The blog contains content about male-male and female-female relationships. If you don't like yaoi and yuri, hit the red cross and don't read, instead of throwing mud at me. Thank you for your attention.

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"Rain is soothing for the soul"

Band: Kra Pairing: Keiyu&Mai Rating: 14+ Genre: romance, comedy Warnings: - Note: Keiyu likes walking in the rain, but he'd lik...

Wednesday 25 January 2023


Band: Nightmare&Kalafina, mentioned Gazette

Pairing: Ni~ya&Hikaru, mentioned Hitsugi&Yomi, Ruka&Sakito, Wakana&Keiko

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: -

Note: "Shiawase" means "happiness".

And is Ni~ya really happier with Hikaru than with Reita?

 Ni~ya was sitting in the rehearsal room and watching his colleagues. Sakito, as usual, tried to evoke some feelings in Ruka and Yomi was fooling around with Hitsugi. He was looking stubbornly at the phone. He waited for someone to call him. That's why he asked Sakito to take a break. He knew, however, that it can't last more than half an hour, and several minutes have already passed...

"Stop it, Ni~ya" mumbled Ruka.

"She's probably bu..." started Yomi, but stopped, because suddenly they heard Kalafina's Aria.

"Hello?" Ni~ya answered the phone.

He heard a voice on the other side of the call, for which he was waiting for so long.

"Hi, Yuji. I'm sorry that you had to wait. The conference was terribly prolonged" the laughter of a loved one was what always calmed him. "I'll be home tomorrow. I miss you."

"I miss you too" Ni~ya smiled fondly. "Should I prepare something?"

"Wine and a good movie. You can order food. You won't notice me when you start eating after all."

"Hey! I'm not so focused on my meal, when I eat!" Ni~ya said indignantly.

"I would argue" said Hitsugi.

Ni~ya just snorted.

"White or red?"

"White. I get drunk with red too quickly. I have to go. I love you, bye!"

"Good night" Ni~ya hung up. "So we're continuing the rehearsal?"

"Yes" Sakito nodded. "Hey, Ni~ya?"


"You're happier than with Reita, you know?"

"Seriously?" Ni~ya was surprised.

"Sakito's right. Now you're radiant like a pregnant woman" Yomi patted him on the back.

"I still don't understand how someone can hurt someone like this" Hitsugi took his guitar and tugged at the strings. "Oh, how terribly untuned..."

Ni~ya, listening to Hitsugi tune his guitar, remembered that day...

* * *

Ni~ya returned home gladly. Sakito let him leave early, Gazette had a day off, so Ni~ya could spend more time with Reita.

When the bassist stepped over the threshold, he felt something was wrong. There was a jacket hanging on the hanger, and some shoes on the carpet.

"I guess Suzu has guests" thought Ni~ya and smiled, when he remembered the day, when Reita fell asleep between Ruki and Uruha on the sofa, watching some shitty movie.

He entered a kitchen. Ruki was sitting at the table and humming. He seemed pleased.

"Hi, Ruki!" Ni~ya greated him loudly, so that Ruki could hear him through the headphones.

Ruki jerked violently and looked up.

"Ni~ya?" Ruki was surprised, looking at the bassist, as if he were an alien. "What are you doing here?"

"I live here?" Ni~ya laughed. "Where's Suzuki? We finished the rehearsal earlier today, so I can spend more time with him."

"Yuji?" Reita stood in the kitchen door.

Reita was wearing only boxer shorts.

"Suzuki, why are you dressed so rudely in front of the guests?" Ni~ya looked at him and dropped the glass from his hand, as Ruki got up from the table.

He was wearing only Reita's long T-shirt, which was not visible when he was sitting, because there was a long tablecloth on the table.

"Since when?" Ni~ya asked slowly.

"For six months" Ruki replied for the stunned Reita. "You don't have to tell Uru, he knows. Anyway, we have an arrangement."

"What arrangement?" Ni~ya wanted to kill all three of them.

"I come here on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Uru on Mondays and Wednesdays" replied Ruki. "We're well behaved on weekends, my word of honour."

"A word of what?!" Ni~ya screamed. "You have no such thing as honour!"

"Ni~ya, take it easy" said Ruki. "It's only sex, nothing else connects us."

Ruki was surprised, when Ni~ya picked him up and pushed against the wall.

"I'm gonna kill you first, then my already ex-boyfriend and then your filthy boyfriend" said Ni~ya. "I let you choose: I should do it with a knife or with a spoon?"

"How can you kill me with a spoon?" Ruki laughed.

"I can just stick the reverse side in your eye" Ni~ya smirked, and Ruki turned pale. "Don't worry, I won't do it. Now."

Ni~ya let Ruki go, walked to still shocked Reita and punched him in the face.

"You're a slutty cheater" said Ni~ya and walked to their bedroom.

Yuji packed his stuff in fifteen minutes and left Reita's apartment. He needed a drink.

A few months later, he went with Yomi and Hitsugi to a Kalafina concert. Because he was having a great time, he decided to congratulate his colleagues in the industry personally.

He remembered that Keiko was sitting on Wakana's lap and braiding her hair, and Hikaru was bustling around the wardrobe. When she saw Ni~ya, she wanted to say "hi" to him and tripped over the carpet, landing in the bassist's arms.

"Hika-chan found her prince from nightmarish fairy-tale?" asked Keiko, chuckling.

Hikaru flushed and looked like a strawberry.

Later everything happened fast. Ni~ya met Hikaru, when she visited her aunt. She was living nearby.

Ni~ya helped Hikaru with shopping for her aunt and Hikaru gave him her phone number.

"Nee, Hikaru-san, do you have time today?" asked Ni~ya, when he finally called her after a month.

She had some free time this day. And another day. And another one...

And then...

"Hikaru-chan" started Ni~ya, walking with her to her home. "I have a question..."

"Wait a minute" Hikaru jumped on the wall. "Hey, Ni~ya-san? Could you catch my hand? I don't want to fall."

He caught her. As she jumped down, he caught her in his arms and looked straight into her large eyes. He could see the answer to his unasked question in them, as in the blush on her cheeks.

He kissed her.

* * *

Ni~ya came home. He placed the candles on the table. Yellow, because that was Hikari's favorite color, as he affectionately called her.

Ni~ya was pouring wine into glasses, when he heard the click of the lock on the door.

"Yuji, could you take my bag?" he heard Hikaru's voice.

Yuji put the bottle on the table and went to the door. He looked at his beloved one. She had snowflakes in her hair. She looked beautiful.

As always.

"Welcome home" Ni~ya picked up Hikaru, turningaround  with her in his arms and kissed her. "I'll take your bag to the room later. Now come with me."

He took her hand and followed her to the 

He led her by the hand into the room, pushed her chair away, and pulled her closer as she sat down. He poured the wine into the second glass and clapped them with Hikaru.

"To Nightmare and Kalafina, so they won't disband" he said.

"And for us, so that our relationship won't fall apart too" Hikaru smiled fondly. "What movie are we going to watch?"

"I chose one of the classics" Ni~ya handed her the box. "Food will be in half an hour."

"That's great" Hikaru looked at the DVD cover. "Black and white melodrama with a beloved, white wine and a meal from your favorite restaurant. What more could a woman ask for?"

"A gift?" Ni~ya handed her a small box. "Open it."

"Yay, how lovely" Hikaru pulled out a chain with a gold pendant with a blue pebble set in it. "Cute. Thank you."

She sent a kiss to Ni~ya. He cought it and pretended to cuddle with it, at which Hikaru chuckled.

"I'm glad you like it" Ni ~ ya said.

"Of course I like it" Hikaru smiled radiantly. "Hey, Yuji? Can you help me put it on?"

Ni~ya got up and walked over to Hikaru. He took both parts of the clasp in his fingers and pressed them together.

"Thank you" Hikaru stood up and kissed him.

She took the glass with her and sat down on the couch.

"Should we turn on TV?"

"Yes" Ni~ya agreed, and at that moment the doorbell rang. "At least let's eat something first."

"I told you it would be like that" Hikaru chuckled maliciously.


"I didn't say anything~"

After the meal, the singer returned to the couch, and Ni~ya turned on the movie and sat down next to his beloved. When after some time Hikaru rested her head on his shoulder, he knew that his bandmates were right. He was happier. He was the happiest man in the world.

The end

Wednesday 18 January 2023

Little Crumb

Band: heidi.

Pairing: Yoshihiko&Kiri, Kohsuke&Nao in the background

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: -

Note: Kiri doesn't feel well, so Yoshihiko has to take care of him.

 This day didn't seemed like some big changes were going to happen in Kiri's life. They had a break, so drummer sat down on the sofa with a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows.

Nao was trying to explain something to Kohsuke, but Kiri didn't want to hear everything. It could be something that was connected to their relationship, not to the band. Yoshihiko was talking on the phone, every now and then saying "Emiko" to someone. So there was a woman on the other side.

"Okay, guys, we should go back to work" said Nao, but Kohsuke looked as if he lost some war. "Kohsuke?"

"Yes, yes. I know" the bassist sighed. "I'm gonna tune my bass, because some off-tune sounds come out of it."

"Gotta go, bye" the vocalist hung up and put the phone in his pocket.

"Just out of curiosity, who were you talking to?" asked Nao.

Yoshihiko hesitated for a moment.

"With my girlfriend" he finally replied and Kiri choked on his chocolate.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" asked Kohsuke, patting Kiri's back.

"Well, yes" Yoshihiko scratched his head. "We've met recently. We've been together for a month."

Kiri took a deep breath and wiped his mouth. He looked at Yoshihiko. Vocalist had a girlfriend. He didn't hook up with a boy, even if he's been trying to do something for months. Maybe he didn't try enough? And how long he's been in love with Yoshihiko? For a year? Two years?

"Can I drink my chocolate first?" asked Kiri, looking at his cup. "It will be cold, if I put it away for an hour."

"As you wish" said Nao. "It always takes long for Kohsuke to tune his bass, anyway."

"I can say the same thing about your orgasms" replied Fukuyama.

Nao smacked his head. Yoshihiko just laughed.

Kiri sipped his chocolate. It was warm, sweet and marshmallows were floating in it. But he felt that after this news, it lost its flavour.

* * *

Several days passed. Kiri woke up with a headache. He didn't have hangover or something. He was a meteoropath and he had a migraine. The atmospheric pressure must have gone crazy.

After taking two headache pills and three hours in bed, he knew that he can't go on the rehearsal.

"Hi, Nao" he whispered, because even his own voice sounded in his ears like a jackhammer. "I got a migraine. I can't come today."

"The drugs didn't help?" Nao was surprised. "Usually it helps..."

"Not this time" replied Kiri, covering his face with the pillow. "Sorry, Nao."

"It's okay" Kiri could see in his mind how the guitarist waved his hand to show that he understood. "If you'll feel better, text me. Well, I have to let this turtle know that he can stop lazing about, because he doesn't have to leave the house today."

With that, Nao hung up. Kiri turned onto his stomach and pressed his face against the pillow. He didn't know why, but he wanted to cry. On one hand, he had been sad for several days, had little sleep and was moody, especially when Yoshihiko was talking with Emiko again for half an hour, until Nao had to take his phone away from him. On the other hand, the headache was becoming unbearable for him.

He went to the kitchen. He had to make himself something to eat, before he gets hungry on top of all this. He was about to prepare water for his tea, when he felt dizzy. He sat down on the chair and leaned forward. He felt sick. Goddamn migraine.

He didn't know, how long he was sitting there. He got up, wanting to go to the bathroom. But then someone knocked on the door. Reluctantly, he grabbed the doorknob and opened the door. Yoshihiko was standing in front of him.

"Hi, Kiri-chan" Yoshi looked at Kiri, who now reminded him of a hungry zombie. "Nao told me that you're not feeling well. I wanted to check, if you need some help."

They've known each other for so long that those surprise visits were normal for them. At least, for Yoshihiko it was normal. Kiri wasn't so sure about it. He had more Japanese mentality.

"Walk in" he mumbled and leaned on the wall. "You're right, I don't feel good."

"I see that I'm on time" Yoshihiko put a cardboard box on the cupboard and put his arm around Kiri. "Come on, go to bed, I'll make you some tea. Did you eat something?"

"No" replied Kiri as the vocalist covered him with the duvet. "My head didn't hurt like that for a long time. Do you think I have brain cancer and I'm going to die?"

"What? Where did you get this from?" the vocalist blinked.

"There is always the possibility" Kiri smiled weakly.

"You must be silly out of hunger. I'll call some restaurant and order something" Yoshihiko turned around and went into the kitchen.

Kiri closed his eyes. He started to be happy that his head hurt. At least he had Yoshihiko for himself right now. Even if he knew that the vocalist will return home, when he'll feel better. To Emiko...

Suddenly he felt something cold on his forehead. He opened his eyes. Yoshihiko was sitting on his bedside and made a compress for him.

"You fell asleep" announced the vocalist. "Or fainted. I'm not sure, but you didn't answer my questions. Anyway, I made you mint tea. When it gets cold, you can drink it. I brought you the pills. How long ago have you took them last time?"

"What time is it?" Kiri asked weakly.

"3PM" replied Yoshihiko.

"Long ago then" replied Kiri.

"Good" Yoshihiko squeezed out the cloth and placed it on the drummer's head.

At that moment the doorbell rang.

"Oh, the food has arrived. Lie still, I'll be right back."

Yoshi stood up and went to take the food. Kiri sat on the bed and swallowed the pills. He had a feeling that he already felt better.

"I'm back" Yoshihiko gave Kiri rice with some meat and vegetables in a bowl. "I put the food into the dishes. Eat, you're probably hungry."

Kiri picked up the chopsticks and began to eat. Yoshihiko did the same. They sat in silence. The drummer's headache finally began to ease off. He looked at the vocalist. Black, slightly fluffed hair fell over his face and his glasses fell off his nose a little. He was wearing an outstretched shirt and frayed jeans. He looked like he left his house as soon as he found out that Kiri was feeling unwell. As if he didn't stop to think about how he looked like. Good that he didn't run out in slippers or better - straight out of shower in just a towel tied around his waist.

Kiri put the bowl down on the nightstand and picked up a mug of tea. He sipped it silently, wondering why Yoshihiko still didn't call his Emiko. Knowing that Yoshi is bisexual, shouldn't Emiko be jealous? Or maybe she doesn't know? Anyway, what would she be jealous of? After all, Yoshihiko only took care of him. Like a friend who he is...

"Kiri-chan?" the vocalist snapped him out of his thoughts.

"What?" asked Kiri, staring at him with blurry eyes.

"I asked if you want some cake. Emiko baked it" explained Yoshihiko.

"Emiko" Kiri repeated. "Yes, I would love to taste her delicious cake."

"Was that sarcasm?"

"So that's what it sounded like?" Kiri chuckled like a fairy. "Give me that cake, Yoshi. I think I'm getting better."

"Good" Yoshihiko got up and went to get the mysterious cardboard box he had brought with him.

He brought plates from the kitchen and cut up the chocolate cake, then handed a piece to Kiri.

"For you."

"Thank you" Kiri tried the cake and unfortunately had to admit it was good.

Very good even.

"It's delicious."

"I'll tell her" Yoshihiko smiled fondly and began eating the cake.

There was that awkward silence again. Something definitely was wrong that day.



"Did something happen? Why are not you saying anything?" asked Kiri.

The vocalist shook his head.

"It's okay, Kiri-chan" replied Yoshihiko. "I'm just a little worried about you."

"It's just a migraine. Maybe it's a little worse this time, but I'm already getting over it" replied Kiri quietly.

He put the plate back on the cupboard and sighed.

"We can even go to the living room and watch a movie. Yoshi?"

Kiri froze, when Yoshihiko stroked his cheek with the tip of his thumb.

"A little crumble" he just said.

Kiri blushed and looked down. Yoshihiko's touch was so nice that he wished he would keep that hand on his cheek forever.

"No" at the last moment, before Yoshihiko removed his hand, Kiri grabbed it. "Don't take it away. I don't want you to do this."

Yoshihiko blinked. He moved closer to Kiri and with the other hand he turned his face towards him, then kissed him softly. The drummer didn't return the kiss. Yoshihiko has a girlfriend! What the hell is he doing?!

"Yoshi, don't" he gently pushed the vocalist away. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't say it. I just wanted to feel like Emiko. But we can't do this. I love you and it's painful for me that you chose her and not me, but... We can't!"

"Kiri..." Yoshihiko sighed. "Kiri, Emiko is my cousin. She have visited me, because she's been looking for a flat in Tokyo. I told you that to make you believe that she's my girlfriend, because I wanted to make you jealous. Every other way to show you that I love you failed."

Kiri blinked. His head stopped hurting, but he felt like he was going to have another migraine.

"What? You lied to me?! How dare you..."

"It worked" noticed Yoshihiko.

"You're impossible" Kiri grabbed Yoshihiko's wrists and pinned him to the bed. "Why couldn't you tell me just like a normal human being?"

"Because nothing could reach you and I run out of ideas" explained Yoshihiko.

"Moron" Kiri shook his head and kissed the vocalist.

Life had a favor again. Even if it was veggie-chocolate favor with almost unnoticable hint of nicotine.

The end

Wednesday 11 January 2023


Band: 168 -one sixty eight-&Moran

Pairing: Aoi&Hitomi, mentioned Soan&Hitomi (one-sided)

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: -

Note: "I want to save you from drowning in black abyss of loneliness."

 And again. I fall asleep in someone else's arms, not yours. Wait, no, I'm not. I'm just laying, listening to his calm hearbeat. How many times I seduced another bandman or a fan to forget that I am a coward?

He strokes my hair, like he knew. Like he knew that I'm not thinking about him, that my soul is with you, that I smell the scent of cigarettes, strawberries and mint, when I close my eyes...

"Are you okay?" he asks.

I can hear that he's worried about me. He always had a golden heart. Always has been first to help...

"I'm okay" I say quietly. "Shinobu?"


"Have you ever been scared of telling someone about your feelings, because you didn't want to destroy your friendship?"

Only silence responds me. Oh, right, I'm such a hopeless case that everyone can only be queit. I'm in my thirties and I'm following someone for seven years. Someone who only treats me like a brother. And I even can't confess my love for him...

"I've never done it" he whispers.

I'm looking at his eyes, confused.

"What are you talking about? You were in so many relationships. You had to tell that to someone before."

"No" he smiles, a little embarrassed. "And what relationships? I can count on fingers my serious relationships. Yuki, Tsuki, Hanako, Ryohei... Yup, only them."

"Why did you broke with Ryohei?" I ask, taking a glass of champagne which bubbles disappeared a long time ago from the shelf."

"Exactly because of this" he replies. "Because I was scared to tell him that I love him, just like you are scare to tell Soan about it."

I choke. How does he know?

"How did you guess?" I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. He's smiling.

"Hitomi, we didn't spend a night together for the first time" he explains. "And non stop repeating name "Tomofumi" means something, right?"

"I'm sorry, it was probably uncomfortable situation for you..." I sigh.

He hugs me.

"Hitomi..." he kisses my forehead. "Maybe you're handsome, atrractive vocalist who can have every fan, but you love hiding under someone's wings. You are a good person, good people cry most often. And because of that, my wings are yours, because I want to save you from drowning in black abyss of loneliness. Someday you'll have these which you desire. But now we have each other and this beautiful night before us.

"Thank you" I say and he kisses me, for the second time saving me from this cold and empty feeling inside.

Someday I'm gonna tell you. I'm gonna do it. And you'll melt this ice in my heart. Some day. For sure.

The end

Wednesday 4 January 2023

The disastrous effect of alcohol

Band: Moran, mentioned Matenrou Opera, Versailles/Jupiter, D=OUT

Pairing: Soan&Hitomi, mentioned Ivy&Vivi. Sizna&Sono

Rating: 17+

Genre: dark comedy

Warnings: alcohol, violence

Note: "I like you, but you completely change after alcohol, Kami."

 He was sitting at the table and staring at his drink. He sighed and looked at his watch. Soan has been gone since an hour. Hitomi knew that the drummer probably was talking with someone again. He could also look for some friend, but he didn't feel like it. He's been thinking too much about everything lately. He felt some inner emptiness.

Suddenly he felt the familiar sharp scent of perfume. Someone sat down next to him and at that moment he was staring stubbornly at him.

"Are you gonna ignore me, Hicchan?" he asked after a moment. "Why?"

"Because you're drunk, Kamijo" replied Hitomi. "Should I remind you, what happened last time, when you were drunk and we were alone?"

"Don't be silly, Hicchan" said Kamijo, grabbings his arms. "You always ignore me, when you just simply notice that I drank even just one glass of sake or wine."

"Okay, so I'll remind you, Kamijo" Hitomi shoved Kamijo's hands off his shoulders. "You tried to kiss me and you didn't want to stop. At least it's good that you chose me, not some other person, because they wouldn't be so clear-minded and strong like me and they could  just kick your peanuts. I like you, but you completely change after alcohol, Kami."

"Oh, Hicchan..."

"You also use this silly short form of my name only after alcohol" Hitomi stood up. "I'm gonna find Tomofumi."

"No, sweety" Kamijo grabbed his wrist and pulled him. "You'll stay with me."

"You smell like whiskey" Hitomi frowned. "Let me go."

"No" Kamijo leaned over him. "First, you'll give me a kiss. Second, you'll give me yourself."

"And this is exactly the behaviour I talked about" Hitomi tried to free himself, but he only felt mild pain, when his wrist cracked. "Kamijo, let me go."

"No" repeated Kamijo, embracing him. "You're only mine today."

"Kamijo" growled Hitomi, before Kamijo kissed him.

Hitomi pushed him, stood up and wanted to go, but Kamijo grabbed him again.

"You won't escape" said Kamijo. "You're staying with me. And you'll go with me now."

Kamijo grabbed Hitomi's shirt and pulled him. Hitomi broke free, Kamijo tried to grab him again, but...

In fact, for Hitomi everything that happened next seemed to be in slow motion. He saw Kamijo falling on the floor, heard the table Soan had jumped on him topple over and watched the three beautiful right hooks aimed at the singer by the drummer with a little fear.

"Soan!" Sizna grabbed his right hand. "Stop!"

"So-san, enough" Ivy grabbed his left arm and pulled him off Kamijo with Sizna.

"Hitomi-kun, are you okay?" asked Vivi, really worried.

He put a hand on Hitomi's arm.

"I just feel a little dizzy" replied Hitomi.

"I'll kill him, revive him, then kill him again, then revive him and..." Soan was still trying to get away from Sizna and Ivy, but fortunately the completely sober musicians didn't let him go.

Meanwhile, Kamijo sat on the floor confused with blood trickling from his big nose and staining his shirt.

"What is going on here?" they heard a queit voice behind them.

All five turned around to see Hizaki slightly dazed with alcohol. The guitarist looked first at the bloodied Kamijo, then at the pale Hitomi, then at Soan's abrasive ankles and sighed.

"Again? Ah, Yuuji."

Hizaki walked to Kamijo, picked him up and, walking with him towards the bathroom, told him in a sweet voice, how he would take care of him at home, and when he did it, he would punish him.

"Do you think that Kamijo will get a punishment, which will be what I think it will be?" asked Ivy, letting Soan go.

He thought that Wakugawa wouldn't follow Kamijo for punching him again.

"I don't want to imagine it" said Sizna, frowning.

"Are you okay, Hitomi?" Soan walked to Hitomi and looked at his eyes. "What has he done to you? Did he hurt you? Or broke your arm? Or punched you? Or scratched you or something?"

"He kissed me. I'm going to brush my teeth for a month" Hitomi wiped his mouth with his sleeve. "I like him, seriously, but I don't want to see you in the berserk mode again because of him."

"Did I scare you?"

"You scared all of us" said Vivi.

"Nonsense, it was awesome!" yelled Ivy, who started to act normal again. "So-san suddenly ended his conversation with Kouki, turned around, did such a beautiful slalom between the chairs, bounced off the table and jumped on the Kamijo! Then I started to fear a little, when the blood spilled so much, but looking back on it...

"It's been a few minutes, Ivy" noticed Sizna.

"...that was brilliant" the bassist concluded, grinning brightly. "At least we know Hi-san is safe. What alcohol can do to a person? Terrifying. If I behave like this one day, you have full permission to hit me with a shovel. Or a tripod."

"We will remember" Hitomi smiled slightly. "Tomofumi?"


"Thank you" Hitomi hugged him. "Now come on, you have to get that whiskey smell off me."

"Good idea" said Soan. "I'll call a taxi."

When both of them left, Kouki walked to Sizna, visibly confused.

"Soan seriously punched Kamijo?" asked Kouki.

"So you already know?" Sizna smiled a little. "By the way, have you seen Haine?"

"Who?" Kouki was confused.

"Sono. Matenrou Opera's vocalist" explained Sizna.

"Ah, Sono! Recently, it seems that he thought that the mop is a microphone stand and the table is a stage" replied Kouki.

Sizna sighed and went to look for Sono. Why he had to fall in love with the alcohol lover? But at least it only has a disastrous effect on him, he doesn't pose a threat to those around him. And you won't be punched by a furious drummer for dancing with a mop on the table.

The end