spider" you turn aroud and go to the bathroom again.

"A man in his thirties and he has nine conditioners!" I bite back.

You wave your hand to confirm that you heard me, but you seriously don't care about it.

And it's the reason why the order in my heart is completely broken. But I wouldn't change this chaos named Kazumasa for anyone else.

The end