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"Rain is soothing for the soul"

Band: Kra Pairing: Keiyu&Mai Rating: 14+ Genre: romance, comedy Warnings: - Note: Keiyu likes walking in the rain, but he'd lik...

Wednesday 30 November 2022

Take a breath

Band: DIV

Pairing: Chobi&Chisa, Satoshi&Shougo

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: -

Note: If you're overworked, just go home already.

Sometimes it's hard to take a breath, when you are a young musician in a new band. This week was hard for all of DIV. They were running around the city, running errands, and since this was the period before the payday, no one had money to buy some fuel for either Satoshi nor Shougo.

"So, what now?" asked Shougo, leaning over the barrier and looking at Chobi.

"We have to go to the studio and try to organize what we've recorded for the new single" replied Chobi. "Because if I pick up the phone from this grumpy manager again, I'll go out on the street and start shooting."

"I think that we should fire him" said Satoshi. "Or maybe let our roadies run errands in the city. We would buy them beer later, and that would be fine."

"They won't sign your papers for you, Ouji" muttered Chisa and shuddered at the sound of the ringing phone. "Hello? Yes, we're gonna pay the rent, but next week, Yamamoto-san. Next week. No, we can't pay now, because we didn't get the paycheck yet. Shougo, talk to him, I don't have the strength anymore and he always somehow liked you before you moved into Satoshi's place."

Shougo took Chisa's cell phone and tried to explain to Mr. Yamamoto that Chisa and Yoshi really had no money. It took him all the way to the studio.

"No, Yamamoto-san. Okay, I'll tell him. Yes. Goodbye" Shougo hung up and gave Chisa his cell phone back. "He told me to tell you that you're a rude kid."

"I'm used to it" sighed Chisa, then flinched, when someone called him again. "No, not her. Yes, Kumiko? Do I look like someone who has time? No, I don't have time now. Now I'm going to the studio and I don't want to hurt my throat with screaming at you, because I'm a vocalist, I;m just reminding you subtly. Don't complain to my aunt that I'm trying to work. Bye."

"Who was it?" asked Chobi as Chisa put the phone in his pocket.

"My cousin. She's been bothering me to go meet her for a week now, because she recently gave birth and she just HAS TO show me her baby, because he MUST know the whole family" explained Chisa. "She doesn't care that newborns can't see well or remember faces..."

"I know, who is he talking about. She sometimes calls him even five times a day, when she wants something from him" added Shougo. "Hopeless case."

"I have an idea" said Chobi, clapping his hands. "Let's do what we have to do, then let's go get some pizza."

"Can we afford the pizza?" asked Shougo.

"One pizza for sure. With meat" Chobi smiled radiantly. "Maybe it will cheer up Chisa somehow."

"Thanks, Chobi" Sachi patted him on the shoulder. "But I don't think two slices of pizza would stop my cousin, aunt, rental guy and manager to stop calling me, and Mrs. Tohomiko won't suddenly become a lovely grandmother, who doesn't mind that my hair is dyed and I wear sunflower print pants."

"But I can't just watch how sad and nervous you are" said Chobi. "You have dark circles under your eyes. Are you sleeping at all?"

"Lately? Almost not at all" replied Chisa.

"You're overworking" said Shougo in a worried voice. "Chobi, tell him something, he'll listen to you."

"It's not that bad for sure" said Chobi calmly

He wanted to shout at Chisa that he was neglecting his health, and on the other hand, he wanted to tell him that he's worried about him, because he cares about him more than he would care about just his friend. For a long time.

"Let's get to work, and maybe we'll finish this before it gets completely dark."

* * *

When they were halfway to their goal, their manager burst into the studio. The musicians have heard how incompetent, lazy and arrogant they are, and at this pace, the singles scheduled for February won't be released until August next year. The manager at the very end of his tirade, which Chobi, as the leader, tried to break anyway, stamped his foot, told them to clean up the mess, turned on his heel and left, threatening them with an interview with the most nosy journalist from Rock and Read, if they won't finally do their job.

"He should stop treating us like children" muttered Shougo. "We're not high school students."

"Relax, Shougo" Chobi sighed, though his mood was even more spoiled.

Not only they won't make it before dark, but the sight of Chisa stressed out had an effect on him like a red blanket against a bull. He would like to catch up with this manager and blow his nose with his fist. This kid had enough worries already. Some unfulfilled artist, who had only managed to become a manager, didn't have to add some more worries to his list.

And yes, he called Chisa "a kid". He knew that Chisa is seven years younger than him. And that Sachi's psyche is not quite yet as toughened by life as his.

"Come on. We have to do, what he wants, because he won't leave us alone" said Chobi, although he wanted to sit Chisa on the sofa and make him wait for the three of them to clean up, but he knew that the vocalist was too stubborn and it would be useless.

He will help them anyway, whether they like it or not. Sachi never liked being treated like an egg.

* * *

Chisa sat down on the floor, leaning on the wall. He was at his limit. Everything, what happened during last few days, was exhausting. He felt as he could fall asleep just now. His bandmates were right. He was overworking himself. In every field.

He looked at Chobi, who was just trying to untangle the cables lying on the floor. Since when did he really love him? He didn't know, but he was sure of one thing. As a reward for winning the battle with this week, he will tell Chobi that he has feelings for him. Maybe at least he would have good luck in this case.

"Hey, Chisa" Chobi grabbed his hand. "Come on. We still have some work to do."

"Okay" Sachi stood up.

All he wanted to do was to go home and sleep all day.

"It actually irritates me a bit" said Chobi.

"What?" asked Chisa, feeling the familiar tightness in his chest.

But he left the bag at the entrance.

"Everyone is picking on us, chasing us around the city etc. But maybe I would like to sit down for a while and rest?" sighed Chobi.

"Anyone would like thar" said Chisa, and coughed. "But it isn't so simple."

"I promise I'll deal with this brawler so we can have a week off. We're gonna do an anime or movie marathon, how about that?" Chobi froze for a moment when, instead of answering, he heard only a whistling gasp from behind him and Chisa's gasping breath. "Chisa?"

Chobi turned around. He saw Chisa, who was leaning against the wall and trying to take a breath. Chobi froze for a moment, when Sachi collapsed, still coughing.

"Chisa!" Chobi ran up to him and grabbed his shoulders. "Kami, I don't think you had such a strong attack in a long time. Where's your inhaler? Chisa!"

"In the bag..." whispered Chisa, then coughed again. "Next to the door..."

"Hold on for a while, I'm going for it" said Chobi and started to run.

He often saw Chisa's asthma attacks, but it was never so intense. He ran to a shelf, grabbed Sachi's bag and ran to the other room back, ignoring Satoshi and Shougo, who were clearing the dust. Chisa was sitting with his elbows on his knees, trying to breathe normally.

"Here" Chobi knelt next to Chisa and handed him the bag.

The vocalist took out the inhaler and, with trembling fingers, removed the mouthpiece cover. He shook the inhaler, exhaled from his lungs, then took the medicine and held his breath. He sat motionless for a moment, then took a deep breath and leaned against the wall.

"Chobi? What happened?" Satoshi and Shougo appeared next to them.

"Chisa had an asthma attack. A pretty strong one" explained Hiroki, looking at the vocalist who tried to calm down. "In fact, I've never seen him like this."

"I saw him like this once" Shougo sat on the other side of Chisa and put his hand on his shoulder. "But it's okay now, right?"

"My throat is still a little scratchy, but that's normal" replied Chisa.

"I suggest going home" said Shougo. "In such physical and mental condition, we are rather useless."

"You're right" Chobi stood up, dragging Chisa with him. "I think you need to get a taxi."

"We'll go on foot" said Shougo. "Make sure Chisa gets home safely."

"Don't worry. I'll take care of him" Chobi smiled fondly, putting his arm around Chisa. "I won't let anything bad happen to him."

"Thanks" Sachi sent him a gentle smile.

Half an hour later the taxi pulled up outside the block of flats, where Chisa lived. The vocalist looked first at the driver and then at the bassist.

"Stay with me, Chobi" Chisa looked pleadingly at his friend. "Yoshi's not home. I'm afraid to be alone."

"I'll stay" Chobi paid the taxi driver and got out of the car.

* * *

Chisa entered his apartment and turned on the lightswitch. Chobi stood in treshold and looked at the vocalist. He was staring at him for a while. Too long, in fact.

"Are you okay, Chobi?" asked Chisa, who took off his jacket and shoes already. "You look like someone, who saw a ghost. Or a zombie with a brain in its hand."

"What?" Chobi shook himself out of his thoughts.

He didn't stare at someone so long for a long time.

"I'm talking to you" Chisa nudged his shoulder. "Wake up and come to the kitchen. Do you want tea or coffee?"

"Coffee" replied Chobi.

Well, he definitely has to do something about his feelings, because such situations have been too frequent lately.

Chisa placed a blue cup with a cat picture in front of Chobi, and he took the green one with the puppy picture and sat down on the counter.

"You got scared today, huh?" asked Chisa, sipping his tea.

Chobi looked up at him.

"Well, it wasn't a pleasant event" Hiroki sighed and took a sip of his coffee.

He didn't like this particular brand, but he didn't want to be rude.

"It was like this every day when I was a child" said Chisa after a moment of silence.

Chobi looked at him attentively.

"I was often hospitalized, because the attacks were too strong to be dealt with at home in those days. It was better when I went to school, but I still didn't participe in PE for the first three years. But you know what?"


"I still remember this period of my life with a smile. It doesn't matter that the disease often took my breath away. So what? The important thing is that I'm here now and haven't given up, right?"

"It's probably the worst that can happen. Letting the disease win" said Chobi.

"Exactly" Chisa thought for a moment. "Have you ever given up?"

"Several times. But it was always because of the same thing" replied Chobi.

"What thing?"

"The love" explained Chobi. "It's hard, when you have to tell a loved one you care about them."

"Well, you're right" Chisa laughed shortly. "You know, Chobi, when I started my music career, I thought that I would always hold the bass in my hands. But when Reia left and we couldn't find anyone else for a very long time, we decided that we had to find a vocalist among us. They chose me. Why? I didn't know this until this day. In fact, I thought that I felt better in this role than when I was a bassist. And despite the asthma, despite everything, I decided to become a vocalist. And I'm sticking to it. Because you see, Chobi, sometimes it takes very little to make your dream come true. You have to take a deep breath, reach out our hand and catch them. Even if you just brush it with your fingertips the first time, it's already a success. The worst thing you can do is watch it pass away."

"What if you can't catch it, because your fingers are slipping through it?"

"Dreams are never ghosts, Chobi. They're solids that you can grab and put in your pocket" Chisa smiled fondly as he finished his tea and set the mug back to the sink. "What do you want to do?"

"Me? I propose that YOU go to sleep" announced Chobi. "Because YOU, my dear, have been exhausted lately and that is why YOU had these attacks more often."

"Then I have to take care of you somehow, I can't just..." Chisa paused as Hiroki put a finger to his lips.

"You'll go to sleep. I will go too. We're both tired and have had too many bad experiences in the last few days. We also deserve some rest" Chobi smiled fondly, to which Chisa just nodded.

* * *

He was running between buidlings. He heard he was being called. He heard his name, but he couldn't find the source. Everything was more and more blurred, the buildings started to colapse. Only this calls continued, but were getting softer and quieter until he finally stopped hearing his voice completely.

"Sachi!" he called his name, when he finally found him laying next to the one of collapsed buildings.

He ran to him, when he didn't answer him, but his fingers slipped over Chisa's half-transparent body, which dissapeared a moment after.

Chobi woke up abruptly and sat up in a bed. Well, it was probably the third nightmare of the night and he had been asleep for maybe two hours.

He got up. He went to the bathroom, rinsed his mouth and washed his face, then looked into the mirror. He shouldn't worry so much. After all, Chisa didn't suffer from asthma just since yesterday! It would have been easier, if Chobi didn't love him.

"I'm such an idiot" mumbled the bassist and left the bathroom.

But he didn't go to Shougo's old room, where he was sleeping. He went somewhere else.

Chobi stood in treshold and looked at Chisa. The vocalist was asleep and it would seem as if the last days weren't too hard for him. He looked like the Sleeping Beauty, now in his dream realm.

Actually, Chobi didn't know why, instead of turning around and going to sleep, he walked over to the bed, sat on its edge and leaned over Chisa, then kissed him on the lips. Maybe it was just an impulse? Or maybe he just finally decided to catch up with him? It doesn't change the fact that he probably didn't know that the vocalist would wake up because of that.

"Chobi?" Chisa woke up and looked at the bassist.

Hiroki jumped away from him as if Sachi burned him. And he almost landed on the wall. In fact, it would have happened, but the wardrobe stopped him and wobbled ominously.

For a brief moment, as they both tried to collect their thoughts, the room was so silent that you could hear the spider weaving its web.

"Why?" asked Chisa finally, staring at Chobi, who was wondering, if it was better to run away through the door or through the window.

"Wel, how should I start..." Hiroki sighed. "Well, I've started to care about you for a while now. I thought about what was going on for a long time, and finally came to the conclusion that I just fell in love with you. Honestly, I've had three nightmares today and I just had to check, if you were actually okay. I'm worried about your health, because I love you, Sachi. And somehow it turned out like this..."

Chisa blinked and once again repeated Chobi's words in his head, wondering if he really is awake right now.

"You love me?" he asked, leaving the bed.

"Yes" nodded Chobi. "When I told you that I gave up because I'm a coward and I can't confess my feelings, I was talking about you. But how could I tell you that I love you, when you're so crazy about boobs?"

Chisa chuckled and walked to Chobi.

"You know, if I'm desperate, I'll buy you a bra and stuff it with socks. But in the meantime, just the way you are is enough for me" announced Chisa.

"What, so you..."

"Yes, my babbler. I love you too" Sachi placed his hands on Hiroki's cheeks and kissed him gently.

Chobi kissed him back, feeling Chisa's tiny fingers under his shirt at the same time. He pushed Sachi onto the bed and sat astride him.

"Just don't think you'll be seme."

"But Hiroki!"

"Not. I rule here" Chobi smirked and kissed his koi again.

* * *

"Hi, Chisa. Hi, Chobi" Shougo burst into the rehearsal room, all happy. "It's a wonderful day, isn't it? By the way, Chisa, how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. I haven't been so relaxed for a long time" said Chisa, streching on the sofa.

"Did you drink your tea for nerves and ordered a pizza as usual or did you do something else this time?" asked Shougo.

"Yes, we did a lot of thing at night" replied Chobi, trying to tune the lowest string, which made Satoshi choke with his water.

"Finally" said the drummer, wiping his mouth with his sleeve.

"What, but, I don't understand. Shougo sat down in the chair. "Are you two together?"

"Haven't you noticed how they've been staring at each other for a long time?" Satoshi was surprised.



"Well, I don't observe and judge my surroundings meticulously like you!"

"And another marriage quarrel" sighed Chisa. "How glad I am that I'm not with any of you."

"You see, I saved you from these two tsunderes" Chobi smiled brightly.

"Don't call me a tsundere, shorty!"

"Shorty?! Shougo, if I hit you with my bass, Satoshi won't even help you!"

"You keep Satoshi out of this!"

"Chisa, I have a question" started Satoshi, sitting next to the vocalist. "If me and Shougo are arguing like a good old marriage couple, what is this?"

"Sibling quarrel?"

"And they're in the kindergarden, I think" Satoshi sighed.

Yes, it was another normal day. If, of course, there could be a normal day in their life.

The end

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