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"Rain is soothing for the soul"

Band: Kra Pairing: Keiyu&Mai Rating: 14+ Genre: romance, comedy Warnings: - Note: Keiyu likes walking in the rain, but he'd lik...

Wednesday 2 November 2022


Band: Moran

Pairing: Soan&Hitomi, Ivy&Vivi

Rating: 17+

Genre: slice of life

Warnings: -

Note: Hitomi is in the hospital because of his polips and Soan is panicking as hell.

Soan walked around the corridor in circles. Ivy was playing some game on the phone, Vivi was playing with a plastic cup and Sizna was falling asleep.

"Soan, don't worry, it will be okay" said Vivi, looking at his bandmate.

Soan shook his head and once again changed his direction of walking.

"Vivi is right, you don't have to worry so much" Sizna leaned his head on his hand.

Soan glared at him.

"You love only the doors, when you overdose on sugar" he mumbled, pulling out cigarettes and firestarter from his pocket. "I'm going outside, call me, if something happens."

Soan disappeared behind the doors, which slammed with a dull sound.

"I'm gonna talk to him" Ivy said, putting the phone in his pocket. "Sizna, don't worry, you know he's like this, when he panics."

"I know, I know" Sizna sighed. "If I find someone, he'll probably stop teasing me."

"You must fall in love first" noticed Vivi. "Which isn't so difficult, you just have to start searching."

Ivy went outside. It was cold. Soan stood next to the barrier, playing with a cigarette.

"You wanted to smoke" noticed Ivy, leaning on the barrier. "You changed your mind?"

"I wanted to go outside" replied Soan with trembling voice.

It forced Ivy to look at him.

"Are you crying, So-san?" Ivy wiped tears from Soan's cheeks. "Okay, you're crying. But So-san, Hi-san isn't dying, don't panic so much."

"What if he doesn't wake up from anesthesia? What if something goes wrong? What if he can't sing? What if the doctors make a mistake? It's possible, anything is possible and if I never see him again, hug him, kiss him, then what? I've already forgotten what it's like to live without him..."

Soan froze, when Ivy suddenly hugged him.

"Calm down, Tomofumi" Ivy whispered calmly. "You don't have to worry so much. Don't act like a hysterical woman, when her favourite character dies in the TV series. Just relax."

Soan just laughed.

"I understand now, why Vivi loves you" Soan smiled a little. "You can cheer up someone just by saying one silly thing."

"So you won't be so panicked?" asked Ivy, taking off his jacket and covering Soan with it. "Let's go back to the hospital. You can catch a cold and who would take care of Hi-san then?"

Soan nodded and followed Ivy. Sometimes this constantly fooling around bassist almost upset him, but the drummer thought that such friends were needed - when difficult times come, they can keep their spirits up and cheer others up.

* * *

Hitomi looked around. He didn't know, where he is. Everything was white.

"Close your eyes, Hitomi" he heard a voice.

He turned around nad saw Zill in a white robe.

"Saburou?" Hitomi tried to stand up, but he couldn't.

His legs didn't want to listen to him.

"Don't stand up" said Zill. "Close your eyes. If you don't do it, you will die."

"What are you talking about, Saburou?" Hitomi was confused.

He stood up. In the end he succeeded, although it was difficult for him to move. He walked over to Zill. 

"It's a dream, isn't it?"

"No, Hitomi, it's not a dream, it's... Pretty hard to explain" Zill sighed. "Hitomi, please, you can't make contact with this world, you have to wake up."

"Is this afterlife?" asked Hitomi.

"More like something in between" said Zill and then Hitomi hugged him. "No, Hitomi, let me go!"

Hitomi felt that all the effort that he had just put into every movement had suddenly left him.

"Hitomi" whispered Zill. "You have to wake up. Soan is waiting for you."

"I know" Hitomi let Zill go and felt that his body is weak again. "Saburou... Will we meet again?"

"Yes" Zill nodded. "But now you have to close your eyes."

Hitomi nodded and closed his eyes tightly.

* * *

"You don't even know how he panicked" Ivy said, sitting in front of Soan by Hitomi's bedside. "He acted like some hysterical woman."

"Do you have something specific in mind?" asked Vivi, unwrapping the strawberry jelly from the box and sticking a teaspoon into it. "For you, Hitomi."

Hitomi nodded and looked at Ivy with curious sight.

"Everytime, when some character in TV series dies, you're acting as if something serious happened" explained Ivy.

"I'm not a woman" Vivi was offended.

"But you're acting like that."

"I just think that Marie was too young to die. She was pregnant and she had a husband, who loved her. And this psycho shoot her like it's nothing!" cried Vivi.

His friends tried not to laugh, but laughed anyway.

"Miyako, her child is alive, they saved them, you should focus on it. Probably actress didn't want to be the part of the cast or something" Ivy shrugged and unwrapped a second jelly. He stuffed it on a spoon, took it all out of the box and put it in his mouth."Luk at mee, I em a hamshter, omnomnom."

Vivi laughed loudly and almost fell off the chair. Hitomi only smiled.

He looked at Tomofumi, adjusting his pillow. He may have pissed him off with his overprotection and panic sometimes, but he loved him anyway. Since the moment they met eachother.

The end

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