The blog contains content about male-male and female-female relationships. If you don't like yaoi and yuri, hit the red cross and don't read, instead of throwing mud at me. Thank you for your attention.

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"Rain is soothing for the soul"

Band: Kra Pairing: Keiyu&Mai Rating: 14+ Genre: romance, comedy Warnings: - Note: Keiyu likes walking in the rain, but he'd lik...

Wednesday 27 December 2023


Band: Ayabie

Pairing: Aoi&Takehito

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: -

Note: Takehito just wanted to apologise.

But he didn't know, how to do it.

I was scared because of my carrer. I chose the work, not my love. And because of that, I probably lost my beloved person forever.

I started to write letters. I wanted to apologize, but I couldn't do it. I wanted to explain that they forced me to do that, that I was too proud to risk losing my job... But I couldn't do it. That's why I started to write letters.

"I'm sorry I hurt You. I shouldn't listen to them. Especially after Saburou's death."

I wanted to send these letters. But I couldn't do it. I was stopping halfway to the post office, I was stopping with my hand over the mailbox... Every time.

"I don't know what to do. You don't answer the phonecalls, you don't want to open the doors... Saburou would know what to do. He has known you so well. He has known every his friend so well. Towa also told me that it was impossible to hide something from him."

I had a habit of sitting on the windowsill and looking through the window. Or laying in the bed and looking at the cracks on the ceiling.

"Forgive me. I didn't want to do it. Please. I just want to see your smile again, even if I know that I lost my chance."

Some day my letters disappeared. I was keeping them in the closet, tied with red ribbon. Someone stole my letters. 

I was making the list with names of people who visited me for the last months, when I heard knocking on the door. I stood up and opened the door.

He was standing there, holding my letters in the hand.

"Ryohei showed me it" he said.

Oh. So it was Ryohei...

"Ao" I sighed heavily. "I'm sorry. I seriously..."

"I forgive you" he cut my sentence. "And if I forgave you, I can now do it."

He grab my arms and kissed me. And the last letter was laying on the table. With only one sentence.

"I love you."

The end

Wednesday 20 December 2023


Band: vistlip&ViViD

Pairing: Tomo&Shin

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: -

Note: Shin was a diamond. Tomo always knew it.

And then Ryon-sensei even managed to polish him perfectly.

Your voice was always a diamond. Unpolished, but a beautiful diamond.

For all our friendship I waited untill someone would take you under their wings and take care of your voice.

And it happenned. Satou Ryoko known as Ryon-sensei made your vocal skills even better, sounds even higher and cleaner and your vibrato louder. You became a polished diamond.

"Great, Shin-chan" I said, leaning on the doorframe to your changing room and started to clap my hands.

You let down your gaze, desperately trying to find something to look at on the floor.

"Thanks, Tomo" you said after a while. "Though I have no idea what are you talking about..."

"What do you mean? A live at Budokan so fast? I can only congratulate you" I laughed. "Come here, Shin-chan. We have to celebrate you success."

"But..." you started speaking, but I grabbed your arm and kissed you. "...Tomo?"

"You have no say in this" I smiled and pulled you by your hand.

I don't think you quite understood what just happened and that's good. At least we knew from the start who's on top.

The end

Wednesday 13 December 2023


Band: Moran&Ayabie

Pairing: Soan&Takehito

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: -

Note: Soan hates the Winter and Takehito knows it.

Takehito was sitting on the windowsill and looking at the world behind the window. Snowflakes were dancing on the wind. He wondered, when Soan would come back from rehearsal, and whether he would be as annoyed by the fact that there was a snowstorm outside as ever. Tomofumi hates the Winter and Takehito knows it.

A moment later, the door to the apartment burst open.

"Annoying weather" mumbled Soan, entering a house. "It's been a long time since last blizzard. I feel like I'm gonna become an ice statue, if I won't drink something warm."

"I'll make some tea for you" Takehito stood up and went to the kitchen.

He took a packet of strawberry tea from the cupboard and dropped one sachet into a mug. He made himself coffee with milk.

The guitarist went to the room and put the tea on a table in front of Soan. He sat down next to Soan and smiled friendly to the drummer.

"How was the rehearsal?" asked Takehito, taking one cookie from the bowl.

"Ivy was fooling around as usual, Vivi was confused because of that, Hitomi was daydreaming and Sizna was talking about how cute Dura is. In fact, he probably would talk about it longer, but Sono called him. I don't know, what is worse. When he's sweet-talking about his cat, or with his uke. But I like him, after all" Soan laughed. "You can't not like Sizna, you can't understand him either. Don't even try to do the second thing."

"So it was normal" Takehito looked at a wall. "I wonder if I should start a band with Taito from the beginning. Situation in our band is too bad to still continue it's existence."

"You can try" said Soan and looked through the window. "Winter should have ended already."

"It's first week of December. It's strange that it's snowing so late" noticed Takehito. "Drink your tea, it'll make you feel better."

"Strawberry?" asked Soan, taking a cup in his hands.

"You don't drink any other flavors" replied Takehito, smiling.

He grabbed a remote and turned on the TV.

"Do you want to watch something?"

"Turn on a music channell. We'll see who won the ranking this time."

"Okay" Takehito turned on MJP channel.

Pretty presenter in a lolita dress was talking about a band whose PV was about to play.

* * *

"Why it's on the 3rd place? The vocalist covered in fake blood crying in fake pain with band playing on a broken washing machine is really so good according to the people?"

"It's better than 2nd place. This single was released years ago."

"I understand being on the charts for a long time, but it's probably not..." Soan blinked. "Why is Meto and company on 1st place again? They won last week."

"And previous week, and previous... In fact, they've been on 1st place for a couple of months."

"I will never understand voting people" Soan laughed.

"Nobody undestands them. Ayabie wasn't here anytime and I saw Moran only once."

"They don't know what's good" Soan kissed Takehito on the cheek. "But we know."

Takehito looked at Tomofumi. He knew that this kind of smile on his seme's face means that he will fall asleep late.

The end

Wednesday 6 December 2023


Band: UNiTE.&D=OUT

Pairing: Lin&Hikaru

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: -

Note: Lin's lyrics are... suspicious.

That's why Hikaru sometimes doesn't know, what to think about him.

It's funny how some people seem to be different than they really are.

When you're met for the first time, you give the feeling of a happy-go-lucky person. Nothing gives off how perverted and horny you really are. And how many terryfying scenarios are inside your head.

Sometimes I don't know what to say to Reika, when I'm late third time in a row for a rehearsal.

Sometimes I'm too scare to look over your arm to see, what did you write in your notebook for lyrics.

But most terryfying are the moments, where you're leaning above me, gripping my wrists tight and smiling in a terryfying way.

But I know that you won't hurt me. It's just a play... right?

The end

Wednesday 29 November 2023


Band: Kameleo&The Guzmania

Pairing: Hikaru.&Chobi

Rating: 17+

Genre: comedy

Warnings: -

Note: Chobi told Hikaru that he shouldn't do some things in front of their friends.

But Hikaru didn't listen.

As always.

I have told you so many times, right? To never call me „chan” in front of other people.

But you won't listen. You never listen.

"Hiroki-chan~!" you call, leaning one hand on a wall.

I chuckle like some stereotypical uke from some manga, or a really bad story from the depths of the internet, covering my mout with my hand.

"Saito, what are you doing?" I ask, not taking off hands from my face.

"Nothing" you say, grabbing my fingers and puting my hand on your face.

You put my other hand down and kiss me.

This was another thing you shouldn't do, when our friends are watching. And I also told you about this thousand times.

But you won't listen. After so many years I should get used to this.

Even thought I learned to love your spontaneity, I can't quite get used to it.

The end

Wednesday 22 November 2023


Band: D=OUT&vistlip

Pairing: Kouki&Tomo

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: -

Note: Tomo felt like a madman on Kouki's side.

"Welcome to our madness" you say, when someone doesn't understand us any more.

You never stopped yourself to hug, touch or hit someone. If you like it, if you're happy or angry, you just show it.

You've been always crazy in a good way and inapropriate, but it never bothered me. At some point I even started to like it. Then I fell in love with your craziness, and you.

I am crazy myself. Right, Kouki?

Our relationship is full of friendly pushing around, spinning around in your arms, then getting into the bed together. But life is good. I can't imagine a different life.

"Your love is as crazy as both of you" said Tohya once.

And he was right.

But you know what's craziest? When I wake up before you and look at your sleeping face for a long time. I feel like a madman. A madman crazy in love with you.

"Something happened, Satoshi?" you ask me, woken up. "Hey, Satoshi Tomo Miyata, come back to Earth, get off the Moon."

"No, nothing happened" I say. "It's still early, so we can sleep for a while longer."

I hug you and close my eyes. You say something about Umi killing me if I'll be late to the rehearsal, but whatever. A risk is the part of the fun, right?

The end

Wednesday 15 November 2023


Band: Kalafina

Pairing: Keiko&Hikaru

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: -

Note: For Hikaru, no is no.

Hikaru was sitting on a balcony, reading a book. Last rays of sun warmed her face.

"Beautifull view, isn't it?" asked Keiko, getting on the balcony.

"What?" Hikaru looked up at her.

"The sunset" explained Keiko. "It's beautifull."

"Yes, it is" Hikaru noded.

Keiko turned in her direction.

"But you know what's more beatifull?"


"You" said Keiko, leaning towards Hikaru and kissing her lips.

Masai chuckled and went back to her book.

A ban is a ban. She won't change her mind because of some sweet talk.

The end

Wednesday 8 November 2023


Band: Moran&The Guzmania

Pairing: Ivy&Chobi

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: -

Note: Chobi is waiting for Ivy to come home.

I was sitting on the terrace with a cup of coffee in my hands and Nameko on my lap. I was observing. What? I can say "everything". Clouds on the sky, birds flying from tree to tree, playing children, a woman with a dog...

A dog. Square on the paws, not a dog. I don't know, what people see in pomeranians, seriously. What does Shougo see in them...

I scratched Nameko behind the ear, as I wanted to show my rebellion against dogs. Okay, there are breeds of dogs which are cute and funny. Dashhunds and pugs for example.

"Especially pugs" you would add, if I told you that.

I took a sip of coffee. Behind the wicket some girl was riding on her bicycle. Pele and Mencha were running around the lawn, playing like kittens. Nameko streched lazily, yawning. I closed my eyes. I stopped observing, I started listening. I often do this. I wanted to know, what my sister feels, when she is sitting on the terrace like me in this moment.

I heard birds' singing, car horn, rattling wheels from probably a small bicycle on the sidewalk, wind noise, which was getting stronger and stronger...

I trembled. It was cold suddenly. I wanted to open my eyes, but I heard wicket's creak and probably your steps. You said that you're okay, as you probably tripped. You're as clumsy as me. It's miracle that we are still alive.

"Hiroki?" I felt that you put your hoodie on my arms, which scared Nameko, who jumped from my lap. "You'll catch a cold, silly boy."

I opened my eyes. You were looking at me from under the hat, which covered your eyes.

"Welcome home" I wrapped myself up with your hoodie.

I stood up, climbed on tiptoes and kissed you.

I trembled again, but this time your fingers under my shirt were the reason. A moment later you were carrying me to the bedroom. Like I were some princess or something...

The end

Wednesday 1 November 2023


Band: D=OUT

Pairing: Kouki&Hikaru

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: -

Note: Hikaru was like a butterfly. He had to transform from cute caterpillar to fully developed beauty.

You used to be a small Hikaru, who became the band's princess. Years passed and you slowly grew up. Gradually, from a small, cute caterpillar, you transformed into a beautifull butterfly.

Now hardly anything left from the past Hikaru, who looked like a little girl. You're not only making youg fangirls fall to their knees, but you make the adult women turn their head. And not only the women.

"Something happened, Kouki?" you ask, drying your hair with a towel.

I shake my head then I get up, lift you up and without a word of disapproval from you, I take you to the bedroom.

And I let you spread your fully developed wings.

The end

Wednesday 25 October 2023


Band: UNiTE.

Pairing: Lin&Mio

Rating: 17+

Genre: comedy

Warnings: -

Note: Mio hates Summer, but Lin seems to enjoy it.

This Summer was super hot. Lin got out from the car, pulled out MP3 from him pocket, put on the headphones and went in lake's direction. Mio, without a choice, went after him.

"Explain me one thing" started Mio, breaking through the bush. "Why are we here?"

"It's a beautiful weather, we can't lose it by staying in home" said Lin.

"But in home we have a fan and I don't have a feeling that I'll melt" mumbled Mio. "It's too hot here, we should come back."

"Oh, Ryosuke, don't whine. It'll be fun" Lin smiled radiantly and continued walking.

Tomoaki stopped after a moment, when he realized that Mio didn't follow him.

He turned back. Mio was frozen in motion, because in front of his eyes some spider swayed on a single thread from the spiderweb. Lin sighed. He turned back, grabbed spiderweb and sent a spider for a free travel to a bush.

"Are you alive?" asked Lin.

Mio nodded.

"Yes. But it's too hot and there is too much insects. We should come back."

Lin sighed again, threw Mio over a shoulder and went in lake's direction.

"Tomoaki, what are you doing?!"

"If something attacks you, tell me."

"And what will you do with a heat?"

"This" Lin went into a lake, throwing off flip-flops from his feet.

Tomoaki took off Mio's shoes and threw it to the shore. And, even if Ryosuke tried to stop him, he threw Mio into the water.

"Tomoaki!" Mio looked at him from under his wet bangs.

"What? You were complaing that it's too hot, so I cooled you down" Lin crouched in front of Mio.

Tomoaki didn't care that his trousers will be wet. Or that Mio's clothes are now wet too.

"But if you get cold, I can warm you."

He said and kissed his beloved one. And Mio had to confirm one thing - with Lin you can't be bored.

The end

Wednesday 18 October 2023


Band: D&Gotcharocka

Pairing: Asagi&Jui (one-sided)

Rating: 17+

Genre: soft angst

Warnings: -

Note: Jui always felt like a moth flying towards a fire, but Asagi didn't care.

One look was enough for me to understand, what do you want. I took my glass with me and approached you. I leaned on a wall next to you and looked at you in anticipation.

"I'm bored" you said finally.

I knew it, but I sighed anyway, playing with ice in my drink.

"So what should I do with it?" I asked, not even looking at you.

You were my friend for years, so I was used to your mood swings and complaining.

"You can help me with being bored" you explained calmly and leaned your arm over my shoulder.

"Asagi?" I felt slightly confused.

One gesture was enough to make understand what should I do.

I smiled lusciously and kissed you. I was actually happy that I didn't have to hit on anyone else and worry they'll taste like the kind of alcohol I don't like. You drank your usuall red wine today. I liked the way how it's taste lasted for a long time in my mouth, afrer our kiss. Just like I liked to move my fingers through your long, silky hair and look into your eyes, red because of eye contacts.

And maybe someday you'll stop chuckling and calling me silly, when I'm telling you about my feeling for you.

"Vampires live alone, Jui" you always say, stroking my hair.

But I'm patient. I'll wait until you'll be bored with living alone, but for now I'll come when you look at me at the parties. Because you know I'll always come. Like a moth flying towards a fire.

The end

Wednesday 11 October 2023


Band: Kagrra,&Kra

Pairing: Izumi&Mai

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: -

Note: Mai is glad for what Izumi has done for him.

When I retired I felt like a third wheel. But you cared about me untill I felt better. You left making music for me, even though you wanted to do something more after Kagrra,'s disbandment. But you choose me and now you only do the engineering work.

That's why right now I'm lying next to you on a couch, leaning on your arm and staring at the TV. Another usual day behind us.

"Aren't you cold?" you ask and not waiting for an answer, you cover me with a blue blanket with flower print.

Thank you.

That you were.

You are.

And you will be.

For me.

The end

Wednesday 4 October 2023


Band: Alice Nine

Pairing: Tora&Shou

Rating: 17+

Genre: comedy

Series: Oneshot Challenge

Warnings: -

Note: For Tora order has been on the first place since forever, until...

In my life order has been on the first place since forever. Both in my house and in my heart. My friends often tell me that I'm a neat freak, because I was easly annoyed even by smallest dirt or when someone didn't put a cup on cup coaster and on my table appeared a beautiful circle.

I also had a strict scheme with my relationships. Women, with whom I was falling in love, everytime looked almost the same. Short height, long hair, average breasts, because I wanted to look at something, but I didn't want to be suffocated by it. They had also similar personality - quiet, calm and reticent, with good sense of humour and hard-working. Even if every of these relationship ended sooner or later, I knew that I don't want any other type of woman. Just nope. I had strict scheme and nobody and nothing can change...

"Masashi!" I hear your voice from the bathroom.

You enter the living room with wet hair and dressing-gown, caressly thrown over your probably naked body.

I have to look closely.

"Have you seen my conditioner?"

"Which one?" I ask, looking at you over the book. "The rinsing one, the one you put on the wet hair, dry hair, revitalazing one, regenerating one or some other one?"

You're looking at me, confused. You probably didn't expect that I can remember it.

"Regenerating one" you reply.

"It's behind the washing machine, but there is a spider" I explain.

"Big guy and he is scared of a little spider" you turn aroud and go to the bathroom again.

"A man in his thirties and he has nine conditioners!" I bite back.

You wave your hand to confirm that you heard me, but you seriously don't care about it.

And it's the reason why the order in my heart is completely broken. But I wouldn't change this chaos named Kazumasa for anyone else.

The end

Wednesday 27 September 2023


Band: Anli Pollicino

Pairing: Shindy&Yo-ichi

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Series: Oneshot Challenge

Warnings: -

Note: Shindy is waiting for Yo-ichi on the train station and the wind is playing with his hair.

Shindy was standing on the train station and waiting for a train. But he wasn't going anywhere. He just promised Yo-ichi that he'll pick him up.

It was warm, but the wind was cold. It was blowing at Shinya's face, cooling his warm cheeks, blowing long hair. The wind was lifting leaves into the air and putting them in Shindy's hair, which was a little annoying for the vocalist.

He wrapped his scarf around his neck and sat on the bench. He was bored. Of course he could come later, but he prefered to be on the station a lot earlier, than being late.

He leaned on the bench and looked around. Trees were more and more colorful. Green almost disappeared from them. Everywhere was only yellow and red, eventually orange and brown. Some trees have lost their leaves already and they looked like dead bodies among alive souls.

Shindy trembled when he heard an advertisement, because he got lost in his thoughts. After a moment the train entered the platform. Shindy stood up and he tried to see Yo-ichi among crowd.

"I'm here!" he heard and at the same time he felt patting on the arm. He turned back and saw a guitarist, who was smiling radiantly.

"Hi" Shindy kissed him on the lips. "How was your trip to parents' home?"

"Awesome" replied Yo-ichi, giving Shinya a basket. "I have a salad and cake by my mum and my dad also gave us a tincture. So, what do you plan to do this evening?"

"We're gonna go home, eat the salad with rice wafers, which I bought. We can also eat this cake as dessert. After that we can watch some movie, drinking this tincture. What do you think?"

"Ideal" said Yo-ichi, as always.

A guitarist always agreed with Shinya's plans. Mostly because Yo-ichi's plans were always the same - watching anime and eating sweets.

The end

Wednesday 20 September 2023


Band: Alice Nine

Pairing: Saga&Nao (one-sided)

Rating: 17+

Genre: angst

Warnings: -

Note: And then Saga understood - he had no chance to achieve his goal.

"So, what do you say, Nao-chan? Can I live with you again?" asked Saga, shaking the glass with his drink and the ice cubes.

"No" replied Nao.

Saga choked on his drink.

"What? But how? Why?" Saga was shoked with his friend's refusal.

"We'll sleep in one futon again, where we'll be doing weird things" explained Nao. "Anyway, you're a grown up person and you can live by yourself."


"No >>buts<<" Nao shook his head. "Sorry, Sakamoto. Sometimes you have to refuse, when someone's using your politeness."

"Oh, right..." sighed Saga. "I'm sorry, Nao."

"Don't worry about it" Nao smiled. "So are we ordering next drink?"

Saga noded. He tried to take him out for months now to no avail. He hoped he could at least live with him again...

The end

Wednesday 13 September 2023


Band: Sadie

Pairing: Mao&Kei (one-sided), mentioned Mao&Mizuki

Rating: 17+

Genre: angst

Series: Oneshot Challenge

Warnings: -

Note: Some knowledge is just painful.

Kei knew that whatever happened at that comment was just a joke. Kisses for fun and fans' amusement. That's all.

He hugged his pillow. He wished Mao would kiss him for real. But he didn't feel anything towards him, unlike Keita, who loved vocalist for a long time now.

And Kei knew it very well.

He took the pillow with him and went to the kitchen. He took the beer out of the refrigerator and went back to his room. He sat on a couch and turned on the TV. He put the pillow on his knees. Ugio, one of his cats, jumped on the couch and layed down there. Tsuro, another one of his cats, layed on his knees. Kei opened the bottle of beer and took a sip.

Why do peple think that men can't be in one-sided love? Why this is considered unmanly? Why only women are allowed to cry themselves to sleep?

Maybe Kei didn't cry, but it was hard to him. He drank all of the beer in one go. He hated being hopeless knowing that Mao will never leave Mizuki for him...

The end

Wednesday 6 September 2023


Band: Alice Nine

Pairing: Nao&Shou

Rating: 17+

Genre: comedy

Series: Oneshot Challenge

Warnings: -

Note: Nao told this story in one interview. But how it really looked like?

When we arrived to the hotel, I was already tired. I went to the bathroom and I was shocked. The bathtub was so huge! Normally in our japanese houses or flats bathtubs were small. I decided that after a dinner I have to take a bath. Such chance can never happen again.

I returned to my room. I went to bathroom and took off my clothes. I folded my clothes and put it on the cupboard. I opened the taps, chose ideal temperature of water for me, added bubble bath and I went into the shower. When I left shower, bathtub was already full. I had to drain a little of water, because I didn't want to flood the bathroom.

I got into a bathtub. Bubbles had a scent of honey. I took a little from water's surface on my hands and blew it off my fingers. Yes, I haven't felt so calm and relaxed in a long time.

"Murai! What are you doing?" Kazuma went into the bathroom.

He hadn't noticed that nobody invited him. That nobody allowed him to enter the bathroom. It was Kazuma, in his case you have to be prepared for everything.

"You know what? I'm skiing" I replied, closing my eyes.

"This bathtub is so big" I heard, and then something hit the floor.

"What was that?" I asked.

"My shoe?" replied Kazuma and after a moment I heard a sound of flowing water.

Did he come to my room, because he wanted to take a shower or what?

No. He came to my room to take a bath. A few minutes later Kazuma jumped into the bathtub.

"What are you doing?" I blinked.

Yes, I wasn't prepared for so much strange behaviour.

"I'm skiing with you" explained Kazuma, leaning on the bathtub. "I was right, this bathtub is big."

I laughed. Yes, with this person you can't be bored.

The end

Wednesday 30 August 2023


Band: 168 -one sixty eight-&Moran

Pairing: Aoi&Hitomi

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Series: Oneshot Challenge

Warnings: -

Note: Aoi loves observing Hitomi's evening routine.

Silver moonlight is shining over you. You're sitting in front of a mirror, brushing your long hair. You hate, when they're tangled.

"Have I ever told you, that you're beautiful?" I ask, hugging you.

"You're telling me this everyday" you say calmly, slightly embarrassed. "And I think that you're too nice."

"I'm not" I don't agree with you.

You're smiling, hold my hand and kiss it. It's a silent agreement for my other hand to slide slowly down under your shirt and unbutton it.

"Sometimes I wonder how it would be, if I didn't know you" I took off your shirt and pick you up from the chair.

Your pale skin is shining under the moonlight again. It makes an illusion that your body is covered with silver aura. As if I could see a colour of your soul.

You're not protesting, when I'm pushing you on a bed. You want it yourself. You tighten your long fingers on my sweatshirt, which a moment later you took off of me. You're smiling naughtily, when I touch your body. I like your cat moves, even here, in our night world, where silver moonlight is only light.

You hug me, slowly calming down your breath. I'm looking at you tattoo and I think that it matches you perfectly. You are beautiful and fragile, even if you don't like, when someone calls you that.

"You should get a cat tattoo, Hitomi" I say, running my fingers through your hair.

"Why cat? What are you talking about, Shinobu?" you look at me.

"You know. You're beautiful and fragile like a butterfly, but pugnacious and independent like a cat" I explain.

"I don't like when people compare me to the butterfly."

"I know. But it's true, anyway" I kiss you on the forehead. "By the way, something happened? You're daydreaming a lot today."

"Soan's behaviour became weird, since he knows that I'm with you" you explain. "He's my best friend, but I think sometimes that he wants more."

"I don't think so" I shake my head. "I think that he's jealous that you have a boyfriend and you don't have time for him. And now he's not a first person to cheer you up. Soan is only a second choice now."

"So Soan just feels lonely?" you ask.

"Exactly" I nod. "Hitomi, I know that you love me, but you can't neglect your friendship with Soan."

"You're right" you nod. "I'm gonna go with him somewhere tomorrow."

"Smart Hito-chan" I smile and cover us with quilt. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight" you say, closing your eyes.

After a moment, we're falling asleep.

The end

Wednesday 23 August 2023


Band: D'espairsRay&D

Pairing: Karyu&Ruiza

Rating: 17+

Genre: comedy

Series: Oneshot Challenge

Warnings: -

Note: Karyu just wanted to relax, but he forgot that him and Ruiza had plans this day.

"Yoshitaka!" impatient Ruiza's voice rang in Karyu's ears. "Yoshitaka!"

"What happened?" his uke's yelling was even louder than the music he was listening to.

Making it unable to listen to a cool song that played now...

"We were supposed to meet Asagi today. Remember?"

Karyu sighed. Yoshiyuki was going on and on about it for a week and he forgot anyway.

"Sorry" Karyu scratched his head. "What now?"

"Move, we're going out" said Ruiza. "You know how much Asagi hates when people are late. In ten minutes I see you at the door or you're sleeping on a couch. Alone."

Then he left, leaving Karyu in a bathtub full of still warm water.

"Well, gotta go" Yoshitaka left the bathtub and whapped himself in a towel. "Or else I can forget about evening pleasures."

The end

Wednesday 16 August 2023


Band: Kagrra,

Pairing: Akiya&Shin

Rating: 17+

Genre: slice of life

Series: Oneshot Challenge

Warnings: character death

Note: It was Akiya, who was the one, under who's wings Shin could always hide.

But the tragedy happened and Akiya hadn't been the same since then.

You've always been the one who take cares of others. You protected me from Izumi, when he was mad, from Nao and his jokes and from Isshi, when I fought with him.

You covered me with your coat when it rained, and we didn't have umbrellas. You put your gloves on my hands when the temperature was below zero and I left mine at home. You covered me with a blanket while I fell asleep on the couch in the rehearsal room. You shared cookies without even asking me if I wanted one. You did everything you could, because you wanted to see my smile.

You were my companion, bodyguard, you sometimes even crossed the line. But I didn't care. Especially, when we were walking and holding hands, jumping over the puddles and running up the stairs. You were making something to eat and I was trying to choose a movie to watch on evening.

Our calm, schematic lives, even too beautiful lives suddenly ripped apart because of Isshi's illness. Because of it, our band stopped existing and Isshi went to the line between life and death. And he crossed it.

You were broken. This time I had to be your companion. I wiped tears from your cheeks, I hugged you, when you needed it, I bought you your favourite candies, because I wanted to see your smile again.

Some day I came back from the shop. You were sitting on the sofa and you were looking at our band's photo. It's been on a shelf for as long as I can remember.

"Thank you, Hashi" you said suddenly, when I was putting wafers into the basket for sweets.

"For what?"

"Thank you for taking care of me" you stood up and hugged me.

"You're welcome. It's something that loved ones do, right?" I smiled a little.

"Right" you kissed my forehead. "And I love you for that, Hashi."

"For what?"

"For existing" you said, hugging me more tight.

The end

Wednesday 9 August 2023


Band: ViViD&Alice Nine

Pairing: Shin&Shou

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Series: Oneshot Challenge

Warnings: -

Note: Formally they're Shou and Shin.

Unformally they're Kazumasa and Akihide.

And that's a fact.

Formally you call me "Shou-san" and I call you "Shin-kun". We smile to each other on joined interviews. Fans think that we simply just like each other. You admire me and I let you to do so. People think a lot of things. They think they know everything about us. Ha! That's a lie.

You open the door leading to the staircase. That knock off vocalist from Gazette passes us. We throw each other deadly stares, make a fake smile and you laugh, when Ruki is gone behind the door. Our cold war is always making you laugh. We go upstairs and stop in front of my flat.

"Are we staying here, or going one floor up?" I ask, and you pull my hand.

I let you go.

"What?" you look at me surprised.

"I'll feed my cats" I reply, I open the door, go to the kitchen and pour some cat food into the cats' bowls.

Then I come back to you, close my flat and follow you upstairs.

When the door closes, Shou-san and Shin-kun disappear and Kazumasa and Akihide show up in their places. All formality dies tragically between the kisses.

Even our bands don't know anything. They don't know I'm the bottom. They don't know you carry me in your arms...

Fomally you call me "Shou-san" and I call you "Shin-kun". But after work and in one of our flats you don't say "I admire you, Shou-san". You whisper me in the ear "I love you, Kazuma".

The end

Wednesday 2 August 2023


Band: Moran

Pairing: Sizna&Hitomi

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Series: Oneshot Challenge

Warnings: erotic scenes

Note: Sizna wanted more than Hitomi did. Or at least he thought like this.

He came to me as usual. He stood in a doorway, smiling and entered the room even though I didn't invite him. I didn't have to. He knew he was welcome anyway.

I grabbed him by his shoulders and kissed him. In a moment we were lying on the bed.

I looked into his deep and sad eyes, which were hiding the devil. I bent over him. He smiled again and started to unbutton my shirt.

Flame. Do you know what it means to burn with a fire? I had that feeling. I always have it. Always, when his fingers move around my body, exploring it, memorizing every fragment of it. Every fragment of my skin which is also on fire.

I pulled him closer to me and covered us with the bedsheet. I knew he'll run away when he wakes up. He always came just for the sex. He gave me his all then left and I was getting more and more addicted to him. And I loved him even more...

"Sizna?" I heard his voice.

He spoke. He wasn't asking for more. It was his normal talking voice, which he used on a band practice to talk with us.

"Something happend?" I asked and felt him shake.

"Can I stay the night today?" he whispered so quietly I hardly heard him.

Stay the night? He really wants to stay? I tried to decipher his question. I couldn't believe that he really didn't want to run away like usual.

"Hitomi" I leaned over him and kissed his cheek. "You could always stay even when you came here for the first time."

"So you..."

"Yes, I love you" I moved his hair from his face. "I wouldn't let you do so much if I didn't."

The end

Wednesday 26 July 2023


Band: Kagrra,&Alice Nine

Pairing: Isshi&Shou

Rating: 17+

Genre: angst, slice of life

Series: Oneshot Challenge

Warnings: character death

Note: There was only fog inside Shou's mind after Isshi's death.

Forest is hazy, dark and mysterious. Even though I enter it.

Tree trunks bend in the weirdest directions. I'm walking in the haze and I don't know where I'm going. I'm just looking for you. I need to find you.

I close my eyes, touching the trunks gently with my fingertips. I feel your smell. You're here.

I'm walking around the trees, I'm running in circles, I'm lost. Am I?

It's getting colder. I still can smell chocolate bars, nicotine and your perfume in the air.

Why can't I find you? Why? You're here, right? Right?!

My legs hurt. I don't know for how long I'm walking. An hour? Two? Even more? Maybe even nine.

I fall on my knees. I give up. You're not here. Tears flow down my cheeks.

Suddenly someone covers my shoulders with a coat. I look up. You look at me, smiling lightly.

"Shino" I whisper and you turn around and disappear between the trees. "Shino, wait!"

I run to you, wanting to catch you, but my fingers go through your body. You disappear and I wake up.

It was just a dream. You died and I will never see you again.

The only real thing about that dream were the tears. My eyes and cheeks are all wet.

The end

Wednesday 19 July 2023


Band: Moran

Pairing: Soan&Ivy

Rating: 17+

Genre: comedy

Series: Oneshot Challenge

Warnings: -

Note: It's cold and snowing outside. And Soan just hates winter.

Soan was standing next to his car. He was waiting for Ivy, who was still in the studio. He probably started some discussion with someone and before Soan is gonna see his happy face, a drummer probably will become a snowman. Yes, this day the weather decided that it's time to start Winter and it started snowing. Soan realized it after a moment - just after seeing a snowflake on his palm. A drummer sighed and got into his car. The snow was falling down more and more. Soan hated this season. He hated coldness. He came from Okinawa, cherries blossomed there in January and it was always warm.

Finally, after a few minutes, covered in white snow, happy bassist got into a car and smiled even more.

"It's snowing. Awesome, right?" Ivy was ultra happy.

Soan looked at him as he thought that Ivy is crazy. Very crazy.

"Snow is cold. I hate coldness" said Soan, starting a car and moving out from the parking lot.

"But in "Snowing" PV you were playing in the snow."

"Because I made a bet with Sizna. To this day, I regret it. I have been sick for two weeks, but at least I got two hundred yens and a beer" Soan smiled a little. "Which doesn't change the fact that if I had so many snowflakes in my hair, I would probably go crazy."

"They'll melt" Ivy waved his hand.

"With whom you talked in the hall again?" asked Soan, turning right.

"Hi-san stopped me" explained Ivy. "He gave me some interesting informations."

"Informations?" Soan was confused.

He stopped a car in a parking lot.

"You know, he knows you for twelve years now. He knows a lot about you" Ivy opened the door.

Soan made the same thing. It was snowing even more. He didn't like it.

"If Hitomi told you something that he shouldn't, I'm gonna kill him" said Soan, finally reaching the desired goal - the door leading to the staircase. A warm staircase.

"You want to kill your best friend? "asked Ivy, following Soan.

"It depends on what he had told you" replied Tomofumi, pulling the keys from a pocket. "He's known me since forever, so he knows almost everything about me. I suppose that even my ex-girlfriends know less."

"Exactly" Ivy smiled radiantly, taking off the shoes. "He also gave me some idea."

"What idea?" sighed Soan.

Hitomi's ideas usually started at dogs and ended on baking cookies, so he was sceptic.

"That I can warm you up" explained Ivy, kissing Soan.

Tomofumi closed his eyes. In fact, he wanted to offer it himself. He pushed the bassist gently on the sofa, sat astride him and smiled naughtily.

Yes, in fact it was Hitomi's idea, the Winter and snowstorm were good thing this time.

The end

Wednesday 12 July 2023



Pairing: Sorao&Jun

Rating: 17+

Genre: comedy

Warnings: -

Note: Jun is restless. As always.

Jun always liked to talk through the phone. When he called someone, he could talk with them for hours. That's why it annoyed him so much, when someone didn't pick up their phone. Especially since the last time he didn't pick up was a few months ago. Usually he also called back as soon as he could.

He was laying on the bed. Starring into the celling, he grabbed his phone and choose Sorao's number.

He didn't pick up.

Jun frowned. Sorao always picked up when he called him. He knew what Jun thinks about it.

"Maybe he's busy?" said Jun to himself, trying to call him again.

He didn't pick up again.

Jun stopped smiling. Two times? He didn't pick up two times?

"Pick up" Jun pressed the green button again.

He got dissapointed again.

Jun got restless. When Sorao didn't pick up again, he felt like throwing his phone.

Though when he heard the recorded message one more time, something started to feel wrong.

Jun got up, put on his shoes and jacket and went to see Sorao

He knocked. Sorao opened the door with a towel on his head, in his pyjamas and a bathrobe.

"Hey, something happened?" he asked, seeing the guitarist.

"Everything's fine. You didn't pick up your phone, so I started to worry" explained Jun.

Sorao started laughting.

"Jun, I was taking a bath. You're so impatient" he caressed his hair. "Come, I'll make you some tea."

Jun just stood there in confusion, but then he sighed and went after him to the kitchen. Next time he'll know he needs to wait before trying to call Sorao again.

The end

Wednesday 5 July 2023


Rating: 17+

Genre: criminal

Series: Oneshot Challenge

Warnings: violence

Note: The only story in this challenge not about jrockers, because I would feel guilty about putting them in this... situation.

He kidnapped me. I called him Dollmaker, because he made me his Doll. At first, he put a wig on me until my hair grew. I had to be the most beautiful man. I had to have pale skin and black, long hair. I had to have neat, painted nails. I had to wear dresses and patent leather shoes. I had to be a Doll.

In fact, days were nice, even if I couldn't go outside and I had to wear these lace clothes. Then night came and suddenly the Dollmaker remembered that I was a living human. And living people feel pain. He liked the pain. Both his and mine.

He always cleaned me after everything. With steady, gentle moves, he cleaned my pale skin with water. In fact, I liked these baths. It was a sign that the day started. They erased night's pain. They showed that the Dollmaker was, in some way, protective, even though he had done with me in bed whatever he wanted only an hour ago.

It doesn't mean that I didn't desire a freedom. I wanted to go outside, but every door and window were closed by a code which Dollmaker changed everyday. I've never been able to enter the correct one. 

"...is accused of abduction and physical and mental abuse..."

Yes, finally someone noticed that I exist and I'm not happy to be in the Dollmaker's house. I was sent to a hospital for a long time and then, I could go home. And then someone, who was some kind of fan of me, took care of me. I was the most important person for him.

I watched the blood trickle down my still pale wrist. Then he ran up to me and grabbed my wrist.

"What are you doing?" he growled, looking at my blood paiting my skin with some fascination.

Something woke up in him then. Something bad. Something that made him chain me by the leg to a bed in the basement and made him become the Wolf and me his Prey.

He loved my blood. He loved my tears. He loved my pleas for death. He loved it, adored it and couldn't do anything without it.

"...is accused of physical and mental abuse..."

And I was saved again. This time it was my Friend who realized that something is not good. He burst into that basement, breaching the door, cut the chain and carried me in his arms, which was not easy, because I was barely alive and slipping through his hands.

Now I'm calm. Dollmaker and Wolf are in a prison. My Friend has just made me a coffee and bought chocolate cookies. Since three years any scar didn't appear on my body. I just somethimes cry in the middle of the night, because of scars on my mind. But only sometimes.

"You won't eat cookies?" I ask. My Friend is surprised by that.

"You said the whole sentence" he says excitedly, then hugs me. "You managed to say the whole sentence."

I think that it's a praise. I like when he praises me. I know then that he's proud of me. I know that he's happy because of that. And when he's happy, I'm happy too. He's my Friend, who's touch doesn't hurt me, after all.

The end

Wednesday 28 June 2023


Band: Kagrra,

Pairing: Isshi&Akiya, mentioned Izumi&Shin

Rating: 17+

Genre: angst

Series: Oneshot Challenge

Warnings: character death

Note: After Isshi's death, rain matches Akiya's mood too much.

Beginnings are always hard, right, Isshi? Our wasn't easy too. We had to get used to the fact that this second person also walks around the house, takes the bathroom, takes food from the fridge and sleeps in the bed.

I've been always mad, because of your smoking habit. A lot of times I was taking away your cigarrete from your mouth, threw it on the floor and stepped on it, telling you not to do it. You laughed then, as if it was something, which you could ignore. But day after day you were smoking less and in the end you only smoked thrice a day. It was a some kind of success, after all.

I liked to play with your hair, which scattered on the pillow. You were looking at me, tired of my childish side. But then you were kissing me and I was suddenly forgetting about the whole world.

Everytime when I'm sitting on the windowsill and I'm looking at a world behind a window, I remember how you were sitting here all the time. I can feel your presence, when I touch the cold glass. I close my eyes and I remember that day in July. The raindrops are falling in some rhytm. I wonder what it would be like if you were still alive. If Miss Death didn't take you away from me.

My phone is calling. Right, Shin. I answer a call, even if I don't want to do it.


"Hi, Akiya. I just thought that we could go to the city. You're in home for a long time, we're starting to worry about you" says Shin, worried. "Me, Izumida and Nao."

"But it's raining" I notice, looking at raindrops behind a window.

I can hear silence in phone.

"It's not raining, Aki" Shin's voice is empty. "It's sunny and warm weather."

I blink. I look at a window and try to focus what my friend said. The rain is even stronger, black clouds hang over the city. The storm is coming.

"It's raining" I repeat.

"Please, talk with him, Izumida, I don't know, what to do" I hear Shin's voice and his ringing key rings.

"Hi, Akiya" says Izumi. "Go with us to the city. Nao said that he found some nice restaurant. Although Hashidani thinks that there is too much people..."

"It's true" says Shin in the background.

"...but I think that it will be fun."

"It's raining. We'll go, when rain stops" I smile a little, I don't even know, why.

I hang up. Raindrops are still beating on the windowsill. I was right, the storm rage and lightning are crackling. I wipe unnecessary tears from my cheek with my hand. Maybe if you were here, I would notice that it's really beautiful sunny weather, perfect for walking and going out with friends...

The end

Wednesday 21 June 2023

White Wine

Band: DIV

Pairing: Chobi&Chisa

Rating: 17+

Genre: comedy, romance

Warnings: erotic scenes

Note: Chisa always is less shy after a few drinks.

Chobi streched lazily and directed his steps to the bed. He wondered where exactly is Chisa. Well, he went to the city with Hikaru and Sana, but why he still wasn't home, even if it was after the midnight?

Chobi sat on the bed and wanted to ring to his beloved one, but he heard the sound of the key being turned in the lock. He got up and walked to the doors, which opened slowly.

Chisa leaned on the doorframe and looked at Chobi with a little blurry eyes. He was drunk, for sure. Seriously drunk.

"He didn't drink so much, relax" said Sana, who probably saw Chobi's face.

A drummer was holding the completely drunk Hikaru by the arm.

"I'm gonna go to Yui. But I should go home quickly, before our vocalist will start quarell at first o'clock".

Sana smiled a little and went down the stairs, pulling Hikaru with him. Saito probably wasn't aware what's going on with him and you could tell him that he's half-demon and has a daughter with his uke, because some sorcerrer made a mistake in a spell and men can giving birth, so he didn't ask and followed Sana.

Chobi sighed and dragged Chisa into the apartment. The vocalist even took his steps quite normally, so he thought it wasn't that bad.

"Hiroki" started Sachi, when he put him on the bed and took off his shoes. "You're gonna to take off my clothes?"

"Well, you probably don't want to sleep in jeans, right?" Chobi took off Chisa's pants and threw it on a chair.

"Nope. It's uncomfortable and a button sticks" replied Chisa, when Chobi took off his shirt. "Oi, Hiroki?"

"Yes, Sachi?"

"I just thought..."

"About w..." Chobi couldn't end his question, because Chisa grabbed his pajamas and pushed him on the bed. "Sachi?"

"You know, I'm already almost naked" Chisa's tiny fingers unfastened all the buttons one by one.

Sachi leand over Chobi, smiling flirtly, and kissed him.

Vocalist's lips tasted of wine.

Whine wine.

Sachi always was less shy after a few drinks. But Hiroki didn't have to agree to be time-limited uke. But he sometimes wanted to let Chisa be seme.

Well, even if Chobi was seme, he wasn't assertive at all...

The end

Wednesday 14 June 2023

Necessary Evil

Band: DIV

Pairing: Chobi&Chisa

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: melancholy

Note: Written after DIV's disband announcement.

It's never simple. Making such a decision only seems trivial. But it's just an illusion. Especially when you're working with people who are important for you.

Satoshi and Shougo are like brothers for me. But if I'm arguing with Satoshi all the time, what I can do? I can't be annoyed all the time. I can't lose my friend.

But I have to destroy DIV because of it. We had to announce our disband today. Oh, well. It's normal in this job.

And I would be okay with everything. With Lin, Kohaku and our other friends, who couldn't believe in it. With fans who shower us with questions and emails, full of despair. With Satoshi and Shougo, who are sadder than ever. But you know, I can't be okay with one thing.

I can't forgive myself that you are sitting on a windowsill, with head leaning on the glass and closed eyes. I can even see that you have tears in your eyes. You don't even have a cup of tea, for god's sake!

"Sachi?" I approach you slowly.

I hear you heavy breathing. You try not to cry. You try so hard.


You stop my hand, which I wanted to put on your shoulder. That's not good...

"I'm sorry" I say queitly. "I didn't want it. I wanted to depart. And you decided..."

"Our band doesn't exist without you" you say, clenching your fingers on my hand.

You don't know what to do. If you want to let me touch you or not.

"We did it together, Hiroki. We killed DIV. We killed our band."


"Stop repeating my name!" you let me go and almost fall from windowsill. "In fact, I killed it. With Shougo. But without you this band has no sense. Nothing has sense!"

"Don't yell" I say calmly. "Please."

"I just don't know, Hiroki" you loose your legs and looked at your feet. "I'm scared. Everything that I used to love, sooner or later... Disappears. Hayato said once that NEXX will last forever. And it's almost five years since it's disband."

"But what are you scared about? I was in a lot of bands. Wait" I grab your shoulders. "Do you think that if Chobi and Chisa won't be together, Hiroki and Sachi will cut contact too?"

You don't answer. You don't have too. I know everything. Besides that, your silence is the best definition of your feelings.

I sigh and hug you tightly. You are silly, you know? But I won't tell you that.

"Sachi, I love you, not Chisa. Don't be afraid, I'm not gonna go anywhere" I stick my fingers in your hair and close my eyes.

"Will you stay with me?" you ask and your breath blows through my shoulder.



"Don't be such a hopeless romantic" I laugh. "This isn't silly story by our fangirl, who is depressed because of our disband."

"She's probably just mad at you."


I probably finally calmed you down. I hope so.

But you laugh. So it's okay.

It has to be.

Because after bad things, good things are coming, right?

The end

Wednesday 7 June 2023


Band: DIV

Pairing: Chobi&Chisa

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: -

Note: Chobi couldn't sleep, so he decided to watch some TV series. He didn't expect that he wound end in the hospital, although not because of himself.

I couldn't sleep this night. I don't know, why. I was just laying, looking at the ceiling for a very long time and then I gave up.

I stood up, went to the kitchen and made tea for myself. I grabbed a cup with me and went to the dining room. I sat on the sofa and grabbed a remote. I wonder if there's anything but porn on TV at this hour?

I saw a rerun of a series that I once watched with my grandma a long time ago. I have already forgotten how ugly was the main character. And non-stop pregnant...

"No, Marie. He won't give you money, because he's gonna die in the next episode" I mumbled, looking at the protagonist, who was hopelessly waving her hands, because her boyfriend left her.

Oh, these soap operas. It's supposed to show daily life, but I have the impression that even if I were the protagonist of a sitcom, it would present more real life situations.

I sipped the tea and stared at crying Marie, who hugged that... Esmeralda? Yes, her name was something like that. But my brain thought that it didn't finish school to remember more from this soap opera's plot and turned the power off. Yes, I fell asleep.

I woke up, when someone's finger clenched on my arm. I looked at your frightened eyes and realized that I didn't have time for my brain to load.

"What happened, Sachi?" I asked, worried. You coughed and leaned on me.

"I can't stop coughing" you whispered.

You couldn't take a breath.


"Shhh, don't say anything, you're gonna make it worse" I said, taking the phone from the table and searching for a number.

After third signal, I heard Shougo's voice.

"Chobi, it's third o'clock, are you crazy?"

"Come here, it's bad" I said.

He probably woke up, hearing my serious voice.

"Give me fifteen minutes" he said and ended a call.

I didn't know if we have fifteen minutes. I could call Shougo, a taxi or an ambulance and it won't make a difference.

I covered you with a blanket and took you down. You were shaking from coughing. You didn't say anything else. Not because I told you to. You couldn't.

Shougo was in a carelessly worn T-shirt and sweatpants. I myself didn't look better in plain pajamas. But we didn't have a time.

Maybe if I was awake, I would panic more and wouldn't stay cool... Now I just gave you to the doctors, sat down on the chair and waited.

"Is everything okay?" I heard Shougo's voice.

I looked at him. He stood against the wall, leaning on it.

"Nothing is okay, but thanks for asking I replied. "Can I kill the guy who created asthma?"

"I don't know, why, but first person, about whom I thought, was Pandora, but she's dead already" replied Shougo. "But you know that it will be okay, right?"

"It's the first time when I see him in this state. I can't stand these first times" I sighed. "More than two years. Do yo believe it?"

"I believe" Shougo fluffed my hair. "And I bet that there will be more."

I smiled and closed my eyes. If I fell asleep in the waiting room, can I get the Clumsy Boy of the Century award?

It's morning. You're okay. You're sitting at the table with me and eating lemon croissants.

And everything is okay.

Until your asthma won't come back again.

The end

Wednesday 31 May 2023

Cold Water

Band: DIV

Pairing: Chobi&Chisa

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: erotic scenes

Note: Some vocalists are so talented that even under the shower they're still sound perfect.

Sometimes everyone needs a cold shower. Just because they want to calm down. After hard-working day, after a heatwave, after a concert, after a quarell...

But maybe a "quarell" is too much to say. Just a little squabble. Just a stormy discussion that couples have when they disagree on something.

He hesitated, keeping his hand over the hot water tap. His heart beating like crazy and he was a little dizzy. Maybe it wasn't squabble, maybe it really was the quarell?

He scolded himself in his mind. How old is he? Fifteen? He cares like a teenage girl after the first serious conflict with her boyfriend. And this quarell probably started, because she didn't know what dress to choose. Her impatient boyfriend said that blue one is good, because yellow makes her fat. And wow, it started like that!

He didn't know why their quarell started. He leaned on a wall and looked on the ceiling. Generic, grey ceiling, which used to be white in the past. They should make renovation. But hotel's owner probably prefers to make love with maids, not caring about painting the ceiling. Who cares about ceiling?

He turned on the cold water. Hot water, he figured, would do nothing. Water started running down his hair and arms, down his body, down to his feet.

He closed his eyes, humming "Story" under his breath. He didn't even notice when he started singing.

He stood there for a while, until the sound of something metal hitting the floor snapped him out of his world.

He opened his eyes just as he was pressed against the tiles. He probably would have screamed, but Chobi covered his mouth with his hand.

"Satoshi and Shougo would wake up. They're gonna start to make fun of us again" he said quietly. "Pretty concert, Sachi".

Chisa frowned and gently took off Chobi's hand from his mouth.

"How many times I have to tell you that you can't go into my bathroom".

"I don't know. But I know that you feel guilty" replied a bassist. "And like a bad person. And you have remorse."


"Cold water. You always do this" Chobi smiled, putting his arm around Chisa's waist. "I'm sorry."

Sachi blinked. Who shoud said that? Besides this... Chobi's body was warm and after taking a cold shower - even hot.

"It's okay" whispered Chisa. "Hiroki?"


"I wanted to take a shower..."


"But..." Chisa couldn't end his sentence, because Chobi closed his lips with a kiss.

Shougo woke up, after all. He stood up and went to Satoshi's room, because he wasn't a fan of the porn play.

The end

Wednesday 24 May 2023


Band: heidi.

Pairing: Yoshihiko&Kiri

Rating: 17+

Genre: comedy, fluff

Warnings: -

Note: A fick, where Kiri buys kigurumis and Yoshihiko has an existential crisis because of this.

Yoshihiko was laying on the bed and reading a book, when he felt that it suddenly got cold. He stood up and checked heaters. They were warm, but not as much as he wanted.

The vocalist rubbed his hands, went back to the bed and covered himself with the blanket.

"Hi, Yoshi" Kiri looked into the room.

He just got back from the shop.

"Is it still so cold that you're sitting under the blanket?"

"Yes" replied Yoshihiko. "I don't know, how many times I have to call to have heaters repaired."

Kiri sighed.

"We can always move to your place."

"But owner of my flat said that having the pets is forbidden" noticed Yoshihiko.

"Ugh, okay. But don't worry!" Kiri clapped his hands. "I bought something which we can use to warm up."

Kiri left for a moment and came back with a bag. He pulled out something and gave it to Yoshihiko. When a vocalist unpacked it, he saw... a kigurumi.

"Kiri-chan, what is this?" asked Yoshihiko, a little confused.

"Sheep kigurumi" explained Kiri and pulled out second kigurumi from a bag. "I have a cow kigurumi. Cute, right?"

"And we will be wearing this? Aren't we too old?" Yoshihiko frowned.

"Nope. Besides that, we'll be warm" Kiri smiled radiantly. "Please, Yoshi, just do it."

"Umm, okay" Yoshihiko sighed, resigned.

When they got changed, Yoshihiko went to make tea. He came back after a moment, gave Kiri his orange cup and sat next to him.

"You look so cute" said Yoshihiko, pulling Kiri's hood.

"You too" Kiri chuckled and hugged Yoshi. "Since today you're my sheep."

Yoshihiko smacked himself on the forehead.

"Alright, Kiri. You're impossible. But I love you for this" Yoshihiko leaned and kissed Kiri.

He loved him, even if Kiri was sometimes a little childish. And nothing can change it.

The end

Wednesday 17 May 2023

Behind a window

Band: The Guzmania&Acme (ex.DIV)

Pairing: Chobi&Chisa

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: -

Note: Chisa has been looking for someone, who can see him as him, not as a famous vocalist.

And he found Chobi.

In the past when I was sad or just had a bad day, I used to go to the kitchen, make myself some tea, then go back to my room to sit on a stove. I covered myself with blanket and looked through the window with a cup of tea in my hands.

I noticed back then that most of the couples, who  held their hands while walking were smiling. Just like the sole presence of the loved one made them happy.

Sometimes I turned around to look at the bed where sometimes one of my girlfriends slept at the moment. Some of them I loved and some I didn't love. Most of the time however the bed was empty and cold. Sometimes I would get up from the stove and hugged my loved one. Though most of time they didn't give me any reaction. At some point I understood that only bedsheets would cuddle with me, so I stopped to do this even if I really felt something towards that woman. Only the bedsheets are warm. Those women were freezing cold. Without emotions. They only saw Chisa, not Sachi. They didn't need Sachi.

And I'm sitting on the stove again, looking at the gloomy world behing a window. It's raining and I don't feel inspired at all. I'm tapping my fingers on my cup to the melody of "Rainy, rainy smiles". But I am not smiling.

"Out of ideas?" I hear coming from behind me then I feel you hugging me. "They'll come to you at some point."

I smile and close my eyes. You're warmer than bedsheets and the tea that went cold already. And you need me, not a rockstar. Sachi Kurihara, not Chisa the vocalist.

The end

Wednesday 10 May 2023

Spring Alley

Band: The Guzmania&Acme (ex.DIV)

Pairing: Chobi&Chisa

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: -

Note: Just a fluff about walking in the park.

Sometimes, when I'm walking through the city, I see couples. They're holding hands and sending kisses or sweet smiles to each other. I wonder, why they're not sick of it.

All I do is sigh. Still with my hands in pockets I'm walking through Tokyo's streets, having our home as destination.

And you're walking next to me, thinking about something as always. What are you thinking about? I don't know.

"Hiroki" you say suddenly, so I look at you. "Grab."

"Grab?" I'm a little confused. "But what?"

I think that you are a little embarrassed. As if you thought that your request is impossible and you fought with yourself in your head, because you don't want to force me to do the thing I can't do.

You're playing with your fingers and looking at me expectantly.

"I just thought that... Oh, nevermind" you sigh heavily and dive in your mind once again.

And I'm still confused what were you talking about.

We're still walking. We're in the park now. Cherry blossoms are flying on the wind and clinging to the passerby's hair. As if they wanted to catch them. Keep them in this park with them. Forever.

Suddenly I realize what were you talking about. And I realize that I am like that cherry blossom, who wants to keep someone with me forever.

You tremble a little because of shock, when my warm hand grabs yours. You clench your cold fingers on it. You look at me, smile lovely and laugh shortly. Probably because you know, what I think about these teeth-rotting couples, who we meet on the streets. But you know what? From the inside this situation is much differrent.

You start running, I don't know, where. But it's not important, because I would go with you wherever you want. Even to the world's end.

The end

Wednesday 3 May 2023

Kirei Yume

Band: Moran

Pairing: Soan&Hitomi

Rating: 18+

Genre: romance

Warnings: erotic scenes

Note: Hitomi's thoughts about Soan's body and his presence in his life.

Since I've known you, I wonder how it's possible that you are so strong. Especially when you're carrying me for the next time to the bedroom and putting me on a bed.

Your lips are soft and a little wet. I can feel a taste of strawberry bubble gum and nicotine. As always.

Our clothes are already on the floor. You'll pick them up tomorrow, fold into cubes and bring it to the bathroom. And I will wake up, feeling annoying coldness because you not lying next to me.

But for now, your fingers are running over my body, which gives me chills and a pleasant feeling of warmth. Too pleasant. I want to stop you a little, but you grab my hand and your fingers tighten on my wrist. You like my reactions. You won't stop. I know that I can't discuss with you at this point.

Can I compare your kisses to flower petals? Because if I can, your kisses are flaming flowers, which are falling on my body. From arms to thights.

And once again I'm going crazy because of you. And once again my world is spinning and in my mind I hear only your whisper. And once again my fingers tighten on the white sheet.

You look into my blurry eyes and brush my hair out from my face. You hug me, softly patting my head and kissing me on the cheek. I can live like this forever, hugging your warm body, diving in my thoughts and with confusion in the head. Without worries, without responsibilities, without sense of time.

And maybe you don't know it, but I like to watch you when you're asleep. You look so innocent. Your hair are scattered on the pillow, a faint smile wanders across your face, you breath calmly and steadily. And it's the moment when I realize how handsome you are. Not on the stage, in perfectly ideal outfit, not in the full make-up, not in some fancy haircut. But here, covered only with a quilt, without eyeshadow at all, with a few wet strands stuck to your face.

I smile tenderly and hug you, putting my head on your chest. You wake up for a second, put an arm around my shoulders and continue to sleep. 

Your breath gently caresses my hair and reminds me that you are alive. Sometimes I get the feeling that you live only for me. And I fall asleep, and although the dream is beautiful, it's not more beautiful than reality.

The end

Wednesday 26 April 2023

Like a cat

Band: Kalafina

Pairing: Wakana&Keiko

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: -

Note: "Keiko is like a cat - she walks her own ways, which only she knows."

Wakana was sitting on the sofa and drinking tea. She was looking at Keiko, who was walking around their changing room. Wakana has been observing her for a long time. She saved in her mind Keiko's long, brown hair, black eyes, shapely breasts, lolita dress in dark colors, emphasizing her slim waist and ending in the middle of her shapely legs.

Keiko was beautiful and Wakana had known this since forever. She also had feeling for her friend for a long time.

She sighed queitly, putting a cup on the saucer. Was her observation meaningful in some way? Was there some point in it?

"Waka-chan, come back to the Earth!" shouted Hikaru, leaning on armchair's armrest. "Something happened?"

"No, I was just daydreaming" Wakana shook her head.

"Okay" Hikaru pat her head.

Wakana chuckled and looked at Keiko.

Keiko didn't seem happy. She frowned and bit her lips. When she noticed that Wakana is looking at her, she trembled and smiled, but this smile was fake.

"Be right back, girls" she said, leaving the changing room.

Hikaru looked at Wakana, confused.

"Do you know, where she went?"

"I have no idea" replied Wakana. "Keiko is like a cat - she walks her own ways, which only she knows."

"Follow her then" said Hikaru. "Maybe she'll give you a map."

Wakana realized that she wouldn't be the special agent, if Hikaru could so quickly tell that she's in love with Keiko.

"Thanks, Hika-chan" Wakana stood up and left a wardrobe.

"Good luck!" she heard behind her.

Keiko was standing next to a barrier on the balcony. She was observing the scene, where she will sing in a few hours.

"Hi" said Wakana, joining her.

"Hello" replied Keiko.

They were staying like this for a moment. There was annoying and slightly awkward silence all around.



"Are you and..." Keiko cut her sentence, giving up to ask about something at the last minute.

"...and Hikari a thing? Nope" Wakana ended her question and answered it. "Why do you ask?"

"I don't know" Keiko leaned on her hand. "Do you want to make it a thing?"

"No" Wakana repeated again. "She doesn't want to as well, looking at the fact that she sent me on the quest."


"I have to find a map by following a brown cat."

"A map?" Keiko was confused.

Wakana grabbed her chin and turned her head to her.

"To her heart" Wakana leaned over and kissed her lips.

Keiko stood confused for a moment, but finally kissed her back.

They moved away from each other after a while and Keiko crossed her two fingers.

"I have red-painted fingernails, so it's okay" Keiko smiled radiantly.

"What are you talking about?" Wakana was confused.

"The X mark. You've reached your destination!" explained Keiko.

Yes, Keiko was like a cat - not only did she walk her own ways, but also did everything her own way.

The end

Wednesday 19 April 2023


Band: Moran

Pairing: Soan&Hitomi

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: -

Note: "After the last quarell, he didn't expect to meet Soan again."

Normal birthday concert. Everything had to be perfect. Hitomi runned around the changing room, searching for his jacket, hearing behind a wall Ivy's voice, who was talking with Vivi through the phone.

It was so strange. Year ago they celebrated his birthday with all five members. Sizna was  so drunk that Soan and Ivy had to walk him to the hotel and Vivi was giggling all the time, clinging to Hitomi's arm to keep himself from falling over. And when everyone was safely and peacefully in their beds, the door to the vocalist's room creaked softly. Hitomi opened his eyes and saw Soan with wet hair just turning the key in the lock. And he already knew that he wouldn't fall asleep soon that night.

And now Moran doesn't exist. And since three weeks his relationship with Soan didn't exist too. They pretend that everything is okay. For fans. But it isn't.

Hitomi threw his jacket on his shoulders and heard the doors opening. He didn't turn around. He wasn't interested who entered his changing room from all these people who he invited.

Maybe Lay, maybe Kaname, maybe Ivy... Or someone else.

Doors closed quietly. Hitomi heard that this person is a man, but he didn't had time to turn back and confirm it, because he felt hands on his eyes.

His heart stopped. He felt a familliar smell of nicotine and strawberry gum. But what is he doing here?

"Tomofumi?" Hitomi grabbed Soan's hands and turned around.

The drummer was smiling as always.

"I decided to be a surprise" he said.

"But..." Hitomi sat down on the sofa.

After the last quarell, he didn't expect to meet Soan again.

Soan sighed. He probably understood, what Hitomi was thinking about. Sometimes the vocalist thought that Tomofumi is a telepath. He always knew what others think. Especially Hitomi.

"I'm sorry, Hito-chan" whispered Soan, leaning over Hitomi and kissing him. "I know that I'm sometimes annoying. But please, don't send me to hell because of that."

"What are you talking about?" Hitomi grabbed Soan's arm and sat him on the sofa.

The drummer thought for a moment. It was obvious that something was on his mind. But Hitomi didn't have his skills.

"There are people who blame me for Moran's disbandment" explained Soan. "Hitomi... Is it my fault? Am I a hysterical manipulator? Does my soul only deserve to go to Hell? Am I the demon that destroyed our band?"

Hitomi blinked. He repeated these words in his head a few times and frowned.

"Who told you this? asked Hitomi.

His voice was trembling a little because of anger.

"My fans. Suppossedly" sighed Soan. "I wanted to know your opinion. Because... You left me recently. I wanted to know if everything is my fault. And if I shouldn't apologize publicly to Zill for the disbandment of Moran."

Soan frowned, when Hitomi smacked him on the forehead.

"For what?" Tomofumi looked at Hitomi, confused.

"You're the most precious person on this world. Nobody has rights to talk about you like that. And you shouldn't believe them. But this girl was right - you're a hysterical person. And this is the end of true things in her letter" explained Hitomi.

"You know what, Hito-chan?"


"I love you for this. You always know, how to cheer up someone" Soan smiled gently and kissed Hitomi.

It was only at this point that they both realized, how they had been missing it for these few weeks.

"Thank gods, you're together again!" Ivy, who had been standing in the door for a while, as Soan and Hitomi found out later, ran to them and picked them up from the couch, hugging them together. "Never argue again, or I'll bite both of you."

"Aibi-chan, what?" Soan laughed, but Hitomi only sighed.

Moran is no more.

But they still were friends. And nothing would change that.

The end

Wednesday 12 April 2023

Three months

Band: Kameleo&UNiTE.

Pairing: Hikaru&Yui

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: -

Note: Hikaru decided to make a bet with Kouichi.

It was one of Kameleo's first rehearsals. Hikaru and Kouichi left the studio for a moment. They wanted to try some coffee from the coffee machine.

After a while, the vocalist was standing with the paper cup in his hand and was waiting for Kouichi to get his coffee as well. And this was the moment, when the door to the room next to them opened. Another band, it was probably UNiTE., already ended their rehearsal.

"See you tomorrow" said tall, chubby man, who looked like teenager from elementary school, waving his hand.

He turned around, smiled to Hikaru and Kouichi, said "Good morning" and went away.

"His smile is cute" said Hikaru, sipping his coffee. "Who is this?"

"Yui, their vocalist" replied Kouichi. "Why do you ask?"

"He's gonna be my uke" explained Hikaru.

Kouichi laughed.

"Of course, Hikaru. And what else?"

"Give me three months" Hikaru crushed his cup and threw it into a trash can.

Becoming Yui's crush turned out to be a bit more difficult than Hikaru had imagined. But after sprinkling him with sweets and several visits to the mall, Hikaru was getting closer to his goal.

"Yui-kun~!" Hikaru ran to Yui, before their twoman concert and put a pink scarf on his neck. "I bought you a scarf~!"

Yui looked at him, confused. He grabbed a scarf and stroked it.

"Thank you, it's nice" he said after a moment. "But why?"

"Yui, silly boy" Hikaru leaned on the wall, targetting Yui from one side. "You seriously don't know, why?"

"Don't call me "silly boy", Hikaru" said Yui.

"Answer my question."

"You're hitting on me. It's obvious. But you're wasting your time" Yui looked at doors to the wardrobe and pretended that he doesn't see Hikaru.

Kameleo's vocalist laughed.

"Am I wasting my time?" Hikaru grabbed Yui's chin and forced him to look at him. "So why do you breathe faster?"

"Because you're not letting me go" replied Yui and trembled, when Hikaru put a hand on his chest. "What are you..."

"Your heartbeat is also faster because of that?" Yui could see mean smile on Hikaru's face.


"For you, Kai, I am Saito" Hikaru corrected him, he climbed on his tiptoes and pressed their lips together in a kiss.

And just as he had guessed, Yui didn't push him away. He even kissed him back. And his heartbeat was even faster than before, what Hikaru could feel under his fingers.

Meanwhile Kouichi, who saw everything, wondered how Hikaru could do this, because it meant that a bassist has to find in his wallet 100 yens, which he now needed...

The end

Wednesday 5 April 2023


Band: vistlip

Pairing: Tomo&Tohya

Rating: 17+

Genre: romance

Warnings: erotic scenes

Note: Because sometimes it's time for swapping roles.

You left the bathroom wearing only the bathrobe on your wet body.

You couldn't be even bothered to dry yourself with a towel.

I looked at you curiously. I never knew what you were going to do next, so I waited.

You sat on my lap. Water still dripping from your wet hair. You have no idea how attractive you looked back then.

You leaned over me and kissed me. You slowly took off my shirt and moved your fingers on my back. I shivered. I love your long fingernails...

"Toshi" I whispered, when you took off my belt.

You looked at me, thinking about what I want to tell you.

"Let me top."

You smiled victoriously, kissed me again and blowed on my neck.

"That's what I've been provoking you for, Matsu" you said seductively.

Still surprised by the fact that you were the one who wanted this, I brought you to the bedroom. If the night belongs to me, then I make the rules. You'd be fine with a couch, but I wanted to be able to move freely.

I took off your bathrobe and thrown it on the floor.

The next day Rui laughted and highfived me, when we were changing into our costumes. I knew that scratches on my back were a proof that you really liked it.

The end