The blog contains content about male-male and female-female relationships. If you don't like yaoi and yuri, hit the red cross and don't read, instead of throwing mud at me. Thank you for your attention.

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"Rain is soothing for the soul"

Band: Kra Pairing: Keiyu&Mai Rating: 14+ Genre: romance, comedy Warnings: - Note: Keiyu likes walking in the rain, but he'd lik...

Wednesday 30 November 2022

Take a breath

Band: DIV

Pairing: Chobi&Chisa, Satoshi&Shougo

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: -

Note: If you're overworked, just go home already.

Sometimes it's hard to take a breath, when you are a young musician in a new band. This week was hard for all of DIV. They were running around the city, running errands, and since this was the period before the payday, no one had money to buy some fuel for either Satoshi nor Shougo.

"So, what now?" asked Shougo, leaning over the barrier and looking at Chobi.

"We have to go to the studio and try to organize what we've recorded for the new single" replied Chobi. "Because if I pick up the phone from this grumpy manager again, I'll go out on the street and start shooting."

"I think that we should fire him" said Satoshi. "Or maybe let our roadies run errands in the city. We would buy them beer later, and that would be fine."

"They won't sign your papers for you, Ouji" muttered Chisa and shuddered at the sound of the ringing phone. "Hello? Yes, we're gonna pay the rent, but next week, Yamamoto-san. Next week. No, we can't pay now, because we didn't get the paycheck yet. Shougo, talk to him, I don't have the strength anymore and he always somehow liked you before you moved into Satoshi's place."

Shougo took Chisa's cell phone and tried to explain to Mr. Yamamoto that Chisa and Yoshi really had no money. It took him all the way to the studio.

"No, Yamamoto-san. Okay, I'll tell him. Yes. Goodbye" Shougo hung up and gave Chisa his cell phone back. "He told me to tell you that you're a rude kid."

"I'm used to it" sighed Chisa, then flinched, when someone called him again. "No, not her. Yes, Kumiko? Do I look like someone who has time? No, I don't have time now. Now I'm going to the studio and I don't want to hurt my throat with screaming at you, because I'm a vocalist, I;m just reminding you subtly. Don't complain to my aunt that I'm trying to work. Bye."

"Who was it?" asked Chobi as Chisa put the phone in his pocket.

"My cousin. She's been bothering me to go meet her for a week now, because she recently gave birth and she just HAS TO show me her baby, because he MUST know the whole family" explained Chisa. "She doesn't care that newborns can't see well or remember faces..."

"I know, who is he talking about. She sometimes calls him even five times a day, when she wants something from him" added Shougo. "Hopeless case."

"I have an idea" said Chobi, clapping his hands. "Let's do what we have to do, then let's go get some pizza."

"Can we afford the pizza?" asked Shougo.

"One pizza for sure. With meat" Chobi smiled radiantly. "Maybe it will cheer up Chisa somehow."

"Thanks, Chobi" Sachi patted him on the shoulder. "But I don't think two slices of pizza would stop my cousin, aunt, rental guy and manager to stop calling me, and Mrs. Tohomiko won't suddenly become a lovely grandmother, who doesn't mind that my hair is dyed and I wear sunflower print pants."

"But I can't just watch how sad and nervous you are" said Chobi. "You have dark circles under your eyes. Are you sleeping at all?"

"Lately? Almost not at all" replied Chisa.

"You're overworking" said Shougo in a worried voice. "Chobi, tell him something, he'll listen to you."

"It's not that bad for sure" said Chobi calmly

He wanted to shout at Chisa that he was neglecting his health, and on the other hand, he wanted to tell him that he's worried about him, because he cares about him more than he would care about just his friend. For a long time.

"Let's get to work, and maybe we'll finish this before it gets completely dark."

* * *

When they were halfway to their goal, their manager burst into the studio. The musicians have heard how incompetent, lazy and arrogant they are, and at this pace, the singles scheduled for February won't be released until August next year. The manager at the very end of his tirade, which Chobi, as the leader, tried to break anyway, stamped his foot, told them to clean up the mess, turned on his heel and left, threatening them with an interview with the most nosy journalist from Rock and Read, if they won't finally do their job.

"He should stop treating us like children" muttered Shougo. "We're not high school students."

"Relax, Shougo" Chobi sighed, though his mood was even more spoiled.

Not only they won't make it before dark, but the sight of Chisa stressed out had an effect on him like a red blanket against a bull. He would like to catch up with this manager and blow his nose with his fist. This kid had enough worries already. Some unfulfilled artist, who had only managed to become a manager, didn't have to add some more worries to his list.

And yes, he called Chisa "a kid". He knew that Chisa is seven years younger than him. And that Sachi's psyche is not quite yet as toughened by life as his.

"Come on. We have to do, what he wants, because he won't leave us alone" said Chobi, although he wanted to sit Chisa on the sofa and make him wait for the three of them to clean up, but he knew that the vocalist was too stubborn and it would be useless.

He will help them anyway, whether they like it or not. Sachi never liked being treated like an egg.

* * *

Chisa sat down on the floor, leaning on the wall. He was at his limit. Everything, what happened during last few days, was exhausting. He felt as he could fall asleep just now. His bandmates were right. He was overworking himself. In every field.

He looked at Chobi, who was just trying to untangle the cables lying on the floor. Since when did he really love him? He didn't know, but he was sure of one thing. As a reward for winning the battle with this week, he will tell Chobi that he has feelings for him. Maybe at least he would have good luck in this case.

"Hey, Chisa" Chobi grabbed his hand. "Come on. We still have some work to do."

"Okay" Sachi stood up.

All he wanted to do was to go home and sleep all day.

"It actually irritates me a bit" said Chobi.

"What?" asked Chisa, feeling the familiar tightness in his chest.

But he left the bag at the entrance.

"Everyone is picking on us, chasing us around the city etc. But maybe I would like to sit down for a while and rest?" sighed Chobi.

"Anyone would like thar" said Chisa, and coughed. "But it isn't so simple."

"I promise I'll deal with this brawler so we can have a week off. We're gonna do an anime or movie marathon, how about that?" Chobi froze for a moment when, instead of answering, he heard only a whistling gasp from behind him and Chisa's gasping breath. "Chisa?"

Chobi turned around. He saw Chisa, who was leaning against the wall and trying to take a breath. Chobi froze for a moment, when Sachi collapsed, still coughing.

"Chisa!" Chobi ran up to him and grabbed his shoulders. "Kami, I don't think you had such a strong attack in a long time. Where's your inhaler? Chisa!"

"In the bag..." whispered Chisa, then coughed again. "Next to the door..."

"Hold on for a while, I'm going for it" said Chobi and started to run.

He often saw Chisa's asthma attacks, but it was never so intense. He ran to a shelf, grabbed Sachi's bag and ran to the other room back, ignoring Satoshi and Shougo, who were clearing the dust. Chisa was sitting with his elbows on his knees, trying to breathe normally.

"Here" Chobi knelt next to Chisa and handed him the bag.

The vocalist took out the inhaler and, with trembling fingers, removed the mouthpiece cover. He shook the inhaler, exhaled from his lungs, then took the medicine and held his breath. He sat motionless for a moment, then took a deep breath and leaned against the wall.

"Chobi? What happened?" Satoshi and Shougo appeared next to them.

"Chisa had an asthma attack. A pretty strong one" explained Hiroki, looking at the vocalist who tried to calm down. "In fact, I've never seen him like this."

"I saw him like this once" Shougo sat on the other side of Chisa and put his hand on his shoulder. "But it's okay now, right?"

"My throat is still a little scratchy, but that's normal" replied Chisa.

"I suggest going home" said Shougo. "In such physical and mental condition, we are rather useless."

"You're right" Chobi stood up, dragging Chisa with him. "I think you need to get a taxi."

"We'll go on foot" said Shougo. "Make sure Chisa gets home safely."

"Don't worry. I'll take care of him" Chobi smiled fondly, putting his arm around Chisa. "I won't let anything bad happen to him."

"Thanks" Sachi sent him a gentle smile.

Half an hour later the taxi pulled up outside the block of flats, where Chisa lived. The vocalist looked first at the driver and then at the bassist.

"Stay with me, Chobi" Chisa looked pleadingly at his friend. "Yoshi's not home. I'm afraid to be alone."

"I'll stay" Chobi paid the taxi driver and got out of the car.

* * *

Chisa entered his apartment and turned on the lightswitch. Chobi stood in treshold and looked at the vocalist. He was staring at him for a while. Too long, in fact.

"Are you okay, Chobi?" asked Chisa, who took off his jacket and shoes already. "You look like someone, who saw a ghost. Or a zombie with a brain in its hand."

"What?" Chobi shook himself out of his thoughts.

He didn't stare at someone so long for a long time.

"I'm talking to you" Chisa nudged his shoulder. "Wake up and come to the kitchen. Do you want tea or coffee?"

"Coffee" replied Chobi.

Well, he definitely has to do something about his feelings, because such situations have been too frequent lately.

Chisa placed a blue cup with a cat picture in front of Chobi, and he took the green one with the puppy picture and sat down on the counter.

"You got scared today, huh?" asked Chisa, sipping his tea.

Chobi looked up at him.

"Well, it wasn't a pleasant event" Hiroki sighed and took a sip of his coffee.

He didn't like this particular brand, but he didn't want to be rude.

"It was like this every day when I was a child" said Chisa after a moment of silence.

Chobi looked at him attentively.

"I was often hospitalized, because the attacks were too strong to be dealt with at home in those days. It was better when I went to school, but I still didn't participe in PE for the first three years. But you know what?"


"I still remember this period of my life with a smile. It doesn't matter that the disease often took my breath away. So what? The important thing is that I'm here now and haven't given up, right?"

"It's probably the worst that can happen. Letting the disease win" said Chobi.

"Exactly" Chisa thought for a moment. "Have you ever given up?"

"Several times. But it was always because of the same thing" replied Chobi.

"What thing?"

"The love" explained Chobi. "It's hard, when you have to tell a loved one you care about them."

"Well, you're right" Chisa laughed shortly. "You know, Chobi, when I started my music career, I thought that I would always hold the bass in my hands. But when Reia left and we couldn't find anyone else for a very long time, we decided that we had to find a vocalist among us. They chose me. Why? I didn't know this until this day. In fact, I thought that I felt better in this role than when I was a bassist. And despite the asthma, despite everything, I decided to become a vocalist. And I'm sticking to it. Because you see, Chobi, sometimes it takes very little to make your dream come true. You have to take a deep breath, reach out our hand and catch them. Even if you just brush it with your fingertips the first time, it's already a success. The worst thing you can do is watch it pass away."

"What if you can't catch it, because your fingers are slipping through it?"

"Dreams are never ghosts, Chobi. They're solids that you can grab and put in your pocket" Chisa smiled fondly as he finished his tea and set the mug back to the sink. "What do you want to do?"

"Me? I propose that YOU go to sleep" announced Chobi. "Because YOU, my dear, have been exhausted lately and that is why YOU had these attacks more often."

"Then I have to take care of you somehow, I can't just..." Chisa paused as Hiroki put a finger to his lips.

"You'll go to sleep. I will go too. We're both tired and have had too many bad experiences in the last few days. We also deserve some rest" Chobi smiled fondly, to which Chisa just nodded.

* * *

He was running between buidlings. He heard he was being called. He heard his name, but he couldn't find the source. Everything was more and more blurred, the buildings started to colapse. Only this calls continued, but were getting softer and quieter until he finally stopped hearing his voice completely.

"Sachi!" he called his name, when he finally found him laying next to the one of collapsed buildings.

He ran to him, when he didn't answer him, but his fingers slipped over Chisa's half-transparent body, which dissapeared a moment after.

Chobi woke up abruptly and sat up in a bed. Well, it was probably the third nightmare of the night and he had been asleep for maybe two hours.

He got up. He went to the bathroom, rinsed his mouth and washed his face, then looked into the mirror. He shouldn't worry so much. After all, Chisa didn't suffer from asthma just since yesterday! It would have been easier, if Chobi didn't love him.

"I'm such an idiot" mumbled the bassist and left the bathroom.

But he didn't go to Shougo's old room, where he was sleeping. He went somewhere else.

Chobi stood in treshold and looked at Chisa. The vocalist was asleep and it would seem as if the last days weren't too hard for him. He looked like the Sleeping Beauty, now in his dream realm.

Actually, Chobi didn't know why, instead of turning around and going to sleep, he walked over to the bed, sat on its edge and leaned over Chisa, then kissed him on the lips. Maybe it was just an impulse? Or maybe he just finally decided to catch up with him? It doesn't change the fact that he probably didn't know that the vocalist would wake up because of that.

"Chobi?" Chisa woke up and looked at the bassist.

Hiroki jumped away from him as if Sachi burned him. And he almost landed on the wall. In fact, it would have happened, but the wardrobe stopped him and wobbled ominously.

For a brief moment, as they both tried to collect their thoughts, the room was so silent that you could hear the spider weaving its web.

"Why?" asked Chisa finally, staring at Chobi, who was wondering, if it was better to run away through the door or through the window.

"Wel, how should I start..." Hiroki sighed. "Well, I've started to care about you for a while now. I thought about what was going on for a long time, and finally came to the conclusion that I just fell in love with you. Honestly, I've had three nightmares today and I just had to check, if you were actually okay. I'm worried about your health, because I love you, Sachi. And somehow it turned out like this..."

Chisa blinked and once again repeated Chobi's words in his head, wondering if he really is awake right now.

"You love me?" he asked, leaving the bed.

"Yes" nodded Chobi. "When I told you that I gave up because I'm a coward and I can't confess my feelings, I was talking about you. But how could I tell you that I love you, when you're so crazy about boobs?"

Chisa chuckled and walked to Chobi.

"You know, if I'm desperate, I'll buy you a bra and stuff it with socks. But in the meantime, just the way you are is enough for me" announced Chisa.

"What, so you..."

"Yes, my babbler. I love you too" Sachi placed his hands on Hiroki's cheeks and kissed him gently.

Chobi kissed him back, feeling Chisa's tiny fingers under his shirt at the same time. He pushed Sachi onto the bed and sat astride him.

"Just don't think you'll be seme."

"But Hiroki!"

"Not. I rule here" Chobi smirked and kissed his koi again.

* * *

"Hi, Chisa. Hi, Chobi" Shougo burst into the rehearsal room, all happy. "It's a wonderful day, isn't it? By the way, Chisa, how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. I haven't been so relaxed for a long time" said Chisa, streching on the sofa.

"Did you drink your tea for nerves and ordered a pizza as usual or did you do something else this time?" asked Shougo.

"Yes, we did a lot of thing at night" replied Chobi, trying to tune the lowest string, which made Satoshi choke with his water.

"Finally" said the drummer, wiping his mouth with his sleeve.

"What, but, I don't understand. Shougo sat down in the chair. "Are you two together?"

"Haven't you noticed how they've been staring at each other for a long time?" Satoshi was surprised.



"Well, I don't observe and judge my surroundings meticulously like you!"

"And another marriage quarrel" sighed Chisa. "How glad I am that I'm not with any of you."

"You see, I saved you from these two tsunderes" Chobi smiled brightly.

"Don't call me a tsundere, shorty!"

"Shorty?! Shougo, if I hit you with my bass, Satoshi won't even help you!"

"You keep Satoshi out of this!"

"Chisa, I have a question" started Satoshi, sitting next to the vocalist. "If me and Shougo are arguing like a good old marriage couple, what is this?"

"Sibling quarrel?"

"And they're in the kindergarden, I think" Satoshi sighed.

Yes, it was another normal day. If, of course, there could be a normal day in their life.

The end

Wednesday 23 November 2022

Tooth-rotting day in February

Band: vistlip&MoNoLith

Pairing: Rui&Shuhei, Umi&Yuh, Ryu&Keita

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: -

Note: What Rui is doing on this pink-red-heart day called Valentine's?

"Could you finally focus, Rui?" Umi looked at him, a little angry. "If we'll have to play the same song for the fifth time, I'll take Tohya's drumsticks and stick them in your eyes. Do you understand?"

"Yes, yes, oversensitive leader" replied Rui then he got hit with a flip-flop.

The rest of the rehearsal went quite quickly. The bassist was getting annoyed with Tomo and Tohya. They had been in love with each other for a long time, but couldn't confess their feelings. They've had so many opportunities to do it, not like Shunsuke. He just looked forward to any twoman performance with MoNoLith, so that he could finally see Shuhei. So that he could talk to him. He could, of course, make a phonecall, but he didn't want to be intrusive.

He came home and hung his jacket on a hanger. He looked at the calendar.

"Valentine's Day is tomorrow" he thought.

He was scared because of this day. He was afraid of this feeling of loneliness, which he always felt this day. And it will be the first Valentine's Day, when he's in love with Shuhei.

He just wanted to hug him. Is that too much?

* * *

They had the day off because Umi and Yuh have decided to spend this time together. They'll probably end up in bed, horny guys.

Rui put on his jacket and shoes and tied a blue scarf from Tomo around his neck, then left the house. He didn't like Valentine's Day, but they had one profit - a delicious cake was sold at his favorite pastry shop. And only on that day he could get it. Well, it was heart-shaped, but the combination of probably all red fruits in existence gave an amazing effect.

He entered the pastry shop calmly. He was also looking for interesting cookies for Tohya and Tomo and some pralines for Umi and Yuh. Behind him, he heard the sound of the doorbell informing the casshier and him that another customer had entered the shop.

"Hi, Rui-kun" he heard a familiar voice.

He jumped, tripped over his own legs and fell on the floor. He looked up. He saw Shuhei, who was staring at him with... Exactly. What was this emotion in Shuhei's eyes?

"Hi, Shuhei-san. You scared me" said Rui, when he helped him to stand up.

"Don't worry, I already stopped counting, how many times I fell down today. Winter is bad, and icy sidewalks are even more so."

"I agree with you" nodded Rui. "Well... Do you want to buy some valentine's candies for someone?" asked Rui, returning to looking for sweets for his friends.

"Takafumi asked me for a heart-shaped lollipop. He's sometimes a big child" replied Shuhei, crouching down in front of the cookie display.

"Takafumi? Are you in relationship?" Rui was surprised.

"What? Relationship? Haha, no, he just seems to like such cute sweets" Shuhei chuckled. "I'm single, Rui. That's why Valentine's Day kind of irritates me. Too many candy covers and couples in love in the streets. More than that, Ryu and Keita finally got together. Massacre, I say."

"I have the same situation with Umi and Yuh" said Rui, then asked a cassier for red fruit cake, cherry pralines and raspberry cookies. "But at least they're not as blind as Tomo and Tohya. Sometimes I want to use a certain matchmaking technique I've heard about."

"What technique? Maybe I will use it on Takafumi and Hayato" Shuhei handed the lollipop to the seller. "Hayato asked me and the rest for help, because Takafumi will soon need to buy a white cane, really."

"I don't understand how they, when they spend half their life together, don't notice that the other one loves them too" Rui sighed, taking the shopping bag. "When two people are in two different bands, it's still logical, but if they're in one band, I don't understand such people."

"I agree with you" nodded Shuhei. "So what's the deal with this matchmaking method?"

"You go to one and push it against the other. But it's in the extreme case, when you have enough" Rui explained. "Used by Zill on Soan and Hitomi. I'm not surprised at all, to be honest."

"I don't know about Soan, but Hitomi had crush on this panicking drummer even in Fatima" said Shuhei.

"Is there a person in the music world, who hasn't noticed it?"

"I guess only Asagi didn't see it with his right eye, because his hair was blocking his sight, but with his left eye he probably noticed it very well" replied Shuhei. "They beat all the blind people on the head."

"Exactly" nodded Rui. "Shuhei?"


"Are you up for a cup of coffee?" asked Rui.

Shuhei nodded in response.

* * *

They were sitting in the cafe, both staring into their own cups. They didn't know, what they should talk about.

"What do people like in Valentine's Day?" asked Rui, stirring the biscuit in his coffee.

"I don't know" Shuhei shrugged. "Are they excited about the red and pink around?"

"Hearts everywhere?"

"Couples chattering to each other, strolling the streets?"

"Romantic comedies that broadcast over and over all day?"

"Cute songs on the radio all the time?"

"Cupids in their pants, which can be seen in every shop window?"

"Special promotions in shops with clothes, so that the girls could seduce their boyfriends in an airy petticoat?"

"Flowers half the price in flower shops?"

"Valentine's offers for couples in restaurants?"

"Post office strewn with postcards, because someone is unable to confess their feelings in person?"

"That you can have a romantic dinner with candles in the shape of roses and end up in bed in a shape of a big heart?"

"Nonsense" commented Rui. "But you know what pisses me off the most?"

"What?" asked Shuhei.

"That people on this day keep saying "I love you" over and over again. As for me, it should be said more often."

"How often?"

"Everyday. Starting today" Rui leaned over to Shuhei and kissed him in the lips. "I love you, Shuhei."

"I love you too, Rui" Shuhei smiled gently. "But it was bland..."

"Nonsense. Sometimes generic things are good too" said Rui, standing up. "Come with me. We'll go to my place, eat the best cake in the world and end up in an ordinary bed with mouse print sheets."

"I like mice" Shuhei grabbed Rui's hand. "Now let's leave this luscious kingdom of hearts."

"Good idea" Rui closed the cafe door behind them.

Perhaps one day he'll like this red-pink atmosphere. But for now he has enough of it, even if he's no longer a single.

The end

Wednesday 16 November 2022


Band: Moran

Pairing: Soan&Hitomi, Ivy&Vivi

Rating: 17+

Genre: comedy

Warnings: -

Note: Sizna is a sleepwalker and the rest of the band has enough of his night escapades.

 Hitomi covered himself with a quilt. They had been on the tour for a week, and he had already been awakened twice by Sizna - a sleepwalker who, while walking in his sleep, would come to one of his bandmates' room and wake him up. With slamming of the door or with bumping into some piece of furniture or something else. Hitomi fell asleep, but woke up feeling someone's presence.

He opened his eyes and saw a terrifying, ominous smile right in front of his face. He screamed, rolled over the bed and fell on the floor with a thud. Only after a while he rested his hands on the bed and looked at psychedelically smiling Sizna, who was sitting on the other side.

"Sizna" he growled, standing up and hopping onto the bed.

He walked through it and jumped on the floor.

"You silly, singing to your cat, guitaris!"

He grabbed Sizna's hand and led him out into the corridor.

"I'm gonna drown you!" furious Hitomi didn't care about the fact that all visitors in the hotel could hear him.

He woke up Soan with his screams. Tomofumi opened the door and looked at the corridor.

"Hito-chan?" he said, when he saw him. "He scared you again?"

"I'll tie you to this bed!" Hitomi continued his monologue, ignoring Soan.

The door to Ivy's room opened slightly and only the bassist's eye was visible.

"Hi-san is pissed off" Ivy said when he flashed before his eyes, and Sizna, still sleepwalking, was barely keeping pace with the vocalist.

"Or maybe I'll chain you to this bed!" no, Hitomi didn't stop being threatening with the owner of the overfed cat as he passed Vivi's room.

The young guitarist was only watching him through the keyhole, fearing he might get hit by a ricochet.

"Sit here and sleep!" Hitomi yelled as he opened the door to Sizna's room, threw him into the room, sold him a kick in the ribs to back off and slammed the door, then pivoted on his heel and began making his way back down the corridor.

He was never so furious.

Vivi sighed with relief, when Hitomi passed his room without looking into it. The vocalist has been usually calm, helpful and had the heart of gold, but when he got pissed, it wouldn't be a good idea to annoy him more.

"Hi-san returns" mumbled Ivy, seeing Hitomi passing by his room with a grave face. "And I will go to sleep, because he is still ready to look at me and ask if I want to die too."

Ivy threw off his dressing-gown and jumped under the quilt. Yes, it's better for Ivy not to upset Hitomi, when he's like that, because he can bite him.

"Hito-chan" Hitomi finched, when Soan grabbed his hand. "Come with me, Hito-chan. I'm gonna relax you."

"What are yo..." Hitomi stopped, losing his balance, when Soan pulled him into his room and kissed passionately. "Tomofumi..."

Soan closed the door behind them, smirking.

"They're gonna wake up all visitors" mumbled Ivy and heard Hitomi's muffled groan and the soft creak of the bed. "So I don't have to sleep yet. How did I end reading this manga? All in all, I'd eat some pasta..."

Ivy sat up and started looking for instant noodles in the cupboard. He knew that these two won't end their act of love quickly.

* * *

The next morning Sizna woke up on the floor with aching ribs. He sat up and started wondering, why he is on the floor in the first place.

"Ouch" moaned the guitarist, rubbing his ribs. "It hurts."

He left his room and saw Ivy in tracksuits making his bouncy stride towards the stairs.

"Oh, Si-san, you're alive" Ivy walked to his bandmate. "Hi-san didn't kill you yesterday?"

"Well, my ribs hurt..." mumbled Sizna.

Vivi appeared next to them, sipping his coffee.

"Vivi, why would Hitomi kill me?"

"Wait" Ivy took a cup from Vivi's hands and gave it to Sizna.

"What are you doing?" asked Vivi.

"You will be Sizna, I will be Hitomi" Ivy grabbed his hand.

"Oh, okay" Vivi smiled fondly. "Zzz, I have a psychodelic smile when I sleepwalk, zzz."

"So" Ivy tried not to laugh because of Vivi's acting talent and began to drag his hand down the hall. "I'll murder you! I'll tie you to bed! Chain you! I'll give away your cat to the shelter! Or I'll turn him into jelly!"

"So I woke him up again?" Sizna finally understood and sipped Vivi's coffee.

"Well, yes" nodded Ivy. "But So-san calmed him down."

"I've heard this calmness in Hitomi's voice too" Vivi chuckled.

"Hi, guys" next to them appeared beaming Hitomi wearing too loose pajamas. "Sizna, don't your ribs hurt?"

"They hurt" replied Sizna. "How do you know?"

"Because I kicked you in anger..." whispered Hitomi, completely embarrassed at the same time. "Come on, let's go get you some painkillers."

Hitomi gently grabbed Sizna's wrist and ran down from stairs with him.

"He felt responsible" noticed Vivi, sipping his coffee, which he got back.

"Hi, So-san" Ivy waved to Soan, who appeared next to them in only slacks and a flowing dressing-gown. "How's your calming Hi-san?"

"Fantastic. I'm just a little sleepy because of it" Soan took a coffee fcup rom confused Vivi's hands and sipped it. "But if you want to calm Hitomi down, you have to be me."

"Yup, all visitors in the hotel probably heard you" said Ivy.

Soan choked on a coffee and handed the mug to Vivi.

"Where's Hitomi?" he asked.

"He went with Sizna to the pharmacy" replied Vivi.

"Hito-chan, wait for me!" Soan ran down the stairs so fast he almost broke his legs.

"You know what, Miyako?" started Ivy. "Honestly, if I hadn't been with you and he didn't have Hi-san, I would have slept with him. Just out of curiosity."

Vivi burst out into a laugh.

* * *

Sizna woke up to the feeling of someone grabbing his hand. He saw Hitomi, who with a quick movement chained him to the bed frame.

"Good night" said Hitomi, leaving Sizna's room.

"Hitomi?" Sizna tried to released himself. "Hitomi, come back here!"

Soan, Ivy and Vivi were standing in front of Hitomi's room, waiting for him.

"And what happened?" asked Soan.

"I chained him. We're going to sleep well tonight" announced Hitomi, smiling maliciously, at which the other three burst out laughing and went to their rooms.

The end

Wednesday 9 November 2022

Since Forever

Band: Moran

Pairing: Soan&Hitomi

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: -

Note: "That was impossible with Hitomi being the "controling your thoughts" person. Once you love him, he won't leave you anymore."

 Soan was standing in front of the mirror and brushing his teeth. He was thinking about one thing - who is that man he sees? Well, he's the drummer of the band, which is currently on hiatus, because their guitarist left them.

He rinsed his mouth. They have to find a new guitarist, because they won't be able to play with Hitomi and Zill alone.

Zill was his friend, but thinking of Hitomi made him smile. Yes, the singer had something magnetizing about him that attracted a person almost immediately after getting to know him. And his two completely different sides were also surprising. One of them Hitomi showed on the stage - a seductive, moving with incredible grace, sexy man, who had all female fans at the beckoning of a slender finger. And then he would leave his harem kingdom and suddenly become a flustered, cute boy, but still trapped in the body of a grown, attractive man.

Tomofumi sighed and went into the shower. When did he begin to pay attention to Hitomi in a different way than a good friend from the band? He had known him for eight years, and had never before felt that strange warmth inside, when he looked at him. It probably only started when Velo announced that he was leaving. Hitomi was depressed at the time, because he thought he had finally formed a band that would have no trouble getting along with each other.

* * *

"Maybe it's a curse?" Hitomi stirred the rum tea with a teaspoon. "Maybe I shouldn't be the vocalist?"

"Don't you even talk like that" Soan shook his head and hugged Hitomi.

He felt the vocalist trembled as if with fear, but he didn't let go of him anyway.

"We'll be fine, Hitomi. We'll find someone to replace him. We just need time."

"Maybe you're right" Soan felt Hitomi hesitated between pushing him away or hugging him back. "You usually panic in these situations..."

"But you're too sad now" said Soan.

A moment later Hitomi hugged him back.

* * *

Yes, it was probably back then. He realized in this moment that this almost inaccessible man to him is more important to him than a friend.

He hesitated. He really wondered for a long time if he had really read his feelings correctly. But now, drying his hair with a white towel, he was sure of it. He loved him. He just didn't know, how to get to him. How to break through this barrier of Hitomi's shyness and indifference.

Tomofumi put on dark purple checkered pajamas and slipped under the covers. Maybe if he stops thinking about the vocalist every night, he will manage to fall asleep earlier. But that was impossible with Hitomi being the "controling your thoughts" person. Once you love him, he won't leave you anymore.

* * *

Soan was lying on the sofa in the rehearsal room, wondering if they would ever find a new guitarist. The one who just left couldn't even place his fingers well on the strings.

"It's not okay" mumbled Zill, mixing his muesli with a yoghurt. "It's so much not okay that it can't be more not okay."

"When you're losing your hope, I guess that all of us have to do it" said Soan.

Hitomi just sighed.

"Well, I have to go" he said, taking off his jacket from the hanger. "See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow!" Zill called after him, and Soan waved at him.

Hitomi smiled gently and left.

"Honestly, Soan" Zill started, munching on his muesli. "Are you going to tell him sometime?"

Soan froze. How did Zill figure it out?

"About what?" Tomofumi pretended to be confused.

"That you love him, silly boy" Saburou smiled friendly.

"But I don't know, if he has feelings for me" sighed a drummer.

Zill chuckled and threw out an empty box into the trash bin. Then he looked at a window and froze.



"Hitomi came by car or did he come on foot?"

"I do not know. Why do you want to know it?"

"Look" Zill pointed to the window.

Soan turned around. The snow that raged outside chilled the blood in his veins.

"But five minutes ago..."

"Five minutes ago it was gently snowing and raining, yes. But now the situation is different. And he's wearing a thin jacket" said Zill.

"Stay here, because I will still get sick, but with your poor health, it would end even worse" Soan pressed the keys to the room in his hand. "I'm gonna go find him."

"Just be careful!" Zill called after him as he ran out of the room.

Soan opened his umbrella and ran outside. The wind was blowing so hard that the umbrella wires twisted so violently as if they were about to break.

"He doesn't answer his phone. Great" Soan put his cellphone in his pocket. "If he didn't hide in some shop, I'm gonna kill him. And then revive of course."

The drummer searched around the label building, but didn't find Hitomi. Hoping that the vocalist had a car, he eventually managed to escape the snowstorm, got into his car and went home, because the wind was getting stronger and Soan was afraid that he would also get sick, if he didn't find himself in the warm apartment soon.

He got out of the car and struggled to the staircase. He opened the door and stepped into the elevator. When he came out of it, he saw something he didn't expect.

Hitomi was sitting on the doormat in front of his apartment, wet from melted snow.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Soan crouched down in front of the vocalist, who twitched at the sound of his voice.

"It was closer to your apartment than mine" he explained quietly. "One of your neighbors opened the door for me. Can I wait through his snowstorm at your place?"

"Of course. You're already too cold, you could get sick" Soan helped him up and opened the door.

He let Hitomi inside and closed the apartment.

"I'll make some hot tea and we'll warm up."

"I'm already warm..."

"What?" Soan turned around suddenly, and Hitomi just shook his head.

"Nothing, nothing, yes, tea, em... Do you remember how much I sweeten?"

"Two teaspoons, as far as I remember" replied Soan, and Hitomi smiled slightly.

"You know me so well" Hitomi hung up his jacket and took off his shoes, then sat on the couch, following Soan going o the kitchen with his gaze. "But you don't know everything about me anyway..."

A moment later Soan came back and sat next to him.

"The water is boiling. Maybe you want to change your clothes? Are you cold?" he asked, placing his hand on Hitomi's cheek. "You're a little cool. Hitomi?"

Hitomi froze for a moment and grabbed Soan's hand. He put it on the table and sighed.

"I'll be fine" he said as calmly as he could, though his heart was pounding maddened by that brief moment of being too close.

"But I insist you change your clothes" Soan grabbed his arm and led him to the bathroom. "Better take a hot shower. You're wet, and you're the vocalist. You'll get sick and won't be able to sing, and then we won't be able to look for that new guitarist. How are we supposed to make sure his playstyle sounds good in combination with your voice, if you can't get it out of you? I'm going to bring you some sweats and I don't care if they're too short, I can look for long socks, but try to catch a cold and I think I'll kill you and then revive you and then take you to the hospital so they can treat you and get you back on your feet. Do you understand?"

Hitomi nodded and waited for Soan to bring him warm and dry clothes. Tomofumi put them in his hands, then pushed him into the bathroom.

"Like a child" sighed Soan. "I'll go and make some tea. How he ever lived so many years without care, this boy needs someone who will tell him what to do in life, otherwise he will get lost."

Tomofumi waited while the tea was brewing, then carried it to the room. Hitomi returned a moment later and stood in front of Soan.

"I took a bath, changed clothes and dried my hair" he said. "Satisfied or should I do anything else to stop your panicking?"

"Stay the night?" said Soan.

Hitomi jumped back.


"Did you see what's going on outside?" Soan pointed at the window. "It's even worse than an hour ago. And I doubt it will change any time soon. I'll make you a couch and you can sleep here. No questions"


"I said, no questions" Soan pulled Hitomi's hand and sat him down beside him. "Now have your tea."

"Sometimes I'm afraid of you..." muttered Hitomi, taking the tea in his hands. "I wouldn't like to get on your nerves someday."

"You don't have to be afraid of me." Soan put his arm around him.

Hitomi twitched, almost spilling his tea.

"Friends have to take care of each other, right?"

"Yes, you're right" Hitomi smiled sluggishly. "Soan?"


"Maybe..." Hitomi froze for a moment, then sighed heavily. "Nevermind. Let's watch a movie."

"Good idea" Soan sipped his tea and got up to get his film binder. "Comedy, horror, drama, or some action?"

"Could be a horror movie. But a good one, not just some bloodshed" said Hitomi.

"Okay, Zill gave me something recently, let's see what it is" Soan smiled slightly as he tossed the CD into the DVD.

* * *

Soan wrapped the covers tightly around him. It was cold and he woke up every now and then, because what he discovered was just a little bit, he was freezing. Hitomi was asleep on the couch in the living room. Actually, Tomofumi would rather bring him here and hug him, but it was just a silly wish...

"Soan?" the drummer jumped on the bed, almost falling from it.

He turned around and saw Hitomi, covered with a quilt and holding a pillow in his hand.

"Can I sleep here?"

"What?" Soan blinked.

What happened? Does he have magical powers? Is he a fairy or what?

"I can't sleep" Hitomi sighed. "I like horrors, but now I have a feeling that this psycho girl will kill me in my sleep..."

"Are you afraid?" Soan was confused.

Hitomi nodded.

"Come here. I won't tell anyone."

"Thanks" Hitomi laid down next to Tomofumi. "Soan?"


"Can I hug you?" asked Hitomi, completely embarrassed, but still not losing the confidence in his eyes.

"You can hug me, I don't mind" muttered Soan, then felt a pleasant warmth as Hitomi cuddled up to him. "Good night."

"Good night" whispered Hitomi, tightening fingers on his shirt.

"I won't freeze" thought Soan, closing his eyes.

* * *

Zill was sitting on the table in the rehearsal room, when Soan and Hitomi walked in.

"Hello, Zill" said Soan.

Hitomi smiled to him.

"Hi" the bassist jumped from the table at looked at them. "And what happened? You found him yesterday?"

"Yes, I found him. On my doormat" replied Soan.

"You went to his place?" asked Zill, looking at Hitomi.

Hitomi felt embarrassed and looked somewhere else.

"And what happened next?"

"I took care of this lost child" Soan smiled fondly.

"The snowstorm lasted all night. Were you in your home at all or this panicrant didn't let you go?" Zill laughed.

"He didn't let me go" Hitomi sat down on the chair. "We watched a movie and had a good time. However, this girl was terrible."

"Hah, so you finally watched a movie from me, Soan?" asked Zill, laughing. "But wait a minute, he slept at your place?"


"And what?"


"I honestly doubt you guys slept separately" said Zill. "When I watched it, back then we slept in four in one bed, we were so afraid."

"Seriously?" Hitomi was surprised.

"Yes. Takepi was snoring, Ao was talking in his sleep, and Ryohei was kicking me every now and then, but at least I wasn't afraid that this chick would eat me" Zill shuddered slightly as he poured water into his glass. "But maybe you have stronger nerves."

"Soan does, I don't" replied Hitomi.

Zill froze with water in his mouth.

"He got into my bed" laughed Soan. "With a "Please, help me" face."


Zill choked on water.

"And what?"

"Something should have happened?" Soan was confused.

"Really? Nothing?"

"But what?"

"Ugh, you reached my limit!" screamed Zill, putting his glass of water on the table, then he walked to Soan and pushed him.

Tomofumi fell on Hitomi and they fell on the floor together with a chair.

"Tell him finally that you love him. Hitomi is in love with you since the moment he saw you! I don't know, how many times he tried to confess his feelings, but I've been a witness twice and Velo, Lay, Mizuha and Shige can confirm my words! Do something or I'm gonna go insane!"

Soan looked at Hitomi, completely confused, flustered, lying beneath him and breathing strangely hard at that moment.

"Do you love me?" asked Soan, remembering every situation, when Hitomi tried to tell him something, but then he said "Nevermind" everytime. "Since when?"

"Since forever" Hitomi closed his eyes, then he felt Soan's lips on his own.

He hugged him and sat up, still kissing him, wanting to cry with happiness.

"Finally!" Zill exclaimed, putting his hands up.

Soan moved away from Hitomi, still sitting on his lap.


"Alright, I'm out!" Zill took his things in a hurry. "The keys are on the windowsill. Bye!"

With that said, the bassist ran out of the rehearsal room coughing after catching a cold as usual.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier, silly?" asked Soan, trying to imagine a pain he would inflict if the vocalist managed to reveal his feelings the first time. "Or maybe it is good as it is."

"I tried yesterday. Twice" Hitomi finally replied. "Am I such a hopeless case that in my thirties I haven't been able to admit my feelings for eight years?"

"A frightening number" Soan kissed him softly. I love you, Hito-chan."

"I love you too, Tomofumi" whispered Hitomi, before hugging Soan. "I said it."

"Yes. You said it" Soan stroked his head."What are you doing?"

"Zill left us here, didn't he?"

"Has your other self woke up?"

"What >>other me<<?"

"The one that needs a harem."


"Alright, alright. And now I'll show you, how much I love you."

* * *

"At least you didn't have to talk about the scratches on the walls" Ivy commented Soan's story, as he was eating his pasta. "I would have pushed you too, I think."

"But seriously, Hitomi? Eight years?" Vivi looked at Hitomi in shock.

"You got into his bed and still didn't tell him?!" Sizna shook the vocalist. "Dude, what's wrong with you?!"

"Sizna, we'll talk when you fall in love" said Hitomi, taking Sizna's hands from his shoulders.

"It will be a while" said Ivy. "As long as there's such a thing as sugar, he has Monko-chan and her doorknob."

"Ivy!" Sizna was offended.

The rest of the band burst out laughing. The guitarist just shook his head. Yes, he definitely has to find someone.

The end

Wednesday 2 November 2022


Band: Moran

Pairing: Soan&Hitomi, Ivy&Vivi

Rating: 17+

Genre: slice of life

Warnings: -

Note: Hitomi is in the hospital because of his polips and Soan is panicking as hell.

Soan walked around the corridor in circles. Ivy was playing some game on the phone, Vivi was playing with a plastic cup and Sizna was falling asleep.

"Soan, don't worry, it will be okay" said Vivi, looking at his bandmate.

Soan shook his head and once again changed his direction of walking.

"Vivi is right, you don't have to worry so much" Sizna leaned his head on his hand.

Soan glared at him.

"You love only the doors, when you overdose on sugar" he mumbled, pulling out cigarettes and firestarter from his pocket. "I'm going outside, call me, if something happens."

Soan disappeared behind the doors, which slammed with a dull sound.

"I'm gonna talk to him" Ivy said, putting the phone in his pocket. "Sizna, don't worry, you know he's like this, when he panics."

"I know, I know" Sizna sighed. "If I find someone, he'll probably stop teasing me."

"You must fall in love first" noticed Vivi. "Which isn't so difficult, you just have to start searching."

Ivy went outside. It was cold. Soan stood next to the barrier, playing with a cigarette.

"You wanted to smoke" noticed Ivy, leaning on the barrier. "You changed your mind?"

"I wanted to go outside" replied Soan with trembling voice.

It forced Ivy to look at him.

"Are you crying, So-san?" Ivy wiped tears from Soan's cheeks. "Okay, you're crying. But So-san, Hi-san isn't dying, don't panic so much."

"What if he doesn't wake up from anesthesia? What if something goes wrong? What if he can't sing? What if the doctors make a mistake? It's possible, anything is possible and if I never see him again, hug him, kiss him, then what? I've already forgotten what it's like to live without him..."

Soan froze, when Ivy suddenly hugged him.

"Calm down, Tomofumi" Ivy whispered calmly. "You don't have to worry so much. Don't act like a hysterical woman, when her favourite character dies in the TV series. Just relax."

Soan just laughed.

"I understand now, why Vivi loves you" Soan smiled a little. "You can cheer up someone just by saying one silly thing."

"So you won't be so panicked?" asked Ivy, taking off his jacket and covering Soan with it. "Let's go back to the hospital. You can catch a cold and who would take care of Hi-san then?"

Soan nodded and followed Ivy. Sometimes this constantly fooling around bassist almost upset him, but the drummer thought that such friends were needed - when difficult times come, they can keep their spirits up and cheer others up.

* * *

Hitomi looked around. He didn't know, where he is. Everything was white.

"Close your eyes, Hitomi" he heard a voice.

He turned around nad saw Zill in a white robe.

"Saburou?" Hitomi tried to stand up, but he couldn't.

His legs didn't want to listen to him.

"Don't stand up" said Zill. "Close your eyes. If you don't do it, you will die."

"What are you talking about, Saburou?" Hitomi was confused.

He stood up. In the end he succeeded, although it was difficult for him to move. He walked over to Zill. 

"It's a dream, isn't it?"

"No, Hitomi, it's not a dream, it's... Pretty hard to explain" Zill sighed. "Hitomi, please, you can't make contact with this world, you have to wake up."

"Is this afterlife?" asked Hitomi.

"More like something in between" said Zill and then Hitomi hugged him. "No, Hitomi, let me go!"

Hitomi felt that all the effort that he had just put into every movement had suddenly left him.

"Hitomi" whispered Zill. "You have to wake up. Soan is waiting for you."

"I know" Hitomi let Zill go and felt that his body is weak again. "Saburou... Will we meet again?"

"Yes" Zill nodded. "But now you have to close your eyes."

Hitomi nodded and closed his eyes tightly.

* * *

"You don't even know how he panicked" Ivy said, sitting in front of Soan by Hitomi's bedside. "He acted like some hysterical woman."

"Do you have something specific in mind?" asked Vivi, unwrapping the strawberry jelly from the box and sticking a teaspoon into it. "For you, Hitomi."

Hitomi nodded and looked at Ivy with curious sight.

"Everytime, when some character in TV series dies, you're acting as if something serious happened" explained Ivy.

"I'm not a woman" Vivi was offended.

"But you're acting like that."

"I just think that Marie was too young to die. She was pregnant and she had a husband, who loved her. And this psycho shoot her like it's nothing!" cried Vivi.

His friends tried not to laugh, but laughed anyway.

"Miyako, her child is alive, they saved them, you should focus on it. Probably actress didn't want to be the part of the cast or something" Ivy shrugged and unwrapped a second jelly. He stuffed it on a spoon, took it all out of the box and put it in his mouth."Luk at mee, I em a hamshter, omnomnom."

Vivi laughed loudly and almost fell off the chair. Hitomi only smiled.

He looked at Tomofumi, adjusting his pillow. He may have pissed him off with his overprotection and panic sometimes, but he loved him anyway. Since the moment they met eachother.

The end