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Wednesday 3 April 2024

Wing to Heaven

Rating: 17+

Genre: slice of life

Warnings: death, based on real life

Note: Dedicated to every fan, who lost their idols.

Silence. A complete silence when I read that information.

I stared into the letters like a child who's only learning to read in English. The letters one after another formed the word "died", then "suicide".

My mug slipped out of my hand, crashing and staining the floor and my feet with the tea.

"He's dead?" I repeated so quietly I couldn't hear myself.

I could hear more clearly the sound of my breath and the heartbead, who speed up so much like it wanted to break free from my chest.

Suicide? Suicide?! In a such an unhonorable way for gods' sake!

"He's dead" I repeated louder, like I'm trying to explain this to myself, what am I reading. "He's dead."

I heard the sound of the door opening then the footsteps. I still stared into the laptop's screen, when you embraced me and pulled me closer to yourself.

"I saw those news" you said, before I could ask you, if you know. "Go wash your feet and change your socks, I'll clean the floor and pick up the pieces of the mug."

"Sorry for breaking it" I whispered, when you pet my head.

"I got it from my ex, so no problem" you said calmly.

I sighed and closed my laptop. I grabbed clean socks then went to the bathroom, watching out for the pieces of that broken mug.

The day was so happy and light. I felt like I could fly. But he was the one, who was flying. From under the ceiling to the heaven.

The end

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