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"Rain is soothing for the soul"

Band: Kra Pairing: Keiyu&Mai Rating: 14+ Genre: romance, comedy Warnings: - Note: Keiyu likes walking in the rain, but he'd lik...

Wednesday 18 January 2023

Little Crumb

Band: heidi.

Pairing: Yoshihiko&Kiri, Kohsuke&Nao in the background

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: -

Note: Kiri doesn't feel well, so Yoshihiko has to take care of him.

 This day didn't seemed like some big changes were going to happen in Kiri's life. They had a break, so drummer sat down on the sofa with a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows.

Nao was trying to explain something to Kohsuke, but Kiri didn't want to hear everything. It could be something that was connected to their relationship, not to the band. Yoshihiko was talking on the phone, every now and then saying "Emiko" to someone. So there was a woman on the other side.

"Okay, guys, we should go back to work" said Nao, but Kohsuke looked as if he lost some war. "Kohsuke?"

"Yes, yes. I know" the bassist sighed. "I'm gonna tune my bass, because some off-tune sounds come out of it."

"Gotta go, bye" the vocalist hung up and put the phone in his pocket.

"Just out of curiosity, who were you talking to?" asked Nao.

Yoshihiko hesitated for a moment.

"With my girlfriend" he finally replied and Kiri choked on his chocolate.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" asked Kohsuke, patting Kiri's back.

"Well, yes" Yoshihiko scratched his head. "We've met recently. We've been together for a month."

Kiri took a deep breath and wiped his mouth. He looked at Yoshihiko. Vocalist had a girlfriend. He didn't hook up with a boy, even if he's been trying to do something for months. Maybe he didn't try enough? And how long he's been in love with Yoshihiko? For a year? Two years?

"Can I drink my chocolate first?" asked Kiri, looking at his cup. "It will be cold, if I put it away for an hour."

"As you wish" said Nao. "It always takes long for Kohsuke to tune his bass, anyway."

"I can say the same thing about your orgasms" replied Fukuyama.

Nao smacked his head. Yoshihiko just laughed.

Kiri sipped his chocolate. It was warm, sweet and marshmallows were floating in it. But he felt that after this news, it lost its flavour.

* * *

Several days passed. Kiri woke up with a headache. He didn't have hangover or something. He was a meteoropath and he had a migraine. The atmospheric pressure must have gone crazy.

After taking two headache pills and three hours in bed, he knew that he can't go on the rehearsal.

"Hi, Nao" he whispered, because even his own voice sounded in his ears like a jackhammer. "I got a migraine. I can't come today."

"The drugs didn't help?" Nao was surprised. "Usually it helps..."

"Not this time" replied Kiri, covering his face with the pillow. "Sorry, Nao."

"It's okay" Kiri could see in his mind how the guitarist waved his hand to show that he understood. "If you'll feel better, text me. Well, I have to let this turtle know that he can stop lazing about, because he doesn't have to leave the house today."

With that, Nao hung up. Kiri turned onto his stomach and pressed his face against the pillow. He didn't know why, but he wanted to cry. On one hand, he had been sad for several days, had little sleep and was moody, especially when Yoshihiko was talking with Emiko again for half an hour, until Nao had to take his phone away from him. On the other hand, the headache was becoming unbearable for him.

He went to the kitchen. He had to make himself something to eat, before he gets hungry on top of all this. He was about to prepare water for his tea, when he felt dizzy. He sat down on the chair and leaned forward. He felt sick. Goddamn migraine.

He didn't know, how long he was sitting there. He got up, wanting to go to the bathroom. But then someone knocked on the door. Reluctantly, he grabbed the doorknob and opened the door. Yoshihiko was standing in front of him.

"Hi, Kiri-chan" Yoshi looked at Kiri, who now reminded him of a hungry zombie. "Nao told me that you're not feeling well. I wanted to check, if you need some help."

They've known each other for so long that those surprise visits were normal for them. At least, for Yoshihiko it was normal. Kiri wasn't so sure about it. He had more Japanese mentality.

"Walk in" he mumbled and leaned on the wall. "You're right, I don't feel good."

"I see that I'm on time" Yoshihiko put a cardboard box on the cupboard and put his arm around Kiri. "Come on, go to bed, I'll make you some tea. Did you eat something?"

"No" replied Kiri as the vocalist covered him with the duvet. "My head didn't hurt like that for a long time. Do you think I have brain cancer and I'm going to die?"

"What? Where did you get this from?" the vocalist blinked.

"There is always the possibility" Kiri smiled weakly.

"You must be silly out of hunger. I'll call some restaurant and order something" Yoshihiko turned around and went into the kitchen.

Kiri closed his eyes. He started to be happy that his head hurt. At least he had Yoshihiko for himself right now. Even if he knew that the vocalist will return home, when he'll feel better. To Emiko...

Suddenly he felt something cold on his forehead. He opened his eyes. Yoshihiko was sitting on his bedside and made a compress for him.

"You fell asleep" announced the vocalist. "Or fainted. I'm not sure, but you didn't answer my questions. Anyway, I made you mint tea. When it gets cold, you can drink it. I brought you the pills. How long ago have you took them last time?"

"What time is it?" Kiri asked weakly.

"3PM" replied Yoshihiko.

"Long ago then" replied Kiri.

"Good" Yoshihiko squeezed out the cloth and placed it on the drummer's head.

At that moment the doorbell rang.

"Oh, the food has arrived. Lie still, I'll be right back."

Yoshi stood up and went to take the food. Kiri sat on the bed and swallowed the pills. He had a feeling that he already felt better.

"I'm back" Yoshihiko gave Kiri rice with some meat and vegetables in a bowl. "I put the food into the dishes. Eat, you're probably hungry."

Kiri picked up the chopsticks and began to eat. Yoshihiko did the same. They sat in silence. The drummer's headache finally began to ease off. He looked at the vocalist. Black, slightly fluffed hair fell over his face and his glasses fell off his nose a little. He was wearing an outstretched shirt and frayed jeans. He looked like he left his house as soon as he found out that Kiri was feeling unwell. As if he didn't stop to think about how he looked like. Good that he didn't run out in slippers or better - straight out of shower in just a towel tied around his waist.

Kiri put the bowl down on the nightstand and picked up a mug of tea. He sipped it silently, wondering why Yoshihiko still didn't call his Emiko. Knowing that Yoshi is bisexual, shouldn't Emiko be jealous? Or maybe she doesn't know? Anyway, what would she be jealous of? After all, Yoshihiko only took care of him. Like a friend who he is...

"Kiri-chan?" the vocalist snapped him out of his thoughts.

"What?" asked Kiri, staring at him with blurry eyes.

"I asked if you want some cake. Emiko baked it" explained Yoshihiko.

"Emiko" Kiri repeated. "Yes, I would love to taste her delicious cake."

"Was that sarcasm?"

"So that's what it sounded like?" Kiri chuckled like a fairy. "Give me that cake, Yoshi. I think I'm getting better."

"Good" Yoshihiko got up and went to get the mysterious cardboard box he had brought with him.

He brought plates from the kitchen and cut up the chocolate cake, then handed a piece to Kiri.

"For you."

"Thank you" Kiri tried the cake and unfortunately had to admit it was good.

Very good even.

"It's delicious."

"I'll tell her" Yoshihiko smiled fondly and began eating the cake.

There was that awkward silence again. Something definitely was wrong that day.



"Did something happen? Why are not you saying anything?" asked Kiri.

The vocalist shook his head.

"It's okay, Kiri-chan" replied Yoshihiko. "I'm just a little worried about you."

"It's just a migraine. Maybe it's a little worse this time, but I'm already getting over it" replied Kiri quietly.

He put the plate back on the cupboard and sighed.

"We can even go to the living room and watch a movie. Yoshi?"

Kiri froze, when Yoshihiko stroked his cheek with the tip of his thumb.

"A little crumble" he just said.

Kiri blushed and looked down. Yoshihiko's touch was so nice that he wished he would keep that hand on his cheek forever.

"No" at the last moment, before Yoshihiko removed his hand, Kiri grabbed it. "Don't take it away. I don't want you to do this."

Yoshihiko blinked. He moved closer to Kiri and with the other hand he turned his face towards him, then kissed him softly. The drummer didn't return the kiss. Yoshihiko has a girlfriend! What the hell is he doing?!

"Yoshi, don't" he gently pushed the vocalist away. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't say it. I just wanted to feel like Emiko. But we can't do this. I love you and it's painful for me that you chose her and not me, but... We can't!"

"Kiri..." Yoshihiko sighed. "Kiri, Emiko is my cousin. She have visited me, because she's been looking for a flat in Tokyo. I told you that to make you believe that she's my girlfriend, because I wanted to make you jealous. Every other way to show you that I love you failed."

Kiri blinked. His head stopped hurting, but he felt like he was going to have another migraine.

"What? You lied to me?! How dare you..."

"It worked" noticed Yoshihiko.

"You're impossible" Kiri grabbed Yoshihiko's wrists and pinned him to the bed. "Why couldn't you tell me just like a normal human being?"

"Because nothing could reach you and I run out of ideas" explained Yoshihiko.

"Moron" Kiri shook his head and kissed the vocalist.

Life had a favor again. Even if it was veggie-chocolate favor with almost unnoticable hint of nicotine.

The end

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